Freedom Finger Reviews
Freedom Finger is awesome, especially if you're a shoot-'em-up fan. Even if you're the type to skip over cut scenes or aren't moved by the graphical style, the shooting mechanics are enough to sway you, since it plays around with the formula enough to feel different from everything else. Mix it in with a truly electric soundtrack, and you have a pleasant surprise of a game, and its only weakness is that it was released this year, which has had some really outstanding indie titles.
Overall I feel it was worth the experience, and I’m looking forward to replaying the game in the near future. If you’re down with often crass humor and underground music, Freedom Finger is a game that should be on your radar.
Grab a good pair of headphones, suspend your political correctness, and give Freedom Finger the chance to be experienced the way it deserves.
In the end, Freedom Finger is a unique, and solid shoot ‘em up. Those looking for replayability can go down different branching paths in the campaign and aim for high scores in arcade mode. They can even play new missions included in the day one update. Add in the wonderful visuals and a splendid soundtrack, this is a no brainer for fans of the genre.
When I originally caught this title at PAX I was drawn in by its sheer attitude, blending together some great voice acting, an abundance of perhaps crude but entertaining humor, and an absolutely kicking soundtrack...
Freedom Finger is a completely unexpected retro shooter banger. Its unique hand-drawn style, amazing soundtrack, highly offensive humour and various unique and clever gameplay mechanics all come together to deliver a beautifully anarchic ride through a madcap campaign that backs up its brash stylings with solid and challenging gameplay.
Freedom Finger is an enjoyable take on the classic shoot’em up thanks to its simple yet challenging gameplay.
I love that Freedom Finger sticks it, quite literally, to any expectations or tropes of the shmup genre. It's tough, puerile and loud, while being thoughtful, creative and satirical. The music is fantastic, the challenge rewarding, and its only real hindrance is the ability of your fingers and thumbs.
Freedom Finger is an amusing side-scrolling shooter with a challenge available for those who want it, and gameplay accessibility for those who’d rather not get frustrated with some of the later levels’ difficulty.
Freedom Finger is an edgy side-scroller that has heart. It is led by raw rock music and visual design while toting a typical side-scrolling shooter underneath. It's a good game that will definitely keep you challenged and amused.
Freedom Finger is a horizontal shooter that incorporates a humorous storyline and a hard charging soundtrack. This triple threat coalesces into a game that will keep horizontal shooter fans invested for some time.
While Freedom Finger isn’t likely to appeal to everyone – its political overtones can be a bit much, along with its difficulty settings – it’s a blast for those that invest. The graphics and audio are really something, the gameplay has tremendous value, and the extra goodies are worth checking out. If anyone gives you any guff over adding this game to your digital library, don’t let it get you down. Just give them the bird.
Taking its off-the-wall sense of humour into account or not, there's no denying that Freedom Finger is a great shmup in every sense.
An amazing soundtrack and clear art direction surround solid gameplay loops, resulting in Freedom Finger being worth the money…and that’s without paying too much attention to the mastery of Aesop Rock’s tracks.
Freedom Finger is fast-paced, over the top, side-scrolling shooter set to an eclectic soundtrack that makes the game feel like an interactive music video.
A surprisingly interesting and unique horizontal shooter, but it might be an acquired taste.
Freedom Finger is an enjoyable little indie that gets away Scott-free with things that might crucify a AAA title, and provides a few hours of tongue-in-cheek, utterly knowing humour at the same time.
Freedom Finger has some fantastic gameplay but its social and political satire is somewhat underwhelming.
As it stands this is a game that I picked up once and put down without any intention of coming back. Still, I loved the time I spent with it.
Freedom Finger is at best hit-and-miss. For every positive, there's also an obvious flaw, but that doesn't mean it's not still a good game. It's certainly not for everyone, primarily because of the offensive tone of the game, yet the moments that really do land and the cracking soundtrack make it worth playing.