Fortified Reviews

Fortified is ranked in the 40th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Game Rant
Top Critic
Feb 3, 2016

Fortified is an engaging third-person shooter that mixes gameplay elements from tower defence and strategy games with strong retro-futuristic production design.

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Top Critic
6 / 10
Feb 25, 2016

Fortified has an impressive pulp sci-fi pedigree and speedy co-op play, but the blending of shoot-em-up and tower defense gameplay stumbles.

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3.5 / 5.0
Feb 3, 2016

Though this review has thrown a great deal of criticism at Fortified, it's actually a surprisingly fun, well-polished genre mash-up that gives off a wonderful initial impression.

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7 / 10.0
Feb 2, 2016

Fortified marries several genres successfully, but its diverse arsenal can't quite make up for a lack of mission variety.

7 / 10.0
Feb 4, 2016

Playing Invasion mode with a high-level character felt far too easy, as I was able to build enough defenses to sit back and let them do all the work for me. That said, it is a nice addition, but only has three different maps to play on, so unless you plan on using it to grind XP I don't think it adds much longevity the game.

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Feb 4, 2016

Fortified is a fun multiplayer romp full of 50s sci-fi camp. Bring some friends as this tower defense shooter can be difficult to tackle solo.

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6.8 / 10.0
Mar 9, 2016

Fortified is an enjoyable romp through a criminally underused setting, but is held back by the jack of all trades nature of the action tower defence genre. It'll be fun with friends, and for a few hours alone, but mileage may vary.

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Drew Leachman
Top Critic
7.5 / 10.0
Feb 2, 2016

The game play is not going to blow anyone away, but it was interesting enough to keep me entertained for long enough to get my money's worth out of it.

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65 / 100
Feb 2, 2016

Fortified is compelling enough to get through, in its simple but gratifying gameplay, but it doesn't offer enough to pull me in.

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7 / 10.0
Feb 2, 2016

A by-the-numbers tower defense game, Fortified is a campy fluff piece that will last you a few good, if a little mindless, hours. But you probably won't be driven to revisit it any time soon.

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7 / 10.0
Mar 20, 2016

An interesting mix between tower defense and third person shooting, it's surely not flawless, but can still deliver some solid entertainment.

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7 / 10.0
Feb 2, 2016

Fortified is the kind of game that I want to keep playing, but it frustrates me just as much as it entertains me.

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Feb 2, 2016

Although it can often be too frustrating for its own good, Fortified has a lot going for it, and will appeal to those who like to work together with their friends. If you're a solo gamer, however, you'll want to pass on this one, because it's just not built to be the lone wolf-accepting title that it purports to be.

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5.5 / 10.0
Feb 8, 2016

While the style does draw you in, Fortified has a hard time keeping players invested, and its barebones multiplayer options really hamper what could have been a great online co-op choice for fans of tower defense and shooters.

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65 / 100
Feb 4, 2016

Clapfoot has created a tower defense game unique to the Xbox One console. With a strong sense of style, AI companions and a moderate amount of shooter control, this might just scratch your strategy itch. It's too bad then that it isn't as accessible, and relies on repetitive gameplay with a steep difficulty to add gameplay hours to its otherwise short campaign and limited maps.

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Feb 2, 2016

Fortified marries multiple different genres while maintaining consistent waves of challenging fun in a cohesive experience. The game is best when played as part of a team, although the omission of split-screen co-op is a disappointment, and the lack of a health bar is a bit frustrating.

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6 / 10.0
Feb 19, 2016

Fortified is a decent first attempt at a wave-based, "tower defence" shooter from a studio that has, until now, made only mobile games.

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8 / 10.0
Feb 7, 2016

Fortified is a cool game that gets a lot more right than it does wrong. I wish it supported local multiplayer in some form as solo play just doesn't pan out, but if you've got some buddies that want to take on a virtual Martian army, this is a great way to do it.

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6.5 / 10.0
Feb 10, 2016

Fortified is an okay action/tower defense hybrid with neato style but not much depth

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3 / 5.0
Feb 19, 2016

If Tower Defense isn't your style though, then give this a miss… the different genre elements do make it more interesting and entertaining, but there isn't really enough there to make it a lasting experience… play through is extended a little by having the four different characters but the experience is not sufficiently different with each one to really make it much of a draw to play again just to see a few different weapons or short cut scenes.

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