Sniper Elite: Resistance Reviews
The 12th and latest entry in the franchise, Sniper Elite: Resistance doesn't break the wheel by any means, but it does exactly what it needs to.
Sniper Elite: Resistance may not innovate much on the series' standard blueprint, but it's still a challenging, rewarding, and deeply satisfying adventure.
Sniper Elite: Resistance is a solid stealth-based shooter, but it fails to set its sights high enough in order to pull off a truly spectacular execution.
Sniper Elite: Resistance is a fun but inessential addition to the franchise.
With dense missions, gorgeous environments, a clever new mode in Propaganda, and a likeable new protagonist, it’s a solid entry in a fantastic series. But it doesn’t do anything new: this is the same shooting and sneaking as it has been for almost a decade now, and Hawker alone doesn’t bring enough to help Resistance stand out as anything more than just more Sniper Elite.
A case of evolution rather than revolution, Sniper Elite: Resistance uses what came before to create something that's familiar, but consistently fun and occasionally tense. Plentiful collectibles and unlocks throughout the campaign, and a fantastic invasion mode, ensure this will last long past the final mission.
Rebellion's sixth Sniper Elite entry is still a fun Nazi-destroying simulator, though this feels like the last one that can get by on rolling out the same, largely unchanged formula.
Quintessentially "more of the same" it may be, Sniper Elite: Resistance's intricate level design proves that's anything but a detriment.
Sniper Elite: Resistance offers some fantastic locations to allow you to play however you want thanks to exciting missions and gameplay.
There is nothing particularly revolutionary about Sniper Elite: Resistance, but games don't always need to do that to be good. This is a fun game that serves as a window to an important part of history, and if you enjoyed Sniper Elite 5, you will most definitely love this. If you are new to the franchise, I highly recommend giving this a go if you crave that tactical espionage fix typically associated with classic Metal Gear. Just remember: headshots only.
Sniper Elite: Resistance offers more of the same action with virtually no surprises and a dull World War 2 story. That’s perfectly fine considering that the Rebellion team is still great at the one thing they’ve dedicated their career to doing: creating tightly designed murder playgrounds for those who want to vent their real world political frustrations in the safety of a virtual shooting gallery.
You know what you're getting with Sniper Elite: Resistance; a spin-off covert mission that matches the scale and scope of Sniper Elite 5, but doesn't really go beyond it. It's more Sniper Elite, and there's still plenty of enjoy in that.
Sniper Elite: Resistance is very much worth your time if you have any interest in sniping, exploring maps in occupied France, or feeling like an action hero from WWII movies.
Resistance is still a fantastic game that gives the player so much choice and freedom. Each campaign level has been expertly designed to offer as much fun and replayability as possible, and the long-range sniping the series is famous for just never gets old, thanks to that gloriously gory X-ray kill cam.
More of a sidequel than a true sequel, Sniper Elite: Resistance delivers the core experience of Sniper Elite 5 with a new protagonist, fresh maps, and the same solid stealth mechanics that made the previous entry enjoyable. While it may not offer the evolution some fans were hoping for, the game still provides plenty of fun thanks to its well-designed levels and satisfying gameplay.
Graphical caveats aside, Sniper Elite: Resistance is fun to play not only because of the various game modes but how you can approach missions. The developers also devoted significant effort to ballistics and weapons handling. Veteran players will feel right at home. New players will be delighted with the variety of missions. Both will be delighted with the options of how they can play them.
Gameplay is tight, graphics are great, and there are some fun game modes. Truly, my biggest issue with the game is it just feels like it should be an expansion to Sniper Elite 5. Resistance isn’t though, it’s a full-priced game replete with season pass and the obligatory ‘Kill Hitler’ mission.
Altogether, Sniper Elite: Resistance is a fine entry in the Sniper Elite franchise which gives us more insight into Harry Hawker, as well as a shiny protagonist spotlight for him to be recognized in. The meat and potatoes (or should that be bullets and bones?) of the Sniper Elite experience is all here and accounted for, and although there are various new locations to be in awe of, and navigational options to test out, Resistance fails to truly push the envelope in exciting directions despite shifting the focus onto a new hero and a new story.
Sniper Elite: Resistance is a solid "more of the same" of the fifth chapter, or a "Hitman with a sniper rifle" for the ones not used to the series. And it feels good.
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Sniper Elite: Resistance is anything but generic, mind you, and will appease anyone left starved for more historical stealth action. I just hope the next Sniper Elite entry is more ambitious in its over execution, instead of what could merely be just Sniper Elite 5.5.