Ghostrunner 2 Reviews

Ghostrunner 2 is ranked in the 79th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
PC Gamer
Top Critic
65 / 100
Oct 23, 2023

Ghostrunner deserved a sequel; specifically, a sequel better than this one.

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9 / 10.0
Oct 23, 2023

Ghostrunner 2 is a sequel that builds upon everything that made the first game great, leading to 10-12 hours of absolutely action packed, high speed, cyberninja excellence, along with a great, replayable, roguelike mode as well.

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Oct 23, 2023

Despite its uninteresting story and occasional jankiness, Ghostrunner 2 still manages to be a great successor by understanding why the first game was such a success, sharpening nearly every mechanic, and building upon them with the addition of the bike and wingsuit. It might not be the most innovative sequel in the world, but considering how great the original Ghostrunner already was, that’s no bad thing.

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Oct 23, 2023

Building on the excellent cyberpunk parkour of its predecessor, Ghostrunner 2 is the best freerunning game available, despite some ill-advised attempts to push the boundaries of its world.

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8.5 / 10.0
Oct 23, 2023

With Ghostrunner 2 behind me, I’m thrilled more of this series exists. Even after rolling credits, I'm excited to tear through its levels once more to find collectibles like sword and glove skins and old-world artifacts like VHS tapes, and try my hand some more at the delectably simple roguelite minigame. Though Ghostrunner 2 falters in a few ways, like its more open-ended sections and superfluous wingsuit, what remains in the hours outside of those missteps is its best-in-class parkour action. And like its predecessor, it remains a damn treat.

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7 / 10
Nov 3, 2023

Ghostrunner 2 expands upon its strong foundation in ways that don't always stick the landing, working best when it returns to its signature blend of parkour and close-quarters combat.

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Top Critic
Oct 23, 2023

For those who gain pleasure (guilty or otherwise) from an unashamed love of katanas and cybernetic augmentation, Ghostrunner 2 is pouring the gravy you love straight down your throat.

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3.5 / 5.0
Oct 23, 2023

Ghostrunner 2 is a high-speed adventure that combines punishing difficulty with satisfying rewards. The challenge level is on the higher side, but victory never seems out of reach. Due to the generous checkpoint system it's easy to stay motivated to keep pushing oneself through each checkpoint, which can lead to some play sessions lasting longer than intended. While this feedback loop can keep the player going for a while, it can't sustain enjoyable gameplay indefinitely. It can be thrilling for a few hours, but the charm is likely to wear off after a while for most players. Ghostrunner 2 does succeed in what it set out to do which is create a challenging, fast-paced action game that can make the player feel like an invincible ninja, but the end product is something that would only really appeal to gamers seeking out this specific type of experience.

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Oct 23, 2023

If you're entirely composed of fast twitch muscle fibers and boundless patience, you'll love this first-person cyberpunk slasher. You probably won't otherwise.

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9 / 10.0
Oct 23, 2023

You'll suffer hundreds of deaths in Ghostrunner 2, but every single one is worth it to move you forward step-by-bloody-step.

9 / 10
Oct 23, 2023

Ghostrunner 2 is bottled mechanical magic, a blisteringly-paced celebration of movement where death is a rite of passage.

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9.5 / 10.0
Oct 23, 2023

Ghostrunner 2 is a perfectly executed cyberpunk slasher, providing an unmatched level of fluidity, engaging combat and a robust narrative.

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7 / 10.0
Oct 23, 2023

Ghostrunner 2 follows the essence of the first game, but doesn't fly any higher. Very fast combat and frenetic parkour, but half-baked ideas. Even with its flaws, its trial-and-error philosophy offers a stimulating and fun challenge.

Review in Spanish | Read full review

8 / 10.0
Oct 23, 2023

Ghostrunner 2 is, above all, a great video game. Strictly speaking, it is a pleasant sequel that represents a noticeable improvement in plot, playability, visuals and sound; an achievement that is, due to the quality of its predecessor, a milestone in itself. However, its profound technical shortcomings, as well as the misinterpretation of what made the original experience so genuine and fresh, keep it from transcending as much as the first, although it continues to be a highly recommended product.

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9 / 10
Oct 24, 2023

Ghostrunner 2 is undoubtably excellent. While it's a tough and challenging game, the quick reloads help alleviate frustration and replace it with the "just one more try" drive to overcome it. There's a handful of small control niggles that might annoy, and if repeatedly dying is a pet video game peeve of yours, it might not be for you, but if the game gets its hooks into you, it's a sheer, visceral delight of dude slicing, shuriken flinging, laser dodging, taking a bullet to the face, reloading, and trying it all again.

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83 / 100
Oct 23, 2023

Ghostrunner 2 demands the speed of a speedrunner, the skill of a no-hitter, and the patience of a Buddhist monk. Its difficulty doesn't make it suitable for all palates, but if you agree with its game philosophy, here is an injection of adrenaline that you will enjoy until the end.

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7 / 10
Oct 23, 2023

An occasionally spectacular follow-up to one of the best action platformers of the last few years, which unfortunately dilutes some of its appeal by shooting for a wider audience.

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8 / 10.0
Oct 23, 2023

All I can say after finishing Ghostrunner 2 is that I want more. Considering that was my reaction at the end of the original Ghostrunner, I can say One More Level created a solid follow-up. Both titles might have had “meh” narratives, but the core gameplay is so fantastic I honestly didn’t care while I was playing. At its best, Ghostrunner 2 is the first game but better, and at its worst, it’s just a little less polished than its predecessor.

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7.8 / 10.0
Oct 23, 2023

Ghostrunner 2 is exactly what you'd expect. It amplifies the strengths of its predecessor with a more intricate ability system and manages a better variety of situations, yet it retains virtually all the flaws in Ghostrunner's flow. Nevertheless, it creates an always entertaining and challenging gameplay experience that you'll appreciate if you're already a fan of the original. It's not for everyone, and it will make you curse a lot as the death counter keeps rising, but its punishing nature is part of the price.

Review in Italian | Read full review

8 / 10
Oct 23, 2023

One More Level has nailed the important bits in Ghostrunner 2: the combat, the movement, the visuals, the soundtrack, and the challenge. It’s all a cacophony of intense action and pulse-pounding exhilaration – it’s just that the connective tissue keeps it from being a cohesive vision. By increasing the scope and breadth of the game, Ghostrunner 2 loses part of the essence of what made the first game so great. And yet, for the faults I do have with Ghostrunner 2, it’s still an awesome game that had my head bobbing to synthwave beats as I slow-moed around lasers and turned my foes into giblets with a flick of my cybernetic katana.

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