Wildermyth Reviews

Wildermyth is ranked in the 93rd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Jul 16, 2021

Indie RPG Wildermyth aims to combine the best of storytelling with the best of procedural generation and succeeds, thanks to great writing, solid tactics, and some very clever design decisions.

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Jul 9, 2021

Years pass as tales are written in this dazzling game of tactics and narrative, choices and memories.

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PC Gamer
Top Critic
90 / 100
Jun 15, 2021

Narrative design as genetic engineering, it will live in your head like an imaginary friend.

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8.8 / 10.0
Jul 26, 2021

Wildermyth expertly gives players stories to explore with choices that have a significant impact on gameplay. If you like tactics games or tabletop roleplaying, Wildermyth is not to be missed.

Aug 24, 2021

In a recent session, I had a rival pair, and one of them was slain by the final boss in the last turns of the entire game. I was presented with an option to either allow them to slink off the battlefield with a career-altering wound or have them strike out with their dying strength, dealing massive damage and sealing the victory. I weighed my options and had them take out the boss. What better way to end a rivalry than by saving the world?

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9 / 10.0
Nov 11, 2024

Wildermyth is quite simply different to anything else I've played, and feels genuinely compelling and charming at the same time.

Jul 2, 2021

Witty writing, evocative art and engrossing battles combine in a wonderful homage to classic tabletop games

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Oct 21, 2021

Overall, Wildermyth borrows elements from well-known tabletop games, and for all its stumbles, implements them with relative sophistication. It's an ambitious delve into an engaging fantasy world and a player-driven series of stories at its core, creating a customizable framework with almost endless potential. It's worthwhile to dive into for any player looking to find an online alternative to D&D, and thoroughly captivating whether playing alone or with a group.

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85 / 100
Jul 3, 2021

Overall, Wildermyth is a fantastic addition to the CRPG genre that shows how great procedural generation can be when used smartly. I would highly recommend this game for anyone who is a fan of TTRPGs, maybe even with a couple of friends if your playgroup has been looking for something new to tackle.

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8.6 / 10.0
Jun 29, 2021

Wildermyth is the best turn based strategy game out in the latest months, and also a great RPG. I would have preferred a unique big campaign rather than small stories that aren't even that tied together, but smaller episodes could be more attractive to a casual audience. Artistically beautiful to the eyes, with a very particular style, capable of keeping you glued to the monitor for a long time, although there isn't that much to do when we aren't engaged in turn-based combat. To be played at a high difficulty level, turning the game into an epic chess battle.

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9 / 10.0
Oct 28, 2024

Wildermyth is one of the best turn-based RPGs I've ever played. Immersive storytelling, brilliant pacing, and simple yet complex gameplay makes this one addictive game. It's so good that not even a save file bug could turn me away from it. Don't miss this one.

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RPG Site
Top Critic
8 / 10
Dec 13, 2021

Wildermyth's procedurally-generated storytelling is genuinely impressive, and its tactical combat is solid, petting together a novel table-top-like RPG experience.

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85 / 100
Oct 29, 2021

Wildermyth is a fun storytelling game with a ton of possible variance between playthroughs. The stories you make with the game can be very interesting, though it has a tendency to repeat itself a little too frequently.

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Jul 6, 2021

Despite my grievances, this is a competent, tightly developed game. I would argue it’s played even a little too safe. Although a genuinely enjoyable experience, I am shocked at the lack of surprises or variety in storytelling and gameplay. This is a perfect example of a game that needs more time in the oven. I can’t imagine the developers will leave this project behind anytime soon, but I certainly hope updates are free and don’t come in the form of paid DLC — at least for a little while. Wildermyth feels unfinished, but the core is sound.

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Łukasz Kosowski
Top Critic
8.5 / 10.0
Sep 8, 2021

Wildermyth is my personal game of the year. Sure, the final grade may not suggest that, but I just know that I’ll be returning to this world many times. It’s not perfect, but its strength lies in a simple concept, tons of meaning hidden between the lines and a lot of charm that stole my heart. I want more surprises like this!

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9 / 10.0
Jun 20, 2021

In Wildermyth, you lead your (sometimes) merry band of adventurers through the usual caves, canyons, and forests. But also, through love, loss and slowly turning into crows. In the world of Wildermyth, it's best to expect the unexpected.

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8.5 / 10.0
Jul 3, 2021

Wildermyth is a very good tactical RPG that pulls you in, and uses randomization to enhance, not compensate. Most flaws come down to personal taste, and being easy on the wallet for what scratches the tactical RPG itch so good means it is certainly worth the recommendation to anyone who loves the genre.

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Oct 29, 2024

I don’t usually like marking a game down for bugs, because when the patches come in the review becomes dated. However, Wildermyth really is a bad example of bugs letting the experience down to the point that the game, as wonderful and moreish as it is, is difficult to recommend right now. Add a point to this score in a few months when, in theory, the worst of its crippling bugs have been patched out, and then settle in for the perfect tabletop RPG experience when you haven’t got friends around to play a real session of Dungeons & Dragons with you.

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80 / 100
Oct 22, 2024

Wildermyth: Console Edition is one of the best digital representations of traditional tabletop RPGs. The way the development of the campaigns and characters works guarantees hours of gameplay and makes you feel attached to your heroes and the great stories of the Yondering Lands. It's a shame that technical problems hinder part of the experience.

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Иван Бышонков
Top Critic
6.5 / 10.0
Jul 11, 2021

Random adventures, generated in Wildermyth, are great at the first glance. However, after some time events are starting to repeat themselves, while monotonous combat and exploration mechanics killing all replay value. The game is quite interesting to read, but boring to play.

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