RiME Reviews

RiME is ranked in the 75th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Top Critic
6.5 / 10.0
May 27, 2017

Rime's superficial beauty and interesting mysteries provided enough enjoyment to make me willing to put up with its shallow and familiar elements under the hood. While nothing about Rime is necessarily bad, you can find more interesting versions of nearly every single element of it in other, better games.

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May 25, 2017

Tequila Works conjures a powerful spell from seemingly familiar elements.

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62 / 100
May 25, 2017

Rime is a middling puzzle platformer with some genuine narrative depth, but the latter doesn't quite justify the former.

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May 25, 2017

An intoxicating, memorable journey, with smart puzzles and a resonant story.

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8 / 10.0
May 25, 2017

Rime's puzzles rarely challenge, sometimes making you feel dumb for missing the obvious solution rather than smart for figuring them out, but the journey is a strong one with a satisfying ending

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Oscar Dayus
Top Critic
6 / 10
May 25, 2017

Shallow puzzles and frustrating navigation mar an otherwise beautiful experience.

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6.5 / 10.0
May 25, 2017

Rime's sweeping presentation fails to leave a lasting impression

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Top Critic
May 25, 2017

Rime's gentle puzzles and gorgeous vistas ease you in before it opens its heart.

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May 29, 2017

A high-water mark in the "interactive narrative" genre. If that sounds good to you, buy it.

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Jul 15, 2017
Rime - Easy Allies Review video thumbnail
Jun 1, 2017

I've had such a splendid time with Rime, so deeply enjoyed its expansive and sumptuous world, and found myself not missing the attack button at all. Not when there's a sing/shout button that does so many more interesting things.

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9 / 10.0
May 25, 2017

I haven't played anything like this since Journey. It is a stunning game to explore and exist in, and the story is going to move a lot of people.

7 / 10
May 25, 2017

Other games of its ilk may punch harder on their message, and the challenge here is all but non-existent. But RiME is a beautiful painting come to life, backed by an exceptional score that will make your journey across this island a joy.

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9 / 10
May 25, 2017

RiME places Tequila Works in the Olympus of Spanish development with an intense, emotional and difficult to forget adventure supported mainly by the visual narrative, excellent artistic direction and soundtrack.

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9 / 10.0
May 25, 2017

So, this leads us back to our long-debated question: are games art? Well, after playing RiME, I certainly believe so. RiME is a perfect example of just how impactful and important video games can be when looking to branch out and tell meaningful stories in new, unconventional ways. RiME joins an elite list in my mind of video games that everyone should experience in their lifetime. There's no question to me that video games are indeed art and RiME is a masterpiece of the medium.

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May 26, 2017

At its core, "Rime," is really nothing more and nothing less than an opportunity to roam around a beautiful environment and work through its strange logic.

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91 / 100
May 25, 2017

RiME is a lesson of how to make video games. The soundtrack is a masterpiece, game mechanics are great and the story left no place to speculation. Without any doubt, one of the essential games of this year.

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Metro GameCentral
Top Critic
6 / 10
May 26, 2017

RiME borrows from the best – including ICO, Journey, and The Witness – but while it's an amiable adventure it lacks the depth and originality of its would-be peers.

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8.8 / 10.0
May 25, 2017

A touching adventure that will be remembered for its stellar emotional value rather than for its (fairly good) gameplay: prepare some tissues because you're definitely gonna need them, as you'll experience one of the most memorable epilogues ever.

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8 / 10
May 25, 2017

Tequila Works' efforts these past few years have delivered a game that's full of beguiling charm and beauty, one that can stand up to many of the comparisons with some of the most fondly remembered games of the last decade. It doesn't always meet those high standards, but Rime has been well worth the wait.

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