Skellboy Reviews
With an imaginative world and equally imaginative premise, Skellboy is an admirable attempt to provide an alternative to your average Zelda title.
Despite the lovely voxel visuals and cute animations, Skellboy doesn't quite hit the mark. Uninspired combat, slow movement and poor objective signposting make it a little bland.
Skellboy is a Zelda clone with no meat on its bones.
Skellboy features as many interesting elements as it features detracting obstacles. If the game's body parts' swapping mechanic is original and welcome and its art style is very good to look at, its uninspired combat system and performance issues end up setting the threshold at a lower level. So while Skellboy has enough features to please fans of adventure games, its flaws will limit the game's overall appeal.
Review in Portuguese |
Unfortunately, despite some great ideas, a lot of the execution falls flat. With some tweaks and patches, some of my issues might be fixed, but as a whole, Skellboy isn’t a journey worth taking.
Skellboy is an entertaining, brisk adventure. The general mechanics are solid, and it's hard not to like switching out body parts, even if the combat could use more immediacy. Fans of action-adventure games and 2D pixel art will likely have a good time.
Skellboy is a lovely looking game with an addictive soundtrack and lighthearted story. However, its main gameplay loop is unremarkable, and there isn't much to differentiate itself from the competition.
If you put Zelda's action-RPG system, Paper Mario's platforming, and a heavy dash of voxel graphics into a blender, you'd likely get something resembling Skellboy. At times, admittedly, the game lacks polish and can drag quite a bit, especially in the beginning. Nevertheless, it brings new ideas to the platforming and RPG genres, while looking pretty stellar to boot.
A standard hack-and-slash adventure, Skellboy offers a fun twist on the usual inventory format. Beyond that, though, performance issues and a general lack of polish leave the game feeling underdeveloped
Skellboy's strong points come from its writing and visual identity, not from its combat and gameplay. While there are certainly some unique mechanics to keep the game going, there isn't much there to keep players invested. The game is enjoyable enough to get through the story alone, just don't expect a deep gameplay loop within.
I thoroughly enjoyed the visual style of Skellboy with everything resembling thick cardboard cutouts. The concept of using 2D with a 3D world is fantastic, but the execution falls flat. The combat is cumbersome, the music is highly repetitive, and the performance on Switch is not that great.
Skellboy is a game that served as a brilliant throwback to an era of gaming I simply missed. It’s bright, colourful and oozing with an endless amount of charm. Anyone that is a fan of classic Nintendo RPGs like Paper Mario or Super Mario 64 should definitely add this to your Switch library. Get slashing and get adventuring, folks!
Skellboy is an action-RPG that succeeds at first blush, but it fails to pull you in for the long run.
Skellboy breaks no barriers and raises no bars, but it provides a relatively easy outing for people starting out in the Action RPG genre. Its comedically written script and variety of items lift it up, but dull, monotonous gameplay draws it back down to the depths from which it came.
Skellboy is an enjoyable enough adventure title that I’d recommend giving it a shot at some point.
The visuals are adorable and fun, but technical issues muddle gameplay. The back half features more exploration and enjoyable side quests, but the first part is slow-paced and straightforward. If you think the charm of the aesthetic can carry you through the low points, it's worth reaching the highs, but if not, Skippy might be better left in the ground.
Although it features a lovely presentation and goofy humour, Skellboy's gameplay could use a lot more fine-tuning.
Rich unearths the good, bad, and unstable in this Skellboy review. Should you pick this title up immediately, or hold off on patches?
I greatly enjoyed my time with Skellboy...
Skellboy brings what we're used to in similiar adventures but also introduces a little twist - switching body parts with enemies. That, and funny dialogues and cutscenes go well together to create a quite nice experience.
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