My Friend Pedro Reviews

My Friend Pedro is ranked in the 83rd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
PC Gamer
Top Critic
81 / 100
Jun 24, 2019

Breezy fun that also rewards combo-chasing mastery. Barrel through the story once for a laugh, then replay the best levels until you are John Wick on a skateboard.

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8.5 / 10.0
Jun 20, 2019

Excellent action leads the way with My Friend Pedro, though there is little reason to return after its short campaign.

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Top Critic
No Recommendation / Blank
Jun 20, 2019

In the end, My Friend Pedro's two halves of the banana reveal the perilous balancing act of game design. The first half is a stellar example of how to build an action game, of how to engender a sense of creativity through the player's toolset, and how to bake seamless flow into complex and challenging environments. The second half isn't quite the opposite of that, but it tries much too hard to be clever, with humour that's less goofy and more edgy, and level design that's too exacting in its structure.

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6 / 10.0
Jul 8, 2019

My Friend Pedro is a fun little bloody romp that gets tripped up too many times by its frustrating controls

7 / 10
Jun 24, 2019

My Friend Pedro is a stylish and inventive arcade shooter that provides plenty of joy but isn't as groundbreaking as it initially seems.

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Top Critic
Jun 20, 2019

My Friend Pedro gives you the tools necessary to become an action hero

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4 / 5.0
Jun 21, 2019

Even with forty levels, My Friend Pedro can be beaten over the course of a few sittings.

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Jun 21, 2019

My Friend Pedro does let you realise the fantasy of conducting a bullet symphony while hanging upside down from a zipline, but like most fantasies, it doesn’t survive past the initial rush of blood to the head.

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7 / 10
Jun 20, 2019

My Friend Pedro, for the most part, delivers on its promise to provide you with an almost endless variety of ways with which to carry out the flashy brand of OTT violence that's had gamers eagerly awaiting its release. The controls can be cantankerous at times and the levels are far from being an eclectic mix, but it adds enough diversions to the action with light puzzling and platforming elements to keep things interesting enough to see through to the end. Also, your best friend is a banana.

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9 / 10.0
Jun 20, 2019

It's over too soon, but while it lasts My Friend Pedro is a unique, likeable shooter and some of the best fun I've had in a while.

8.4 / 10.0
Jun 25, 2019

A fine shooter that does great great a few things, while not trying to do anything new. It doesn't lasts long, but is extremely funny while it lasts.

Review in Spanish | Read full review

7.5 / 10.0
Jun 20, 2019

My Friend Pedro is an enjoyable score-focused shooter that is sometimes undermined by its level design.

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8.2 / 10.0
Jun 25, 2019

Put in a blender Matrix, Max Payne, kung fu movies, Shoot'em up, rag doll animations... and a lot of bananas. Then, freeze in a run & gun stencil. Serve chilled. It's not the perfect mix, but it tastes so good.

Review in Italian | Read full review

9 / 10
Jun 20, 2019

My Friend Pedro is everything I wanted it to be. Smooth, stylish gun play, powered by creativity that makes you feel like you're making your own action scenes in a movie. What's not to love? Pedro is love. Pedro is your friend.

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8 / 10
Jun 20, 2019

If you're a fan of the ol' ultraviolence, sentient pieces of fruit, attitude akin to that of games like Hotline Miami, or dizzying gorefests, My Friend Pedro is for you. Give it a look, and give the trigger a squeeze. You'll find it has quite the ap-peel.

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70 / 100
Jun 20, 2019

If you eve though that "Max Payne, but in 2D" would be great... Turns out you were right. My Friend Pedro is just that: a ridiculously stylish shooter with the right amount of absurdity to keep you engaged until the end.

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7 / 10.0
Jun 20, 2019

My Friend Pedro is a crazy, violent, and sometimes downright weird score-attack title. It's designed to be played and replayed in perpetuity, with the aim simply to master its wild action, wide variety of weapons and maneuvers, and over-the-top physics. As long as you're aware of what you're buying into here, you'll have a (double-barreled) blast with its gleefully unashamed anarchy.

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Jun 20, 2019

This game will certainly find a well-deserved place of love among the hardest of the hardcore. In fact, it’ll be great to witness a speedrun or two after the final release. However, for the general player, My Friend Pedro finds solidarity with a forgettable summer blockbuster.

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Attack of the Fanboy
by William Schwartz
Top Critic
Jun 20, 2019

My Friend Pedro is a hyper-violent ballet that you control.  DeadToast Entertainment takes players on an incredibly fun ride with the game's enjoyable combat system.  All good things come to an end though, and this one just ends a little too soon.

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Jun 25, 2019

With no pretence at character or plot, this stylish shooter rewards the most acrobatic sequences of killings in the best-choreographed ballet of havoc

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