The Last Faith Reviews

The Last Faith is ranked in the 56th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8 / 10.0
Nov 15, 2023

It’s safe to say that we’ve been bowled over by The Last Faith on the whole. We’ve been lost at times, pouring over the map in the hope of finding a clue as to where we should go next, but it’s rarely dampened our enthusiasm to play. And thanks to many weapons, skills and other items to discover, time spent exploring never feels wasted anyway. While this is a game that doesn’t really offer anything original or ground breaking, then, it remains engaging nonetheless.

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Nov 21, 2023

Although it does a lot right, The Last Faith ends up feeling unnecessary and forgettable, especially in such a super-saturated genre.

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7.6 / 10.0
Nov 15, 2023

The Last Faith is a demonstration of love for FromSoftware titles and columns belonging to the metroidvania genre. The good chemistry that characterises the project created by Kumi Souls Games entertains and is appreciated, especially for the excellent graphic rendering of characters and environments. It is a pity about a few smears in the gameplay, which do not allow it to reach even higher peaks.

Review in Italian | Read full review

8 / 10
Dec 9, 2023

Overall The Last Faith is a fine addition to the Soulslike genre. It blends the Castlevania essence into the Dark Souls formula and the result is a game that works remarkably well. This kind of game isn’t exactly groundbreakingly new but it will scratch the itch gamers who love the genre might have. If you’re a fan of Blasphemous, Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night or Hollow Knight, you’ll most likely enjoy The Last Faith even though it is a bit unrefined and rough around the edges.

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3.5 / 5.0
Dec 11, 2023

While some elements didn’t come off as well as planned — world building and narrative fall flat despite obvious attempts to bring them more into the spotlight, for example — the overall package will still go down a treat for Metroidvania fans, and offers plenty to even bring new followers into the fold.

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8 / 10.0
Nov 21, 2023

The Last Faith is a very competent game that manages to deliver a challenging but equally accessible soulslike experience. The absence of a movement limiter [like stamina] makes the experience a more dynamic and fun affair, especially for those who aren't so familiar with this kind of control. However, for those looking for a metroidvania experience, it has some issues, as the map exploration feels bad due to the protagonist's movement parameters. Even with this issue, it's definitely recommended for those looking for an entrypoint into the souls genre or those who are already experienced in it

Review in Portuguese | Read full review

7 / 10.0
Dec 5, 2023

As for balance issues and so forth, they are things that can be fixed. I had enough fun with The Last Faith to keep me playing. I do look forward to where things go from here, as I had been anticipating this release for a good while. Conceptually though, the things that I admire about the game, I do so because they’re what I admire about other releases.  The Last Faith is an ambitious metroidvania and Kumi Souls has succeeded in creating something that will definitely be mentioned in the conversation about positive indie Soulslikes. Ultimately, there’s fun to be had and improvements to be made in equal measure.

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9 / 10.0
Nov 22, 2023

In lieu of my initial reservations, The Last Faith not only won me over but has me eagerly desiring a sequel. The blend of Metroidvania, requiring me to backtrack to access areas previously unreachable, and that bone-crunching misery that Soulslike is known for is simply enticing. Sure, being endlessly dismantled isn’t exactly my definition of fun, but how this game implements that toughness and whether I’m in for a challenge or not, cushions the grief.

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7 / 10.0
Nov 25, 2023

The Last Faith feels great to play, the combat is entertaining yet challenging, and it's stunning in motion. However, some unfortunate design decisions and difficulty spikes hold it back from greatness.

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Nov 24, 2023

Even without bringing anything particularly new to the genre and its obvious inspirations The Last Faith is a metroidvania that, on its own merit, provides an interesting and fun experience. Kumi Souls Games does enough merits to be able to stand on its own feet, adding a nice proposal within an overpopulated genre.

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7.6 / 10.0
Nov 22, 2023

While having an undeniably dark / attractive look and ambiance, the gameplay and overall design lack refinement

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7 / 10.0
Nov 18, 2023

Despite many issues dragging down the experience, I would not say that I had a bad time overall with The Last Faith. The combat is genuinely thrilling and impressively varied when it functions well, and I was impressed with many of the game's locations, boss fights, puzzles and enemy designs. However, The Last Faith feels like a particularly inelegant mixture of many different elements from popular Metroidvanias and Soulslikes without quite executing them as neatly. With its obtuse-for-the-sake-of-it narrative, occasionally stodgy combat and platforming elements and a lack of its own identity, Metroidvania fans will have an enjoyable enough time with The Last Faith, but there are better examples of what it has attempted to execute out there.

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Nov 16, 2023

With The Last Faith we will find a very entertaining adventure that will make us suffer and enjoy in equal parts in a game that will be challenging but fair. The Last Faith amuses, we do not deny that, but it does not risk betting on several formulas already experienced in other games of the genre that convey a final sensation that we are playing a conglomerate of games already experienced where comparisons will be inevitable and that will make We let out on more than one occasion a "I've already experienced this" with a continuous déjà vu.

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7 / 10
Nov 16, 2023

It’s hard to deny The Last Faith its place as a solid entry into the greater canon of metroidvanias, but its successes aren’t without any caveat. There’s no shortage of content, but that content is somewhat inconsistent in how fun it is to play through. Boss fights are addictive to learn, but leave the player wanting for more variety in their patterns. The standard metroidvania progression is fun, but the soulslike elements can feel tacked on. This is all to say it’s well worth the time for even seasoned metroidvania enthusiasts, but it can be hard to ignore the areas that needed a bit more refinement while spending said time with it. The Last Faith is a strong title with some clear stumbles, but quality still wins out more often than not, and I’m eager to see Kumi Souls Games’ next effort as a result.

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7.9 / 10.0
Nov 16, 2023

The Last Faith covers several genres while creating a truly good mix. It features the impressive but fair bosses of a Souls game, the numerous, if at times confusing, exploration possibilities of a Metroidvania, and the dark style of Bloodborne. A shallow story and a lot of backtracking in the second half should therefore only moderately deter fans of the genre.

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8 / 10.0
Nov 15, 2023

A deadly and delightful dance of blood and unholy darkness, The Last Faith is an enjoyable Metroidvania that honors its inspirations while being a fun time in its own right.

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7.5 / 10.0
Nov 15, 2023

The Last Faith is a mostly good game, with a few moments of brilliance, and a few more that drove me into a rage. It’s a beautiful, great-sounding game with decent combat and a world I found intriguing. In a year of stellar releases, this is one to, at the very least, add to your back catalog.

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Nov 15, 2023

By sticking close to beloved formulas and polishing every element with care and competence, it has earned its place among the greats of its genres. For fans of Soulslikes and Metroidvanias looking for another vampire to sink their teeth into, The Last Faith will quench thirsts both holy and damned.

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8.2 / 10.0
Nov 15, 2023

A solid entry in the Metroidvania genre, The Last Faith wears its influences on its sleeve, and provides a fun hack-and-shoot-and-spell adventure while doing so. It isn't particularly original — but it's fun, so who cares?

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