Doom 64 Reviews
While it was already something of a relic when it launched on the N64 almost 25 years ago, Doom 64 remains a great example of just how refined a formula the series offers and just how good a job the late Midway did in the shadow of id Software. The lack of local multiplayer support still stings, even after all these years, but with support for motion controls on Switch – something Nightdive has already pulled off to a tee with its Turok ports – and the addition of a new DOOM Eternal-themed level, this is classic retro shooter that deserves a little more love.
An unfairly neglected part of the Doom canon is given the remaster it most certainly deserves, in what is one of the most welcome retro remasters of recent years.
Doom 64 is a game from 23 years ago, but even though 3D has changed a lot over the years, it's still a lot of fun and the new HD textures look gorgeous. Its format is perfect for short and intense games, especially on Nintendo Switch.
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Something that hasn’t aged quite as well are the shooting galleries. The enemy spawns feel too abundant on some levels, causing the gunplay to get a bit too monotonous. This is especially true on 'The Lost Levels' which are brand new bonus missions meant to connect “old” Doom to “new” Doom, but end up overstaying their welcome.
DOOM 64 deserves another bite at the apple, not least because it presents a clever and atmospheric twist on the classic DOOM formula that was previously thought lost to time. Able to stand on its own merits, DOOM 64 comes highly recommended to fans of both DOOM and retro shooters at large.
We are certainly not in front of the best of the Doom of the last century, but this does not mean that never as in this case, rediscovering the past and retracing it is important to fully enjoy a never so extraordinary present.
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Successful remaster of a great game: Even after 23 years, Doom 64 still plays incredibly fresh.
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Despite a few minor errors, DOOM 64 is still great 20 years later, and Nightdive's excellent port adds extra content to a game that is already worth your time.
As a forgotten entry in the DOOM series, DOOM 64 received some much-needed attention through its 2020 remaster. If you thought this was nothing more than a Nintendo 64 port, you thought wrong. This is a highly unique classic FPS experience, and the re-release brings it to wider audiences.
Doom 64 returns after 23 years to show youngsters how a space marine can slay hordes of demons.
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It’s perhaps the best of the classic DOOMs, if you don’t mind that its soundtrack doesn’t have tunes that you can tap your feet to, that is.
A faithful port for an atmospheric and grim classic doom experience that contains new levels and definitely worth the 5$ price point
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Doom 64 invites players to revisit this overlooked gem of the series, and either alongside Doom Eternal or on its own, is well worth the price of admission.
Its gameplay is refined and this port in particular cleans up its most egregious rough edge. The maps are as confusing as ever but being able to see where you're going makes it much more tolerable. If you're a classic Doom fan and have never played Doom 64, you owe it to yourself to pick it up. This just may be the best classic-style Doom.
Doom 64 is an impressive port of the forgotten son of the series.
DOOM 64 is considered a cult classic, meaning that the people who love it, really love it. The one writing this doesn't though. It is way too slow, tries to have a horror atmosphere (and almost succeeds), although it is in no way a horror game, and, most importantly, the level design is mediocre at best, as its more about flipping switches than killing demons. Those who loved the original will be glad to know that this a very good port, with FHD resolution and an improved frame-rate - just don't expect any new content.
While I’ve played many iterations of DOOM over the years going back to the original shareware the N64 incarnation of it was one that I’d missed out on...
DOOM 64 on Switch is a great package. It’s a very fun romp through a unique 32-level campaign that many fans will not have experienced before, and it comes bundled with six bonus levels intended to fill in the backstory between DOOM 64 and 2016’s DOOM (yes, you read that correctly). The game looks gorgeous, it plays wonderfully, there’s loads of content included, and you can play it where ever you like. Plus, with a price tag of $4.99 it’s well worth the cost of entry even just as a curiosity, but I suspect that once you step inside you’ll be hooked.
It's classic Doom at its best, but also something else --an old school shooter that also tries to do new stuff.
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A little piece of video game history that comes back to life after several years of exclusivity, perhaps more than necessary. This new release also features exclusive content and visual enhancements that offer a pretty decent result by today's standards. It would be a real sin to ignore DOOM 64.
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