Immortal: Unchained Reviews

Immortal: Unchained is ranked in the 11th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Top Critic
7 / 10
Sep 13, 2018

Immortal Unchained takes elements of From Software titles and successfully incorporates them into a sci-fi shooter. Unfortunately, the other aspects of the game are not as well thought out or executed, leaving one to wonder what could have been. If you're a Souls fan, who also enjoys the occasional shooter, definitely check out Immortal Unchained and absolutely pick it up when it's on sale. At $45 USD this game is a slightly overpriced.

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6.5 / 10.0
Sep 26, 2018

An ambitious venture for a low-budget indie studio, but one that manages to stand out in the crowd despite its flaws.

4 / 10.0
Sep 17, 2018

Immortal: Unchained tries to survive in a futuristic Dark Souls universe but it dies trying due to its terrible attempt to be hard and its problems when we try to manage the histamine bar.

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Oct 5, 2018

Toadman Interactive's new Souls-like Immortal: Unchained throws firearms into the increasingly predictable genre of gloomy action-RPGs.

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Top Critic
7 / 10.0
Oct 23, 2018

This has to be one of the more original Dark Souls-like games available, and anyone looking for a fresh take on the formula will be able to find enjoyment in Immortal: Unchained as long as they are willing to overlook a fair lack of polish.

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Top Critic
7 / 10
Oct 11, 2018

And although there are many deficiencies, balance and design problems in this game, developers manage to keep the users' attention due to the well-designed atmosphere, strong opponents and the Souls concept, where battles with dangerous enemies are filled with adrenaline.

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6 / 10.0
Sep 20, 2018

Immortal: Unchained could have been an original take on the soulslike genre, but it's too buggy and imperfect to be a fully enjoyable mix of action RPG and shooter mechanics.

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4 / 10
Sep 11, 2018

Immortal: Unchained isn't inherently an awful game, but it has very little going in its favour. Its level design is one shining beacon among a sea of bang average gameplay, unacceptable technical flaws, and a combat system that does little to distinguish itself from its inspirations. Those enamoured with the Souls formula may discover something to like, but they'll have to sort through a mountain of mediocrity to find it.

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Oct 8, 2018

There's room for a direct-to-TV rip of the Dark Souls formula, but at a current asking price of $50, Immortal: Unchained is impossible to recommend.

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Generación Xbox
Top Critic
7.3 / 10.0
Sep 17, 2018

Despite not having its own identity, Immortal Unchained offers exactly what it proposes in its playable aspect. Any fan of 'Dark Souls'- like games will appreciate this game for its level design and fine tuned difficulty, despite its technical shortcomings.

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5 / 10.0
Sep 26, 2018

The addition of guns to the "souls" formula and a Sci-Fi setting make for an interesting concept on paper, but poor enemy AI, clunky menus, repetitive combat and very poorly designed levels result in an experience that's more frustrating than fun.

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Sep 12, 2018

Ultimately, Immortal: Unchained serves to highlight one thing above all else. Every frustrating aspect of the Dark Souls experience is tolerated and even praised by its fans because the underlying combat system is so fantastically well-realised.

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3.5 / 10.0
Sep 11, 2018

Immortal: Unchained is an intriguing premise ' the concept of a sci-fi soulslike based on firearms ' ultimately turned into one of the worst video games in years: a game that's uninspired, ill-conceived and at times completely broken. Do yourself a favor and stay away from a frustrating experience that simply isn't worth your time and money.

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4 / 10.0
Sep 15, 2018

Immortal Unchained is a bad third-person shooter and a boring Souls-like. Its execution is poor enough to make you realize that Dark Souls-with-guns isn't actually as cool as it sounds.

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2.8 / 5.0
Oct 10, 2018

Strangely enough, I like quite a few elements of Immortal: Unchained; the deeper focus on story is personally welcomed, even if admittedly it got a little confusing at times, and the level design is honestly some of the best I've seen in a Soulslike experience that didn't come from From themselves.

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7.5 / 10.0
Jun 13, 2018

Overall, Immortal: Unchained is a very good game in my opinion. It has a great mix of difficulty, RPG, and a story that will make me want to continue playing this game until I have beaten it. I have spent several hours in the game and love the level design and the gameplay itself. The game itself comes in at $49.99 USD and is now available on PC through Steam, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4.

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62 / 100
Sep 23, 2018

Immortal: Unchained is a reasonable game. It brings graphics presentation that does not impress and an uninteresting story. The gameplay mechanics similar to the Souls franchise end up catching your attention, but the technical problems ruin the game experience.

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5.5 / 10.0
Sep 22, 2018

Immortal: Unchained got an essence of Dark Souls, it manages to capture this magnificent horror-mystic atmosphere. But the game's so undercooked that it's hard to recommend it to anyone right now.

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4.5 / 10.0
Oct 8, 2018

It wants to be Dark Souls with guns, but gameplay is so repetitive and boring, you will be probably ennuied soon.

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Sep 26, 2018

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