Maid of Sker Reviews

Maid of Sker is ranked in the 28th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
No Recommendation / Blank
Jul 28, 2020

An effectively eerie backdrop is undone slightly by frustrating stealth in this enjoyable indie horror game.

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Top Critic
Jul 28, 2020

That said, the atmosphere, mystery, and overall feel of the game offer enough of a reason to see things through to the end, and, though it will primarily appeal to horror fans, Maid of Sker is definitely worth checking out.

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Top Critic
4 / 10
Aug 3, 2020

Though Maid of Sker has an intriguing premise, it is very often a frustrating chore to play.

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Jul 28, 2020

Maid Of Sker is more frightening when it’s not trying to scare you.

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5 / 10.0
Aug 2, 2020

Maid of Sker has an interesting story based on the House of Sker folklore. The use of binaural sounds is extremely well done but is let down by its reliance on jump scares and repetitive sound effects. The holding your breath mechanic does help and adds an extra layer to the survival aspect.

Josh Wise
Top Critic
6 / 10
Jul 31, 2020

The designs of Elizabeth's family aren't so much foreshadowed as foreshouted, and the plot soon wavers off-key and winds up shipwrecked. But something about it hangs around, like the hum of an unsettling tune.

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7 / 10.0
Jul 28, 2020

A good horror game with several RE7 inspirations and, at the same time, a very simple way to make us feel scared. Great experience even with the technical difficulties.

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Top Critic
7 / 10
Jul 28, 2020

Maid of Sker is a great addition to the survival horror genre and offers a wonderfully intimate and local threat that takes its influences from Welsh folktales. Eschewing the combat and weaponry of many entries into the genre, its gameplay loop of sneaking and hiding proves compelling and successfully manages to keep you feeling in danger at all times. When you add in some excellent sound design and atmosphere you have a Victorian horror that deserves a rousing reception. There may not be a welcome in these valleys but this is one vacation that genre fans should have no reservations about taking.

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7.2 / 10.0
Jul 28, 2020

Maid of Sker - in some ways - could be described as a sort of Resident Evil 7 without weapons. A dilapidated house full of puzzles, the backtracking that repopulates deserted areas at first and the general atmosphere, have brought to mind several times the Capcom adventure. Clearly, the technical side pays the price for an immeasurably lower level of production, but in the same way it outlines the strength of its own qualities. Maid of Sker, however, is all about stealth, and while it gives us some tools to distract or block enemies, it doesn't stray far from its initial structure. Had it not been for a dark, kneaded aesthetic and some rather unfortunate game choices, we'd have a little classic on our hands.

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7.5 / 10.0
Jul 28, 2020

Hotel Sker may have seen better days, but it's well worth a visit for fans of the horror genre. The hotel is interesting to explore and rewards players who take the time to unravel its secrets. You feel constantly in danger not knowing where the next threat is going to be but knowing you can't defend yourself. No, there's nothing really new here, but that doesn't matter if you just want to sneak around a Victorian hotel where the welcome is less than inviting.

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59 / 100
Aug 10, 2020

There’s a genuinely good- even great- idea here but the gameplay and execution let it down, and the marketing cared more about selling something unique than selling something accurate. I got something close to what I ordered, but not quite close enough for me to want a second helping.

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Jul 30, 2020

Impressive gothic horror abounds.

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6 / 10.0
Jul 30, 2020

An excellent premise, a compelling narrative, and an effective atmosphere of dread are scuppered by muddy visuals, an antiquated save system, and stilted gameplay mechanics lacking in new ideas. Multiple endings reward those who persevere though, so fans of folk-horror should sample the wares within Sker Hotel, but for most the game will feel stuck in the past.

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Top Critic
8 / 10
Jul 28, 2020

Maid of Sker is a very beautiful and interesting adventure with horror elements, which suffers from unkillable opponents and several strange design solutions. The sound and graphics create an incredible atmosphere that should please all fans of the genre.

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7.3 / 10.0
Jul 28, 2020

Maid of Sker comes with all the features of a good survival-horror game, such as a well-designed eerie location, a great atmosphere, an engaging story, fearsome enemies, well-implemented 3D audio and the right amount of scares, but it does not try to break from the mold of the Resident Evil formula in any significant way. The lack of any real innovation may put off some, but if expectations are kept in check, Maid of Sker can provide a few hours of enjoyable horror fun.

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8 / 10.0
Jul 28, 2020

Maid of Sker proves an enjoyable survival horror to play in one breath, paying particular attention to the care with which the story was developed. The presence of two different finals also highlights the intent to take it a step further, although it concerns only one choice during the final beats of the game. The fans of the genre will certainly appreaciate it. Make sure you give it a chance.

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5 / 10
Jul 28, 2020

Maid of Sker may be this developer's best attempt at horror yet, but it still falls short of something actually worth playing.

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5.5 / 10.0
Jul 28, 2020

Interesting story beats can't overcome the fact that Maid of Sker looks and plays like a frustrating game from an earlier era.

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7.5 / 10.0
Jun 4, 2021

‎Maid of Sker is an interesting game, a Survival Horror that tries to gain an audience with a little-worked next-gen conversion, but with a lot of room for enjoyment. In addition, it is not the most terrifying game in the Xbox Series catalog and I appreciate that, because the scare and tension are sometimes valued above the terror, which can directly scare more than one person with a weak heart.‎

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6.5 / 10.0
Aug 9, 2020

Overall, Maid of Sker qualifies as a discreet experience. With suggestive and intriguing initial premises, the narrative sector pays for the choice to unveil its cards too soon, which reduces the push to proceed with the exploration of the decadent Sker Hotel. Even the sense of disquiet transmitted by the Quiet Men unfortunately wanes during the adventure, mainly due to an easy-to-read AI. Implementing more firmly the excellent dynamics related to music and the need to decipher ambient sounds could have given Maid of Sker more character, for a potential that in our opinion remains expressed only in part.

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