Age of Wonders: Planetfall Reviews

Age of Wonders: Planetfall is ranked in the 83rd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
No Recommendation / Blank
Aug 7, 2019

Competent strategy pastes flat-footed, surface-level sci-fi over a genre that lives and dies by its nuance.

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T.J. Hafer
Top Critic
8.4 / 10.0
Aug 5, 2019

Age of Wonders: Planetfall is a dazzling, slick, diverse 4X with snappy and exciting turn-based combat and a story I was always eager to discover more of.

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85 / 100
Aug 5, 2019

Age of Wonders: Planetfall, while a bit opaque in some areas, is the most entertaining 4X I've played in years.

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Metro GameCentral
Top Critic
7 / 10
Aug 6, 2019

A complex strategy game with some severe accessibility issues, especially on consoles, but give it a chance and it's a rewarding and deep sci-fi experience.

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8 / 10.0
Aug 9, 2019

Overworld missions keep the action moving, but the XCOM-like turn-based combat is the real star

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7 / 10
Aug 8, 2019

Age of Wonders: Planetfall is a robust hybrid strategy game that adds a fifth X to the 4X genre.

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Aug 5, 2019

Triumph returns to its unique mix of Civilization and XCOM with the new Age of Wonders: Planetfall.

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8.5 / 10.0
Aug 16, 2019

Overall, Age of Wonders: Planetfall is a large, ambitious strategy game that succeeds in many ways but falters ever so slightly in its grand scale. If you can grapple with the scope it's well worth the purchase and time, offering a great sandbox that could be played for hours on end. Newcomers to the genre might want to try one of the earlier Age of Wonders games before seeing if they should truly take the dive into this massive commitment. Those who do won't be disappointed.

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Aug 15, 2019

Age of Wonders: Planetfall is one of the most unique 4X games released in recent memory, and that is great news for a genre that can be a bit stale at times.

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8 / 10
Aug 5, 2019

The science fiction setting puts a compelling new spin on Age of Wonders: Planetfall, with a lengthy single player campaign and half a dozen contrasting factions to see rise from the ashes of the Star Union. There's some niggles I have on console, but this is easy to recommend if you're hankering for a new 4X strategy game.

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7 / 10
Aug 22, 2019

Age of Wonders: Planetfall is a polished, gigantic, and complex sci-fi strategy game. It has loads of different features, factions, and quests, and there's enough content to keep players active for weeks, months, probably years. But while the possibility of such a deep well may be alluring to 4X fans, it's a bad fit for the rest of us working-class citizens.

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9 / 10.0
Aug 5, 2019

Age of Wonders: Planetfall brings a new setting, and lots of improvements, to a classical 4X series. The increased complexity can be occasionally overwhelming, but the strategical experience remains top notch.

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7.5 / 10.0
Aug 5, 2019

A good format that optimally mixes two different strategy modes, but which in turn has too much information to process and requires time to adapt, with a somewhat more repetitive campaign than we would like.

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9 / 10.0
Aug 5, 2019

Whether you're a veteran of the genre or a relative newcomer, Planetfall will keep you plotting and planning your rise to glory for a long time.

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Aug 5, 2019

Don’t make the mistake I nearly made and disregard it: if you enjoy the tactical and strategic game styles it draws from, you’ll find a game that doesn’t go out of its way to innovate on either front, but one that performs a bloody lovely duet.

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6 / 10.0
Aug 15, 2019

Alas, if you're coming to Age of Wonders: Planetfall for a brand new angle on games you've played before, then you've come to the wrong place. It's novel to see several different recognizable mechanics blended into one genre soup. The final product isn't better than the sum of its parts, though. It makes the 4X a faster game to play, but not a better one, ultimately.

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Aug 14, 2019

Age of Wonders: Planetfall's strategy aspect is lacking. Despite that, the incredible tactical combat gameplay makes up for it, making the full experience enjoyable overall.

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9 / 10.0
Sep 10, 2019

If you're looking for an easygoing, mindless gaming session, Planetfall isn't in your ballpark—or even playing sports. But if you woke up this morning thinking, "Hey, I'd love to play XCOM and Civilization today, then you can kill two birds with one stone. Planetfall will fill your unique craving.

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9 / 10.0
Aug 6, 2019

Age of Wonders: Planetfall is a game on an epic scale in every sense of the word. Both a world-building strategy sim and a turn-based tactical RPG, Planetfall offers a wealth of content to keep players engaged for a long time to come. While some initial commitment is needed to get past the learning curve, playing becomes smooth and intuitive within a couple of hours. Armchair generals with a penchant for lasers, robots and mysterious planets will find plenty to enjoy in this tremendously deep title.

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Aug 5, 2019

A number of flaws such as a disappointing campaign, a rigid tech tree, and a couple of bugs hamper Age of Wonders: Planetfall. However, it more than makes up for these flaws with its refreshing charm, tactical battles, and customization choices for the avid 4X player.

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