Mega Man X Legacy Collection 2 Reviews

Mega Man X Legacy Collection 2 is ranked in the 60th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Top Critic
6 / 10.0
Jul 26, 2018

Mega Man X Legacy Collection 2 makes the best of the material it's given to work with. Regardless of each game's quality, steps have been taken to clean them up to allow fans the option to relieve both the moderate highs and the very low lows of this era of Mega Man's history. It's disappointing that the X Challenge recycled some boss battles from the first volume, though, because experiencing these games in a new way would've given us a bit more to enjoy.

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Top Critic
8 / 10
Jul 24, 2018

An homage to the full breadth of Mega Man X's history shows that some parts of its legacy have aged much better than others.

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4 / 5.0
Jul 27, 2018

Mega Man X Legacy Collection 1+2 provides a lot of value for players.

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7 / 10
Jul 24, 2018

It's difficult not to be a little disappointed in Mega Man X Legacy Collection 2, although Capcom deserves credit for doing the best it could to polish up the weaker games in the series. At the end of the day, putting lipstick on a pig can only do so much, and these games unfortunately don't hold up quite as well as the first four entries in the series. Even so, X5 and X6 are pretty good, and though X7 is a hot mess of confused design, X8 has plenty of fun moments. If you liked the first four games in the series, you'll probably enjoy these four enough to justify the price, but bear in mind that this is easily the most skippable of the two collections.

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70 / 100
Jul 24, 2018

I still enjoy Mega Man X5, X6, X7, and X8. Sure, they have problems, and they don't feel as fresh or tightly designed as the first four. But the core of what makes Mega Man X so much fun — the combination of fast-paced traversal with with 2D action — still work in these games. This collection isn't for everyone. But if you're a big fan of the Blue Bomber, this is still a great package that helps you complete your digital Mega Man collection.

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8 / 10.0
Jul 24, 2018

A very welcome return for Capcom's beloved mascot and a hope for a Sonic Mania-esque revival.

8.5 / 10.0
Jul 24, 2018

Much like Mega Man's transformation himself between series, Mega Man X Legacy Collection feels like an upgrade on all fronts and should be an entry point for all Mega Man novices and longtime fans. Sporting the add-ons that made the previous collection great and smart new cohesion and modes to tie the package together, Capcom outdoes itself with another remastered collection.

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9 / 10
Jul 25, 2018

While having both 1 and 2 may be necessary if you are completionist or if you adore the series, the second one is so much weaker that it is very hard to justify. Mega Man X Legacy Colletion 1 is a great set of games with some really interesting new features that will have you bashing your head against a cyber wall and somehow loving it. The new X Challenge is paticularly interesting and gives the game a different feel while still retaining the rewarding challenge that has inspired so many games since.

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Jul 25, 2018

This is another retro collection that does an excellent job of preserving a classic franchise in an accessible form on current-gen platforms and is worth your attention whether you're a long-time fan or someone who's looking to get into the Mega Man X series for the first time.

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8 / 10
Jul 24, 2018

Ultimately, both Mega Man X Legacy Collections 1 and 2 nail exactly what modern-era collections of retro video game titles should be: a compendium of everything the series has to offer, including the base games, fresh new tweaks, added bonuses, trivia, trailers, and more. There's really no stone left unturned with either Mega Man X Legacy Collection, making them perfect for longtime series fans or for gamers new to the Mega Man X formula.

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6.5 / 10.0
Jul 24, 2018

Keep in mind that this mode spans both compilations, so even with the several lackluster choices in the second X Collection you're still getting X Challenge. While it's clear that Capcom tried to think of every possible way to help sell the second pack when the first compilation sells itself, it's a valid addition nonetheless. Just don't get too excited for all the pageantry -- the rumored story is basically nonexistent.

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7 / 10.0
Jul 24, 2018

The X Collection disappoints on that front, but it's still Mega Man X at heart. It's undeniably entertaining to explore every level, backtrack for new upgrades, and go toe-to-toe with themed bosses. I miss the save functionality and don't see the point of having two separate games, but the Mega Man X Legacy Collections are fully worth a play.

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Top Critic
7.5 / 10.0
Jul 31, 2018

There really isn't much to say about the MMX Legacy Collection. Given my fondness for the series, I'm always happy to have more people discover the pure platforming bliss that most of the series offers and while there certainly is value in keeping things faithful to the original, I would have much preferred a collection of true remasters as it would have gone a long way to justify the asking price.

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Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Jul 24, 2018

The Maverick Hunter X's adventures have been neatly compiled into one cohesive package. Whether this is your first or your eighth X game, there's still plenty of charm to be found in X's greatest hits.

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8.5 / 10.0
Jul 24, 2018

A great collection of some of the hardest and most enjoyable titles in the past twenty years. The Mega Man X Legacy Collection features plenty of great content not just with the titles included but also the extra content that Capcom have lovingly packed into it.

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7 / 10
Aug 20, 2018

Mega Man X Legacy Collection 2 closes the effort to bring together all the games of the Mega Man X series in a compilation that adds new game modes and extras that are bound to appeal to the fans. Nevertheless, the four remaining games of the X series are also overall less attractive and that has not changed with the years.

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6.5 / 10.0
Jul 30, 2018

Ultimately, Mega Man X Legacy Collection 2 is only worth buying if you really love the X series formula and are willing to experience it in bizarre and inferior forms. Mega Man X8 is the singular high-quality X title to be had here, so you have to ask yourself if X8 plus three not-so-terrific titles is worth your $19.99. I love Mega Man in all his forms, so it's worth it for me. But for you? Maybe not.

7.8 / 10.0
Jul 24, 2018

If you are a fan of the Mega Man X series, then this new collection is a great way to own all your favorite games on one console. The X Challenge is a neat little extra, but is probably not worth a purchase for anyone who isn't coming for the main games themselves.

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4 / 10
Jul 24, 2018

Playing Mega Man X Legacy Collection 2 makes us wonder why Capcom split the Mega Man X series in two. With the same bonus than the first compilation, you are left with episodes X5 to X8, which carry with them the licence into an abyss of torpor. Why would you get this second part ? We do not know either.

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75 / 100
Jul 24, 2018

Legacy Collection 2 is a roller coaster of emotions. Only about one and a half of the games in the box are actually good, but it will also complete the X series and fulfill hardcore fans. If you don't care about any of that, save the $20 and just get the first collection. Or, buy collection 2 and laugh at X7 with your friends.

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