Long Gone Days Reviews

Long Gone Days is ranked in the 56th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
3 / 5.0
Oct 10, 2023

Briefly enticing the mechanics governing Morale might be in and out of combat, Long Gone Days' inconsistent tone and unconvincing meshing of visual styles doesn't pull through for a narrative deserving of a more refined focus.

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8.5 / 10.0
Oct 10, 2023

Long Gone Days is a game that is clearly more interested in telling a story rather than lighting the turn-based genre on fire. A mechanically solid RPG frames the story of Rourke and his allies. In that regard, the story that is delivered is a phenomenal exploration of the genuine costs of war on those who are forced to survive. It's a deeply resonant story that will likely connect with a great many people. Pixel-art and character portraits help to avoid the typical drab and dreariness that almost defines this genre of story. Extreme effort has gone into making sure the main party and those around them are characterised in a very human way, despite the art-style being rooted in a clear anime influence. There are some moments that may break the illusion of this weighty narrative and these moments did take me out of some of the action. In spite of this, I still enjoyed my time with the game, with a story that will sit with me for a long time.

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7 / 10
Oct 11, 2023

Long Gone Days is a project that's been in the works for many years. With grating hand holding, but a decent story and grounded characters, Long Gone Days is a good choice for those interested in a narrative-focused RPG.

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7.8 / 10.0
Oct 10, 2023

Long Gone Days makes an incredibly easy recommendation for those wanting a narrative-forward and cerebral RPG that will make you feel emotions along story beats. It excels in storytelling and creating feelings of fear out of a war-torn alternate reality where geopolitical tensions are as equally sensitive as they are now. But, if you want an RPG that encourages thoughtful party management and turn-based combat, you should look elsewhere.

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Oct 10, 2023

Long Gone Days is a gorgeously poignant game.

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8 / 10.0
Nov 17, 2023

Long Gone Days is an RPG with a very smart story. It's a bit of a shame, then, that the gameplay elements are elementary. If you allow yourself to get attached to this somber world and its young cast of sympathetic characters, however, the experience will be well worth your time.

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7 / 10.0
Oct 10, 2023

Long Gone Days has a lot of heart to it, but it is sorely lacking in its mechanics. This is not much of an RPG but is more akin to a visual novel with some tense sequences that are expressed in the style of retro RPG battles. The simplistic sniping sequences make more sense and are executed much more effectively at conveying the themes of the story and fit the gameplay better.

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7 / 10.0
Oct 10, 2023

It also should be mentioned that for some bizarre reason the game can only be controlled with the D-pad, which I found caused a lot more hand cramps than usual especially when playing in handheld mode. [UPDATE: We have been informed that this was the result of a bug, a patch has been submitted addressing this issue]. A lot of what's here is good, but more than anything I think it just makes me more interested in what the dev team comes out with next with the lessons learned from this project's completion.

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Oct 20, 2023

The game doesn’t do anything jaw dropping, but the political story in addition to the way the game presents familiar content in new ways really makes Long Gone Days a title to give real consideration despite all the other gaming options available at this point of the year. In a time where RPGs are getting harder and harder to differentiate, this one does enough to make it well worth your time.

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4 / 5.0
Oct 10, 2023

Long Gone Days may not be the most engaging RPG in terms of its gameplay, but you’ll struggle to find another RPG this year with as much heart and passion for its subject matter. By focusing less on the huge conflict that serves as the backdrop, and instead focusing on the smaller, more touching tales of people going above and beyond to help one another through awful situations, Long Gone Days truly feels like nothing else I’ve played. Had the combat been a little more engaging, Long Gone Days would absolutely have been a better time, but even as it stands, it’s a title that excels enough in everything else it does and is well worth experiencing.

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8 / 10.0
Oct 10, 2023

Long Gone Days is an ambitious title that attempts to showcase the horrors of war and the effect it has on citizens and those who fight. The themes can be a little dark at times, and not every mechanic lands. Despite this, it is a game with a lot of heart that manages to stand out in a wave of RPGs. While it may not hit the mainstream, I am certain that Rourke and the rest of his friends will be talked about for years to come.

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8 / 10.0
Oct 12, 2023

While its mechanics are a mixed bag and the story and darker tone may not be for everyone, Long Gone Days does have ambition

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8 / 10.0
Oct 11, 2023

Long Gone Days offers a desolate representation of war, but the engaging storytelling and neat RPG mechanics ensure that players will be hooked into its perilous adventure. Rourke and his allies stand out as believable characters who find themselves in the midst of the devastation, whilst it’s easy to find yourself wanting to take The Core down – even IF the odds are firmly stacked against you. With a clever twist on combat and some unique ideas in gameplay, it makes for an enjoyable RPG experience. It might not be as meaty as some of its counterparts and there are some aspects of its design that can feel a little repetitive towards the end, but Long Gone Days still stands out as an eye-opening release in the genre that isn’t afraid to tackle dark and sombre themes.

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3 / 5.0
Oct 10, 2023

Long Gone Days is ultimately a case of tempered expectations. The combat and visuals have little details that show a lot of care has gone into everything. The scope of the story is where the snag comes in, as too many hard-hitting moments get lost in the brisk pace that it attempts to juggle everything, making many of them fall flat in execution.

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6 / 10.0
Oct 10, 2023

Long Gone Days presents an interesting story and likable characters, and that alone is worth giving it a try. However, a failure to fully commit to the game’s message can make emotional moments feel a bit hollow at times, devoid of the weight it should be having. That paired with missing basic features like an autosave function and uninspiring, boring gameplay can make the game a bit hard to get through. Focus on the story, the wonderful pixel art, and the great soundtrack though and you will find something worth appreciating in this game.

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5.5 / 10.0
Oct 10, 2023

Awkwardly straddling the line between unnerving war drama and vapid teen adventure, Long Gone Days is embroiled in an uncomfortable identity crisis.

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8 / 10.0
Oct 10, 2023

While missing some staples of a typical RPG, Long Gone Days is a great game, with a grounded story that effectively showcases the effects war can have on people.

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4 / 5.0
Oct 10, 2023

It's hard for a game to live up to expectations when you've been waiting for years. As a result, I might have hoped for more from the story of Long Gone Days than it actually delivered. However, it has a good cast of characters and presents a view of how terrible war is for civilians, presented through an RPG-style structure. Despite some bugs and other flaws, Long Gone Days is still an enjoyable experience.

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