Final Fantasy XVI: Echoes of the Fallen Reviews

Final Fantasy XVI: Echoes of the Fallen is ranked in the 63rd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8 / 10.0
Jan 2, 2024

Overall, I liked Echoes of the Fallen. It adds a fun endgame dungeon for those looking to extend their stay in Valisthea, and it delivers some challenging new encounters to sink your teeth into. It’s over in just a few hours and doesn’t do much narratively, but it’s a fun ride for what it is. Whether it’s worth the money is up to you, but if you’re looking for more Final Fantasy XVI, this DLC pack certainly delivers. Echoes of the Fallen is not a must-have, but it is worth having.

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70 / 100
Dec 11, 2023

Echoes of the Fallen is a brief dose of "more Final Fantasy XVI." It doesn't do anything new and lasts a breath, but if you liked the main game here's an extra helping that will taste like glory.

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7 / 10.0
Dec 13, 2023

Echoes of the Fallen takes the best of Final Fantasy XVI in a linear and perhaps too short experience, but full of epic combat and some nice additions that leave us looking forward to the next DLC.

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4 / 5.0
Dec 13, 2023

Final Fantasy XVI: Echoes of the Fallen isn’t going to blow your socks off, but it does expand the lore ever so slightly and introduce a beloved franchise antagonist. This is essentially a two-to-three-hour long mission going from room to room, clearing out baddies and taking down raid-approved bosses. The rewards for endgame players not looking to go into new game+ are worth it, and the adventure along the way is compelling enough to keep our attention. It may be formulaic and overly straightforward, but it doesn’t stray too far from the fantastical formula the main campaign established. The only major thing missing is an eikon fight. In the end, Echoes of the Fallen is a solid adventure that will keep you entertained for an evening.

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75 / 100
Dec 13, 2023

Final Fantasy XVI: Echoes of the Fallen is very light on story, but provides some of the most fun combat scenarios in the game. If you enjoy the battle system, this is more of that at its heights. It's not the most impressive or interesting DLC out there, but it's very fun and provides a lot of spectacle.

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85 / 100
Dec 15, 2023

Final Fantasy XVI is crammed with narrative momentum. Which is amazing, until it’s time to do things like sidequests and DLC. Then the guillotine of the climax hangs over your head, impatient and sharp. In other words, it’s hard for me to get as invested in the DLC as I’d like. The combat is terrific, the new dungeon is beautiful, but it feels like I’m spinning my wheels. At the same time, I’ll take any excuse to spend more time with this game. Echoes of The Fallen is a great addition to a perfect Final Fantasy Experience.

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7 / 10
Dec 8, 2023

All in all, Echoes of Fallen feels like little more than another chapter in Final Fantasy 16's story — but it's a good one, especially in terms of action. Oh, and it might just feature the most insane boss encounter in the entire game, if you can believe it.

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Dec 11, 2023

Excessively short and linear to be considered the "post-game" absent at the launch of Final Fantasy XVI, Echoes of the Fallen delves into the fascinating mythology of Valisthea and explores a topic that had been repeatedly hinted at in the main game.

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Dec 13, 2023

Somewhat appropriately, Echoes of the Fallen feels like a vague echo of CBU III's epic RPG, faintly calling back the game's excellent combat and intriguing Fallen lore in mostly expected ways. With The Rising Tide promising a substantial new chapter with plenty of content and the final piece of the Eikonic puzzle, fans will have to wait until Autumn 2024 for a deeper return to Valisthea, though for now this serves as a brief but welcome last check-in before the year's end.

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Dec 12, 2023

If you loved the combat in Final Fantasy XVI, you're going to love Echoes of the Fallen.

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Dec 12, 2023

Echoes of the Fallen is the first of two Final Fantasy XVI DLCs, which can be completed in less than three hours and is not able to satisfy those who wanted something more important and imperious from Square Enix. The new content includes a three-story corridor dungeon inside a tower, which denotes a great deal of level design laziness and only offers a couple of spectacular boss fights. All this, to be experienced always in easy mode like the base game since it must be faced before the final mission. Forgettable and unnecessary content.

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7 / 10.0
Dec 11, 2023

Final Fantasy 16: Echoes of the Fallen offers some high-octane boss fights and a gorgeous environment to explore, but the exploration remains as linear as ever. Those looking for something more substantial in terms of story may want to wait, but there's plenty for combat fans to enjoy.

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7.5 / 10.0
Dec 11, 2023

Ultimately, Final Fantasy XVI: Echoes of the Fallen DLC is just another FF16 dungeon, albeit a fun one. There's a bit of scattered lore and a thin story to justify the exact events, but you're paying $10 for one more dungeon with a cool boss fight. If you were hoping for something a bit meatier or delves into some of the mysteries of the setting, you're probably going to be disappointed. Echoes of the Fallen feels more like fan service and a precursor to the upcoming The Rising Tide DLC.

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80 / 100
Jan 8, 2024

Echoes of the Fallen is a nice expansion for Final Fantasy XVI, bringing more detail about one of the least addressed points of the game's lore and more challenging combat sessions than seen in the main game. Although it looks more like an appetizer than the main course, it will appeal to those who want a little more Final Fantasy XVI.

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Saudi Gamer
Top Critic
7 / 10
Dec 10, 2023

ِAside from an epic final boss fight this DLC adds little in terms of story or gameplay. It's competent and an excuse to return to the game's frenetic battle system, but little else.

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7 / 10.0
Dec 19, 2023

More of what you liked, and what you didn't about the main game, Final Fantasy XVI Echoes of the Fallen is a fairly enjoyable extra adventure that plays it a bit too safe with what it has to offer.

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Jan 15, 2024

Echoes of the Fallen is a solid DLC that offers prospective players what is essentially a "Lost Chapter" to the main game of Final Fantasy XVI. Interesting new lore about the Fallen, an additional dungeon, and one of the best boss fights in the game. You get a nice chunk of game! However, $10 as a standalone price or a $25 bundle with a DLC that isn't out is a slightly steep ask.

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Jan 10, 2024

A compelling journey through a Fallen ruin topped off by a battle for the ages set to an impressive musical score makes this a worthwhile, if short, expansion.

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2 / 5
Dec 18, 2023

It’s tough to recommend Final Fantasy XVI’s first DLC called Echoes of the Fallen as it doesn’t deliver much to the core experience, or even something completely different. At the current price point, I was expecting a bit more to stand out, maybe focus on one aspect of the game we haven’t seen before, but sadly this isn’t the case. You’re not missing much here as it would be best to wait for the second DLC called Rising Tide coming next year.

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8 / 10.0
Dec 16, 2023

Echoes of the Fallen, the first expansion for Final Fantasy XVI, extends the main story with a new quest and enriches gameplay, but its short duration and segmented narrative set the stage for the more anticipated expansion, The Rising Tide.

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