Boyfriend Dungeon Reviews

Boyfriend Dungeon is ranked in the 56th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Top Critic
6 / 10.0
Aug 13, 2021

Boyfriend Dungeon offers a fun spin on the dating sim formula, but its roguelite parts don't always mix well with developing romance. Being uncomfortably close to the antagonist dulls Boyfriend Dungeon too.

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7 / 10.0
Aug 18, 2021

The story pairs real human experience with comedic levity, offering depth to the game that should appeal to story lovers and roguelike fans

Aug 19, 2021

It worked for me because of the earnestness and care with which Kitfox tells this empowered queer story. It's not always pleasant to experience, but it's a story that left me feeling satisfied with the outcome.

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3 / 5 stars
Aug 30, 2021

Boyfriend Dungeon elicits an emotional attachment to its large cast of characters, but repetitive gameplay and dungeons sour the experience.

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Sep 13, 2021

This dating sim meets dungeon crawler has wonderful characters and great writing that delivers some really thrilling romances, but it's let down by the dungeoning side feeling a bit undercooked.

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6 / 10
Aug 18, 2021

Boyfriend Dungeon is an excellent example of a flawed gem, with an original premise and an engaging gameplay loop marred by a lack of development of ideas and mechanics. Combat is really fun, until you realize it's kind of shallow. The characters are interesting, until they become unbelievable or downright unlikeable. It's the kind of game that seems pretty great until you really get to know it, after which it can start to feel like work. We'd give Boyfriend Dungeon a very light recommendation, as there's enough here to justify a purchase and you'll likely be glad that you gave it a shot. That said, there are some legitimate issues in its execution, so maybe wait for a deep sale before picking it up.

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Aug 31, 2021

Perhaps it’s a good sign that Boyfriend Dungeon leaves players wanting more — it means that it’s compelling, even if only for a short time.

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8 / 10
Aug 24, 2021

Boyfriend Dungeon is an impressive matchup of two genres that I’d never think would make a decent pair. It juggles interesting personal entanglements with challenging action gameplay via its dungeons. Though it could really benefit from some depth to its romantic structure, it’s not enough to sour what is overall a fascinating experience.

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Metro GameCentral
Top Critic
6 / 10
Aug 17, 2021

An enjoyable, likeable mash-up of dungeon crawler and dating sim undercut by simplistic combat and a short running time.

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Aug 19, 2021

It's a jokey concept, but this dating game/dungeon crawler deals with everything from stalking to polyamory

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76 / 100
Mar 3, 2023

Overall Boyfriend Dungeon gets a big thumbs up from an entertainment standpoint, but the romance and relationships could be stronger. There were a lot of weapons (er, people) to choose from but not all the side stories were interesting. It was nice that every player’s romantic preference was included though. I came into this fully prepared to date one hot guy, and I ended up with several including a girl! It’s unfortunate the triggering content was unavoidable but as long as you’re comfortable with going through this experience, the story is well-written for such a short game. At the end of the day, Boyfriend Dungeon is a dating sim targeted towards the open-minded and adventurous spirit, and I felt it was executed well in that regard. Now I can add dating blades to my repertoire!

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70 / 100
Aug 20, 2021

Any game that mixes genres like this has to make cuts somewhere. In this case, a little depth is traded for accessibility. While this isn’t the most complex dungeon crawler or dating sim, the final result is still quite satisfying. You’re given ample space to explore your violent and romantic impulses. The dating pool is both expansive and inclusive, with excellent writing to match. Though the combat gameplay loop is simple, it offers an engaging challenge with narrative relevance. On the other hand, each half of the gameplay can feel like a distraction from the other half. Maybe this is the price required when smashing two disparate systems together. Even if you end up missing the absent depth, the laid-back pace is a rewarding compensation. If only one-half of this mashup premise appeals to you, what you’re looking for may lie elsewhere. But if you’re looking to blend hacking, slashing, and smooching, Boyfriend Dungeon will be a perfect match.

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3.5 / 5.0
Aug 24, 2021

When all is said and done, I was pretty satisfied with my overall experience with Boyfriend Dungeon when the end of the summer rolled. The writing was solid, and I ended up caring about a lot of the relationships that were formed. It is just a shame that the somewhat lacking combat and issues with a couple of the characters and situations arise that end up bogging the game down a bit.

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Sep 10, 2022

Inscryption appears to be a very niche roguelite deck-building card game. But it turns into so much more. It’s a must play for anyone who is a fan of experimental videogame storytelling. Anyone remotely curious, who enjoys a great mystery, should also play without hesitation. This is the highest review score I’ve given in a while, and I wasn’t drawn to the base gameplay at all. Inscryption is a special game, and a wholly unique experience. It’s going to be remembered as a benchmark of videogame storytelling years from now. I could not be more shocked or impressed.

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Sep 4, 2021

Despite some minor flaws, I rather enjoyed Boyfriend Dungeon. At around five to eight hours long, it might be a bit on the short side for those expecting the lengthier content of most dungeon crawlers, but I felt the length was perfect for conveying the story Kitfox Games wanted to tell. Fans of outright challenging games might want to look elsewhere, but those more interested in story and narrative choice with enjoyable-albeit-simple gameplay might want to give this game a look. Getting attached to your weapons takes on a whole new and surprisingly welcome meaning here!

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8 / 10.0
Aug 17, 2021

Despite an underwhelming boss fight and some undercooked action elements, Boyfriend Dungeon is a great dating sim experience with a lot of heart

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David Flynn
Top Critic
80 / 100
Aug 16, 2021

While it's a bit too short to realize its full potential, Boyfriend Dungeon is still a well written and fun visual novel/dungeon crawler. The characters are lovely, and combat is simple but functional. It's certainly worth playing, but could use more content.

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8 / 10.0
Aug 20, 2021

Boyfriend Dungeon is an enjoyable dating game with some great dialogue, but unfortunately there’s more action off-screen than there is on screen.

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7 / 10
Aug 17, 2021

Boyfriend Dungeon is a good dating sim held back to being something truly great by its curious choices and lite dungeon-crawler elements. While you may not get the deepest rogue-like experience in-game, you will be satisfied by some of the intense, hot (and maybe even cute) relationships on offer. Just tread careful ground if you’re sensitive to some of the themes that the game is exploring. Regardless, some good and disposable fun can be had smashing some monsters and pashing some cuties. Delve on.

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Aug 16, 2021

Boyfriend Dungeon is a brief but incredibly well-crafted hybrid of dungeon crawling combat and a visual novel dating sim. It may drop the ball in its main story arc, but the characters and the relationships that can be made with each of them more than makes up for it.

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