Biomutant Reviews

Biomutant is ranked in the 30th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
7.5 / 10.0
Sep 6, 2022

Even a year later, Biomutant still left us impressed in just about every area. From the adventure to the world and its history to the characters and quirks, Biomutant remains a compelling title. That said, the PS5 iteration doesn't feel that ambitious. The positives, such as an increase in fur and its interactions with the world, come with divisive negatives, like level of detail pop and controller features. It's still a good title for those who haven't played it before, but if you've already finished the game, you'll be thankful that you don't need to pay more for a marginally improved experience.

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Top Critic
5 / 10
Aug 18, 2022

The open-world aspect of Biomutant did more harm than good, with the gargantuan, post-apocalyptic realm this heroic, mutated rodent will explore being mostly an empty one, and with the rest of the experience being repetitive and unpolished. More of a disappointment rather than a bad game, try it out only if willing to spend around many fun, but not that fun hours.

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Saudi Gamer
Top Critic
7 / 10
May 24, 2021

A lot of ideas and a decent amount of variety, but its lack of polish means there's no single aspect that elevates the experience beyond being an ok one.

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Jun 28, 2021

Biomutant has a sizeable number of flaws. It feels as though the developers wanted to incorporate too many great ideas, and as a consequence, left the game unfocused and unfinished. Many players could overlook the weak combat and storytelling, (exploring the expansive world is enjoyable for a time) but the price tag makes the game impossible to recommend on release. $60 is too much for what amounts to an early access indie game.

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8.3 / 10.0
May 28, 2021

For me with more than 60 hours of playing the game and 100% completion of the game, Biomutant is one of the best open world action RPGs of recent years. It really surprises me with its beautiful world, level up elements and so many beautifully designed creatures, for reaching every part of the world and its "World Eater", you must first prepare yourself with proper vehicle and equipment that made the game so much fun. Of course the game has some issues like some elements in battle system and balance of the weapons, but its many strong aspects completely overshadow these issues and make Biomutant a very enjoyable game, I hope gamers know the value of this huge action RPG that made by an small team, because creating such a beautiful huge game by an small team, makes it double worthy and we should encourage them to make more games like Biomutant. If you like action RPGs, Biomutant can give you really enjoyable hours.

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8 / 10
May 27, 2021

Biomutant has a lot of heart, and really tries to put out some new and exciting ideas, but eventually fails to execute them in the best possible way. It's still a fun game to play, and can become a big franchise, but the devs need to find that killer idea and shift their focus on it.

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8 / 10.0
May 25, 2021

Cute post-apocalyptic Kung-Fu world with lovely creatures. You just have to love it.

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7 / 10.0
May 24, 2021

For a first game, it is not bad. Some things can be improved, but you can lose yourself in the game world and you will have fun with it. Despite the flat jokes and repetitive secondary quests, Biomutant is a game worth a try.

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5 / 10
May 24, 2021

Much like the character you create, Biomutant feels like a Frankenstein creation of various ideas. Some are good, some are bad, but the end result is a misshapen product which feels messy and buried in its own ideas. Areas of the game that should have received more attention - like it's quest design - feel relatively barebones, while others feel overly complex. The repetitive nature of looting, levelling up, and looting some more never truly evolve and make the beautiful world often feel lifeless. We really wish we loved Biomutant, but unfortunately, it's a game with many ambitious ideas, but lacks the conviction to fully utilise them.

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7.2 / 10.0
May 24, 2021

‎Biomutant is a game that has a good base in almost all its sections, but that does not get any of them polished to 100%. It gives the feeling that, with a little more time to polish certain aspects, the game developed by Experiment 101 could have become a real must-have for Action-RPG lovers.‎

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7 / 10.0
May 24, 2021

Biomutant is a very extensive production that encourages combat, but rejects underworked elements. Some will positively surprise, but the next strongly reject.

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5.8 / 10.0
May 24, 2021

Simply put, Biomutant is and enjoyable but medicore RPG that tries to bite more than it can chew. It has good ideas and a beautiful open world, but it fails at execution. Experiment 101 showed they have great talent, and I think their next project can be great. Sadly, Biomutant falls short.

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Oyungezer Online
Erce Güven
Top Critic
6.5 / 10.0
May 24, 2021

Biomutant is a unexceptional but enjoyable open world role-playing game. It doesn't offer many different things, but it doesn't make you regret the time you spend on it either.

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8.5 / 10.0
May 24, 2021

Biomutant feels like Rocket Raccoon meets Kung Fu Panda meets WildStar’s Chua class – in all the best ways possible.

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7 / 10 stars
May 24, 2021

Biomutant doesn't deliver on some of its more interesting promises, but its earnest, bizarre world is still a joy to get lost in.

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8 / 10.0
May 24, 2021

Biomutant is a great game for RPG lovers which blends different ideas inspired by multiple games. Even though the graphics aren't the best, but the variety of gameplay and interesting main and side quests make up for that. Overall Biomutant is a game worth playing and even replaying that RPG fans will enjoy.

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Иван Бышонков
Top Critic
4.5 / 10.0
May 24, 2021

Biomutant became a victim of its own ambitious. This is a painfully boring open world game with many unnecessary mechanics and "more stuff, less quality" approach.

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75 / 100
May 24, 2021

Biomutant is a charming entry into the open world space. The anthropomorphic creatures that inhabit its world are easy to love, the excellent narration of the story fills its world with character, and the combat is fluid, fast, and deadly. If you're a fan of open world games and want to experience a new setting, it's an easy buy. Just be warned that you'll instantly recognize many of its gameplay loops, and not in a good way.

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80 / 100
May 24, 2021

The extreme focus on exploration and a good system of choices and consequences stand out in what Biomutant delivers. The title is still extremely competent in combat, in the use of different vehicles and in the creation of its universe, but there was a lack of polish in the technical part and in a more captivating story.

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Digitally Downloaded
Matt C.
Top Critic
May 25, 2021

Biomutant's concept of a colourful post-apocalyptic kung-fu adventure is an intriguing one, and when all the pieces come together, it can be a riveting ride.

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