Patapon Remastered Reviews
Patapon Remastered is let down by an input lag issue and some low resolution assets ruining an otherwise fantastic game.
Like the original, Patapon Remastered proves that rhythm games can hide many other genres inside to have a fun as well as complex game.
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As special as it was ten years ago, Patapon Remastered is a glorious example of when art, music and gameplay coalesce into something far more intoxicating than its sum parts would have you expect.
Ten years after it debuted on a handheld a fifth the size of a PS4, Patapon remains an utterly unique experience. For the life of me I couldn't tell you what lessons it could hold for future games, but I'm glad it's in a position for more folks to enjoy all over again.
Patapon Remastered is a broken game and a frustrating experience. What a pity!
Review in Italian | Read full review
The mix of rhythm action and strategy gameplay is still as inspired as ever, with visuals that polish up impressively well on the PlayStation 4.
Patapon Remastered is a worthy remastering of a classic game that deserves to be checked out. If you can't take an intense difficulty curve, however, you may find yourself frustrated at a lack of progress early in on the campaign. Sticking with it, and getting used to Patapon's many mechanics being used, however, will likely result in a slow but steady mastering of all your drums. A lack of modern features, such as even simple leaderboards for each level, feels like a missed opportunity, but most fans of the series will be happy just to see a return of the beloved Patapon, and at a reasonable price of $14.99 ($11.99 for PS+ members) to boot.
Patapon Remastered most certainly looks and plays the part, shining beautifully on the PS4 with zero hiccups in gameplay during my experience. Due to the repetitive grindy nature, however, it is best left bookending longer play sessions of other games, and is ill-suited to a home console, unless you could take it on the go as well, as with the Switch.
Patapon Remastered is a decent port of the madcap PSP title. It's a unique, challenging game with real personality that fans of rhythm and/or strategy will have fun with over its ten hour campaign. Difficulty spikes and some well hidden key items can put a dampener on things, while the audio mix isn't quite up to scratch. Fortunately, the fun, simplistic gameplay is compelling enough that you won't be too worried about its flaws. Fans will love the trip down memory lane, but we also hope newcomers will drum up the enthusiasm to give this a go.
Patapon Remastered is a decent new version of a great PSP game.
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Patapon Remastered is actually the furthest thing from the well-deserved celebration of a glorious little cult: due to an insane amount of input lag, the game in its current state is simply not only an unplayable broken mess, but also a true offense to the immediate and unique gameplay that made the original so incredibile.
Review in Italian | Read full review
Patapon's primal rhythmic challenges and its keen real-time strategy blend together to create an unusual yet still unique game that's as charming as ever. It does however, feel better suited to being played on a handheld than on the big screen.
I don't know if my expectations were too high, but due to a unforgettable soundtrack, lacklustre strategy mechanics and largely boring gameplay, Patapon is an interesting concept, which couldn't decide whether to focus on the music or strategy elements and ended up in an awkward and messy middle ground.
Magical game with nice remastered graphics. Unfortunately there is no sense in playing since there is too big input lag.
Review in Polish |
Sony brings a cult classic to a wider audience but does so with little fanfare or consideration
Even though we didn't experience any input lag during our playtime with Patapon Remastered, we're not fully satisfied with this remaster, which adds nothing in term of new content and doesn't alleviate the little problems the original had. Still, Patapon is fun as it was ten years ago.
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Unlike some who may be considering picking this up, I was a fan of the original release of Patapon and, as such, found that despite my initial misgivings playing Patapon on the PS4 is generally just as fun as it was in portable format.
Patapon is simple, elegant, and utterly delightful.
Patapon aged very well and it's nice to play it now on the PS4. This remastered version is just a decent way to enjoy the rhythm and strategy of the PSP classic with polished graphics.
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Patapon is back with its original personality thanks to a new remastered edition ready to entertain the PS4 fan base, even if this porting lacks of the same compelling experience found in the PSP version.
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