Dishonored 2 Reviews
A rich, detailed world, tense stealth and frenetic action. Dishonored 2 has it all.
Arkane manages to better the already exceptional Dishonored in nearly every way, creating a masterpiece of open-ended design.
With two unique sets of skills to play with across 10 themed chapters that keep things interesting and a gorgeous, evocative world that feels alive, Dishonored 2 is a remarkable experience.
It can't match its predecessor in terms of sheer originality, but Dishonored 2's setting, stealth, swordplay, and superpowers are all superb.
Wonderful environmental storytelling and smart level design that invites players to think outside the box combine to overcome the poorly executed narrative
Dishonored's 'whalepunk' world remains stunning
Dishonored's brand of creative stealth-action mayhem returns with excellent new weapons, powers, and gameplay options that overshadow a few late-game letdowns.
The edges are rough but the core is solid. Dishonored 2 may not redefine the formula set by its predecessor, but it is still one hell of a game. The game stumbles but always manages to recover. Like a bumbling assassin that somehow gets the kill, Dishonored 2 manages to succeed in the face of almost unassailable odds.
Dishonored 2 is one of the smartest, most well-designed games released this year. If you fancy a challenge, this one is a no-brainer.
Had it not been for its plagued release on PC — not to mention the niggling texture work that pops up from time to time — Dishonored 2 just might have been in strong contention for best game this year.

[T]his is more than a triumphant return – it’s an improvement on the original in almost every way, and as close to a masterpiece as anything I’ve played this year.
So much freedom leads to inevitable bugs and AI glitches, but this is still a tremendously fun and empowering stealth-em-up.
Dishonored 2 takes everything you loved about Dishonored and improves upon it without becoming bloated. It's a beautifully designed, layered game, stuffed with hidden gems and secret stories. Also you can stab people in mid air.
Dishonored 2 has lived up to expectations. A title taken care of every detail and with a range of enviable possibilities. An adventure of this caliber was missed. Arkane may have opened up a new path for us.
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Dishonored 2 is a fantastic journey that takes you across different cities in the empire to take down Delilah’s allies and reclaim your throne. It’s much more challenging than the first game but also much more flexible. Playing as Emily and Corvo gives you multiple powers to experiment with and ways to traverse the maps and you can play it over and over again to find new secrets and without getting bored. However, while playing as Corvo, the game and the story will feel very similar to the first game and it’s much less exciting than playing as Emily.
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Dishonored 2 doesn’t live up to the original, but it still provides great gameplay mechanics and a sense of freedom you can’t find anywhere else.
Back in 2012, Dishonored was a title that surprised many its striking world and engaging gameplay rooted in old-school stealth, and with its sequel, Arkane Studios thoughtfully (and smartly) builds on what made the original one of the highlights of the last generation of games. Dishonored 2 will still satisfy those looking for a challenging (but rewarding) stealth experience, but more importantly does so with an incredibly varied toolset of abilities, skills, and options more than ever before. If Dishonored was the student that displayed great promise, Dishonored 2 shows the series well on its way to becoming the master.
Arkane Studios delights us again with an adventure that mixes elements of exploration, action, stealth and puzzles with much more success than we're used to seeing. The ability to play with two characters, playable freedom and different endings make the campaign one of the most replayable of recent years.
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A great sequel that improves and expands the already excellent predecessor but which, in part, also mantains its limits and flaws.
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