SkateBIRD Reviews

SkateBIRD is ranked in the 14th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Top Critic
5 / 10.0
Sep 16, 2021

Skatebird is a cute and original arcade skating game supported by great music, but the skating itself is crude, the objectives are boring, and the camera is a regular hassle.

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Sep 15, 2021

I’m not going to say “buyer beware” in regards to the Switch version of Skatebird. By all means, if you have younger gamers or Switch is your primary gaming device, then playing Skatebird on Switch will probably be just fine for you. However, if you have the option, go with the PC version of the game, especially considering that the game is coming to Xbox Game Pass next month. Even though many of its tropes are a bit played out within the genre, Skatebird is a game that knows it’s silly, and embraces it in a way that makes it fun to play (on PC).

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Metro GameCentral
Top Critic
5 / 10
Sep 17, 2021

A chirpy spin on the skateboarding sim genre, undermined by poor level design and frustrating gameplay.

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6 / 10.0
Sep 15, 2021

It’s just overall not that well executed. The physics and gameplay are not where they should be. The levels are just okay. The goals are rarely entertaining. But you’re here for the birds, right? There are definitely skateboarding birds, I can guarantee they are in SkateBIRD. I’m not even being sarcastic, the birds are absolutely great. Just try to focus on that and nothing else.

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6 / 10
Sep 20, 2021

SkateBIRD is a charming game with fun writing and a great soundtrack, but can't strike a good balance between offering precision boarding and silly physics chaos.

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TJ Denzer
Top Critic
5 / 10
Sep 16, 2021

There a lot of elements of SkateBIRD that are great. The birds are fun, as is customizing them and finding more things with which to dress them up. Their little adventure is also fun, the soundtrack is excellent, and the levels are fun miniaturized takes on the normal skatepark fare. It’s just that there is so much dragging these charming elements down, the most noticeable of which is the actual skating and the physics involved with it. SkateBIRD might be fun to experience for its premise and cuteness, but those looking for a good technical skate game experience will likely find their expectations crashing and burning frequently, much like most of my sessions with it.

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7.5 / 10.0
Sep 15, 2021

SkateBIRD is a wonderful skateboarding game that plays familiar to THPS, but is as much its own game to separate the two.

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5 / 10
Sep 15, 2021

SkateBIRD is a creative addition to a genre lacking in variety, and its fun concept has clearly been realised with a lot of love. However, despite its potential, the best parts of the concept are underused, with neither the miniature skaters nor the addition of wings bringing much to excite. While the core gameplay is functional, the play feel is not fluid and the level design and laborious structure are always working against the fun. To top it off, the rudimentary graphics are needlessly hazy. More of a turkey than a pretty boy, then, unfortunately.

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Top Critic
5 / 10
Sep 21, 2021

In an odd way, then, Glass Bottom Games has captured the truth of the situation; contrary to its mission of cuteness, it has made a game that feels hollow-boned, caged by unflattering mechanics.

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Sep 21, 2021

A sometimes wonky skating game that makes up for its jank with birbish moxie.

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Sep 15, 2021

Skatebird's rough skating mechanics are offset by its charming internet-age humor.

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Sep 15, 2021

If you've ever desired to roleplay as a variety of avian creatures with a tendency to pull off sick tricks on four-wheeled boards, then SkateBIRD is basically your only option. This cute indie game successfully delivers a goofy skateboarding experience most of the time, but annoying and plain inconsistent movement as well as some boring level design prevent SkateBIRD from being great.

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Top Critic
11 / 20
Oct 11, 2021

SkateBIRD was designed with a lot of love and it shows in its concept and writing. At its launch, it was impossible to love it even if you tried. Nevertheless, the game is proof that a life-saving patch can completely change the game.

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Drew Leachman
Top Critic
5 / 10.0
Sep 21, 2021

Players looking for a new skateboarding game may get some enjoyment out of this, but keep in mind you most certainly will find issues with the movement. If you’re willing to put up with some frustrations, there’s something here for you, but if you’re easily bothered, maybe wait for a sale.

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75 / 100
Sep 16, 2021

Admittedly, my expectations for this game were somewhat low. So long as there were birds on boards, what else could I ask for? And yet, SkateBIRD manages to capture a little of that pure boarding mana, scuffs and all. The controls may skew wide and weird at times, but isn’t it only appropriate? How else would it feel to make a tiny bird steer a skateboard around its owner’s room? I don’t love the initially limited music selection, but I do appreciate going on the hunt for more tracks. Beyond the controls, the customization, and the music, there’s a solid core of skating here. You can easily fall into a calming loop of practice and progress. While it’s not perfect, SkateBIRD’s cute premise and its reliable mechanics make for a pretty fun ride.

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6 / 10
Sep 15, 2021

A decent skateboarding game with an entertaining theme and quirk. The physics and visuals imperfections hold it back for sure, but there's still enough there to have a good few hours of fun.

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Generación Xbox
Top Critic
6.2 / 10.0
Oct 24, 2021

Do you like adventures with absurd stories? SkateBIRD is your game.

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Sep 18, 2021

Skatebird would have benefited from a little more time in the nest. The game's technical problems make it hard to appreciate the positive aspects of its world. There's definitely room in the market for a more casual skateboarding game, but it needs to have the fundamentals worked out first, and Skatebird isn't there yet - though it has promise if future updates smooth out the experience considerably.

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6 / 10.0
Sep 15, 2021

SkateBIRD offers cute birds and chill vibes in a neat package, but inconsistent and, at times, frustrating mechanics, as well as a lack of polish, makes it difficult to really enjoy the strong audiovisual elements it brings to the table.

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6 / 10.0
Sep 24, 2021

While SkateBIRD has plenty of frustrations, there's enough fun here to make it worth your time. Just don't expect Pro Skater levels of polish and you'll probably be fine

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