Xuan-Yuan Sword VII Reviews

Xuan-Yuan Sword VII is ranked in the 67th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
7.5 / 10.0
Oct 6, 2021

While never having played a Xuan Yuan in the past, I can confidently say they have a new fan. As I stated above all of the talking, and explaining can turn off some folks, those that stay will be in for quite a thrill ride of a story full of Chinese mythology, politics and epic fights. While some of the translation is off during the script and on some combat abilities it was never enough to break immersion. The words that popped up were always close enough, that I was able to understand what was going on in the scene.

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82 / 100
Sep 30, 2021

If there’s a sticking point to really enjoying Xuan Yuan Sword VII, it’s that not everyone will respond to its pace and insistence on story and character over action. While its mythology, history and politics are firmly rooted in Chinese culture, this 20-hour family drama is moving, universal and entirely relatable, and its action is rewarding. For those with patience, Xuan Yuan Sword VII is a unique and memorable action roleplaying game experience.

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7 / 10.0
Sep 30, 2021

I had plenty of fun with Xuan Yuan Sword 7. Though I wish the story would have been a little more engaging, the fun yet straightforward combat and exploration kept me going until the end, that said the game does suffer from some lousy difficulty spikes and forgotten mechanics that are introduced early on. It's the seventh core title in the franchise, and I'm hoping it's not the last one to make it to western shores.

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Top Critic
7 / 10
Mar 31, 2021

Xuan-Yuan Sword VII offers a dramatic story based on chinese mythology. Of course, the drabness of battles and long roads to some places can be tiring in the final part of the game, but in general, Xuan-Yuan Sword VII deserves an attention.

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Generación Xbox
Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Oct 18, 2021

A interesting chinese aproaching to ARPGs. The combat is fun and frenetic.

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6 / 10.0
Nov 9, 2020

Xuan-Yuan Sword VII suffers from a weak story, and a poor translation. Despite this, there is a lot to love for ARPG enthusiasts.

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Oct 8, 2021

I had a great time playing Xuan Yuan Sword 7 and can only hope that Western gamers will get the chance to experience more games in the series at some point. We’ve clearly been missing out on a compelling series if this entry is any indication! It might not have reinvented the action RPG wheel, but Xuan Yuan Sword 7 is a well-rounded and incredibly solid take on the genre with a phenomenal story at its core.

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8 / 10.0
Sep 30, 2021

With Xuan Yuan 7’s action, story, and various systems all clicking into place so well, Domo Studio has given the world a truly superb video game.

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75 / 100
Oct 16, 2021

Xuan Yuan Sword 7 is a welcome surprise. If its combat ends up leaving something to be desired and prevents it from reaching a level above, its story easily places it in one of those experiences that entertain the player, even with its issues.

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6.5 / 10.0
Oct 8, 2021

Overall, Xuan Yuan Sword 7 is a completely mediocre game. That isn't to say it can't be fun or doesn't have strong moments, but somehow, none of what it does really stands out. It's interesting to see a long-running franchise finally get its chance to shine outside of its home country, but Xuan Yuan Sword 7 doesn't do enough to set it apart from the crowd. There are a lot of interesting ideas here, and I look forward to seeing what the next entry shows off.

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8 / 10
Oct 2, 2021

Despite these missteps, Xuan Yuan Sword 7 surprised us with just how fun it was. It harkens back to classic adventure games from the early '00s, filled with all the charm of that era. Sometimes it's refreshing to play a game that knows exactly what it wants to be and accomplishes it with very little getting in the way. While there are some localisation issues, some presentation problems and a lack of challenge in its combat, we do hope Xuan Yuan Sword 7 finds an audience in the west, as it would be a shame not to see how the next entry can build upon these solid foundations.

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Oct 1, 2021

Xuan-Yuan Sword VII is an exceptional game, and a compelling example of how Taiwanese RPGs will be able to add to the narrative and thematic depth of the genre as a whole. The gameplay might be a little derivative, but that narrative, coupled with the gorgeous art and refined gameplay, make this one that you shouldn't let slip under your radar.

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4.5 / 5.0
Jun 16, 2024

Xuan Yuan Sword 7 is a lot of fun and it ended up being exactly what I was hoping for.

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7.5 / 10.0
Jun 2, 2024

Xuan Yuan Sword 7 combines a compelling narrative with solid combat mechanics. Though the Switch version has the expected graphical limitations, it delivers a reasonably stable frame rate and a satisfying experience. For those who didn't have the opportunity to check the game out on other systems, it's worth it to dive into this journey on Nintendo's hybrid system.

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7 / 10.0
Jun 5, 2024

Xuan Yuan Sword 7 is a decently solid action RPG that stands out with its rich narrative, deeply intertwined with Chinese history and mythology. The game’s masterful blend of historical elements with fantastical storytelling crafts a unique and compelling experience that is both engaging and thought-provoking. Xuan Yuan Sword 7 offers players a journey filled with mystery, adventure, and the timeless struggle between chaos and order. Its narrative depth and cultural richness make it a memorable experience for fans of the genre and those intrigued by ancient Chinese lore.

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7 / 10.0
Nov 19, 2021

Xuan Yuan Sword 7 is the series' second entry in the West, denoting a clear and concrete growth of its peculiarities. For us it's clear that the saga is on the right path to becoming a heavyweight, with the ability to easily face the most recognized RPG's that are deeply enshrined in the video game market. Certainly there are some flaws, but overall they have little impact on the transmitted experience. With a pleasurable plot to discover and surpass, its virtues left us delighted and clinging to the command!

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5 / 10.0
Nov 17, 2021

It’s a shame that this game locks what good content it has behind a boredom-wall of turgid cutscenes and pointless, button mashing combat. It isn’t a long game, with around 20 hours of content, but it feels like it could have been a stronger contender if a lot had been cut and a more interesting, better paced story had been presented as the hook. Everything it does well can be found better elsewhere, and, while I haven’t played it myself, the reception to the series’ own first translated title The Gate of the Firmament is far, far more positive

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7.5 / 10.0
Nov 2, 2021

If you are looking for a different Action RPG, and you are able to forgive a technical section and some somewhat archaic mechanics, you will find a very enjoyable work thanks to its fun combat system, entertaining story and excellent setting.

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3.5 / 5.0
Oct 19, 2021

Although there’s a lot to like about this latest release, some key issues still keep it from truly excelling and gaining as strong of a foothold in the west as it would otherwise be capable of.

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7.5 / 10.0
Oct 13, 2021

Despite its flaws, I really enjoyed my time with Xuan-Yuan Sword 7. Being able to play a game set in ancient China was a breath of fresh air. There’s so much rich lore and mythology surrounding that culture, which has been largely underrepresented in the West.

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