Gears Tactics Reviews

Gears Tactics is ranked in the 89th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8.5 / 10.0
May 13, 2020

Gears Tactics takes the great third person pop and stop shooter, into a new turn based, tactical realm.

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May 10, 2020

I didn’t go into Gears Tactics expecting very much. Why would I? And yet really it makes so much sense. Those giant walking meat-slabs have jumped perfectly from their cover-based shooting to turn-based cover shooting. Splash Damage have done an outstanding job taking the foundations laid by XCOM and building on top of that before loading it all in a heavy, sweaty layer of Gears armour before strapping a Lancer to it. The lack of a more meaningful metagame between the action hurts it a little, but Gears Tactics more than makes up for it with it’s fantastically fun tactical plotting and in the way it lets you chainsaw Grubs in half. Which XCOM doesn’t. And really, isn’t that what we all want in life?

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8 / 10
May 6, 2020

Gears Tactics is a great fast-paced strategy game with cleverly designed systems to keep the player engaged. It won't go without its flaws such as mandatory side missions and some UI imperfections. It successfully innovates by the absence of the grid system which gives the player more freedom and makes for a better experience. Overall Gears Tactics is definitely a game worth playing.

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8 / 10.0
May 8, 2020

While re-establishing the brand into an entirely new gameplay loop will not only reaffirm Gears’ flexibility, but opens the door for its legacy to grow further. Gears Tactics is an industry changing realisation that marks an illustrious movement in gaming development.

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8.5 / 10.0
May 4, 2020

Gears Tactics has managed to capture the essence of the Gears franchise and move it into an entirely new genre. The fun and fast-paced tactics-based gameplay is perfectly mixed with all the hallmarks of the Gears series with very few downsides.

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8.8 / 10.0
Apr 27, 2020

It is time for a new Gears. Not for a Gears that we are used to, but a Gears that changes to something else. Splash Damage and The Coalition are in charge of bringing us this title set 12 years before Gears Of War. Of course, it happens on our beloved Planet Sera; and yes, this planet is almost ours as Earth itself.

Review in Spanish | Read full review

Apr 27, 2020

Gears Tactics' devs took a lot of inspiration and know-how from the XCOM series, but they implemented it so elegantly, it's not very bothersome at all. The visual style and atmosphere stayed very true to the original series, but the whole experience is compromised by repetitive forced side missions and weak RPG progression.

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Brad Baker
Apr 27, 2020

I really enjoyed Gears Tactics. Everything just comes together so well and without doubt, it’s one of the surprise packages of 2020. Cast it aside and discredit at your own risk Gears Tactics is a brilliant game that works as well as any other in the genre on almost every level.

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8.5 / 10.0
Apr 27, 2020

It's not always easy for the game development team to decide to deviate so much from one of their flagship products, but in this case the audacity has been able to pay off by offering a title that will not disappoint old fans but rather is destined to become a real must for lovers of strategy in general. The boss fights and variety of missions, as well as the whole lookout game, are additions that make the genre even more dynamic and fun that gives you a slight vibe of Starship Troopers. Comparison with other titles is inevitable but Gears Tactics manages to emerge and even lay the foundations for future projects that we honestly can't wait to try.

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8.5 / 10.0
Apr 27, 2020

Gears Tactics is a great fit for the IP and its gameplay complexity matches – and sometimes surpasses – that of other long-established IPs in the genre.

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Apr 27, 2020

The Coalition has taken the Gears franchise in a brave new direction into XCOM’s genre and executed it to perfection

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8.4 / 10.0
Apr 27, 2020

Gears Tactics is a must-play if you're a fan of the franchise or the genre

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8 / 10.0
Apr 27, 2020

Gears Tactics is one of the best tactical games on the market. It delivers a challenging and unique approach to the series. As for replayability, it offers hours of intense gameplay, fantastic boss fights and a large emphasis on an end-game modifier experience. You don't want to miss this.

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Apr 27, 2020

While it doesn’t quite have enough tricks up its sleeve to remain engaging throughout its 40-hour main story, it’s still a creative, interesting new take on the franchise that’s worth a look for any fan after something a bit different.

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Apr 27, 2020

Gears Tactics finds its niche by leaning further into the hyper-aggressive action and gore of the franchise. It throws tons of enemies at you, which forces you to move and keeps you on your toes, but can also become annoying and tedious in some missions. For a first-time outing though, Gears Tactics is a fantastic start.

8.5 / 10.0
Apr 27, 2020

Gears Tactics is turn based excellence, a strategy title that takes the Gears of War franchise in an interesting new direction.

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6.5 / 10.0
Apr 27, 2020

Ultimately, Gears Tactics may be inviting to someone who wants a bridge between robust strategy and high octane excitement. However, veteran strategy game players may find this game a shallow ride.

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Apr 27, 2020

The revolutionary cover-based shooter gets adapted into a turn-based game, that still gets the fun, the action bits, the chaos and the adrenaline that defined the series.

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8.8 / 10.0
Apr 27, 2020

Gears Tactics delivers signature over-the-top action in a brand new genre that not only works, but succeeds spectacularly.

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7.8 / 10.0
Apr 27, 2020

Gears Tactics successfully injects the brutal action of the Gears of War Series in a tactical environment with phenomenal boss fights and gory executions but runs itself in the ground with a repetitive mission structure and a lot of missing variety in many departments. Even newcomers of the Genre will soon have a desire for more.

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