Titanfall Reviews

Titanfall is ranked in the 95th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Mar 16, 2014

[I]n Titanfall's case, the failure to implement a strong narrative is ultimately inconsequential. Players will tell their own stories simply by jumping and jetting through the vertical environments, experimenting with parkour and, of course, causing destruction in the seat of those towering Titans.

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Top Critic
10 / 10.0
Mar 10, 2014

Titanfall lives up to all the expectations established when it was first revealed, in a way that so few games are able ever to accomplish, and represents nothing short of first-person shooter multiplayer taken to new heights.

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5 / 5.0
Mar 12, 2014

Thankfully enough, Respawn and Titanfall did indeed deliver on the high quality that came to be expected from this game's immense amount of hype and marketing. While highly-advertised games often run the risk of not living up to expectations, it is very refreshing to see that Titanfall goes above and beyond in terms of quality.

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9.5 / 10.0
Mar 11, 2014

Titanfall is the game Microsoft's new-gen console has been waiting for: a fast, frenetic mix of parkour gunplay and agile mech combat that makes for an incomparable shooter experience.

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9.5 / 10.0
Mar 19, 2014

The ideas behind the design of TitanFall aren't new to the genre, but the resulting combination works well. The pilot gameplay makes incredible use of a map's surfaces and elevations, the Titan gameplay trades vertical gameplay for heavy firepower, and the transition between the two is seamless. The sheer fun and unparalleled mobility that the game provides cannot be overstated. The Xbox One finally has a console-exclusive shooter, and TitanFall is such a damned good one that it's tough to go back and play others.

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9.3 / 10.0
Mar 12, 2014

A fitting introduction to what the new generation of multiplayer gaming can achieve

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9.3 / 10.0
Mar 9, 2014

If you're looking for a shooter, Titanfall will satisfy and surprise you. It doesn't redefine first-person genre, but it certainly threatens the status quo, and that's a welcome step forward.

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9 / 10
Mar 9, 2014

It could do with a few more ancillary options, and a more interesting backstory, but in terms of online gameplay Titanfall is now the game to beat this gen.

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9 / 10
Mar 9, 2014

Exhilarating player movement and a brilliant blend of two distinct combat styles make Titanfall a thrilling shooter.

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Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Mar 9, 2014

Titanfall has all the makings of the next big thing

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Paul Tassi
Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Mar 11, 2014

Titanfall is a great game and an incredible amount of fun. Combat is creative, exciting and never, ever static. It lacks depth past its core concept however, and hopefully that's something that can be rectified well ahead of the inevitable Titanfall 2. But right now, this is the game the Xbox One needs, and it's the first true must-have of the new console generation.

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9 / 10
Mar 11, 2014

From finishing off a rival Titan by ripping out its pilot, to detonating a Titan to destroy a squad of enemy soldiers, Titanfall is filled with numerous moments of sheer fun.

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9 / 10.0
Mar 11, 2014

When you're in the thick of the action, Titanfall is like no other shooter. It succeeds in making you feel like a superhero, piloting a giant mech to destroy your enemies with ferocious aggression. The fact there's no option for private matches is an odd one, and there's not a huge amount of guns on offer, really, but it's arguably unfair to come down too hard on a developer choosing to focus on gameplay innovation over peripheral issues.

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Mar 12, 2014

Respawn Entertainment seems to have cherry picked the very best aspects of contemporary shooters for Titanfall, and it works incredibly well. The dynamic between the Pilots, Titans, and AI is fun and fresh, and it works surprisingly well in every mode offered. Titanfall is pure, unadulterated multiplayer gaming.

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9 / 10.0
Mar 11, 2014

Titanfall doesn't reinvent the first-person shooter but comes close to nearly perfecting it. All the elements that we've seen fail before in other games somehow fit each other so well in this one. Titanfall accomplishes what it sets out to do: being the killer app the Xbox One needed.

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Mar 16, 2014

Titanfall may not be a revolution, but its combination of hulking war robots and athletic parkour makes for the most thrilling multiplayer shooter in years.

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Ken McKown
Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Mar 18, 2014

[I]t takes a lot to bring me back into the online shooter fold, and Titanfall has definitely dragged me back in. I can see myself enjoying this for months to come; I just hope they deliver enough support to keep it interesting beyond that.

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Jan 9, 2015

Don't listen to the cynics and the moaners: Titanfall was a great multiplayer shooter last year and it's even better now. Its innovative movement and Titan mechanics put many more recent shooters in the shade, and it's as fast-paced and addictive as ever. If you've just bought an Xbox One this Christmas, put it on your shopping list right away, and on PC it's an absolute bargain. Titanfall might not be the deepest, richest or most tactical competitive FPS around, but it's easily one of the most entertaining.

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Top Critic
9 / 10
Mar 18, 2014

And that's maybe Titanfall's biggest, and most forgivable flaw: it looks less interesting and novel than it actually is. It's such a fresh take on the military shooter, splitting the difference between the more deliberate pace of games like Battlefield and Call of Duty and the kinetic excitement of games like Tribes or even Counter-Strike. It just takes a while to see that, because Titanfall's presentation is so conservative.

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9 / 10.0
Mar 17, 2014

All things considered, Titanfall is insanely fun. After all the hand-wringing about odd visual resolutions, a 6 on 6 cap, and being little more than "Call of Duty with robots," it turns out that playing Titanfall is an absolute blast.

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