In Other Waters Reviews

In Other Waters is ranked in the 75th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Apr 2, 2020

Hypnotic art, otherworldly audio and captivating writing meet in an undersea exploration game that wants you to take your time.

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80 / 100
Apr 1, 2020

A gentle and engrossing underwater sci-fi game that will have you thinking about more than what lies beneath the waves.

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6.3 / 10.0
Mar 31, 2020

In Other Waters succeeds more as an exercise in world building than as an exciting adventure game

9 / 10
Apr 13, 2020

In Other Waters tells a tense, absorbing mystery through exquisitely minimalist means.

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4 / 5.0
Apr 3, 2020

Admittedly this is a game that requires players, from the word go, to get onboard with the idea that pace isn't paramount and that its complicated controls also serve the greater aesthetic on show.

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Mar 31, 2020

It is really very good, though. It’s very meditative. Calming. It’s possibly exactly what you need right now.

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9 / 10
Apr 11, 2020

A very pleasant surprise indeed, In Other Waters is a bit of a minimalist masterpiece that you'll often want to dip into for a more contemplative experience than the majority of the Switch's library. It has found a perfect home on the handheld, the form factor of which massively works in the favour of the game's mood and atmosphere to create an exceptional and unique experience. What you're getting here is a story that you're an integral part of, and it's one of the coolest, cleverest games we've played in a long time. An absolutely first-class effort.

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8 / 10.0
Apr 3, 2020

In Other Waters is a unique, dreamy experience that rewards your patience and time. It features one of the most elegant and thoughtful UIs in a game, and a clever, precise text to build a world worth exploring.

8 / 10
Apr 27, 2020

With an engaging sci-fi story and its minimalist style, In Other Waters manages to draw you into its mysterious story and brings the alien environments to life through your imagination. There are some performance issues that can detract from the experience, but overall, In Other Waters is a journey worth taking.

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8 / 10
Apr 7, 2020

Minimalist adventuring that's original, clever, and soothing – and a perfect example that gameplay and atmosphere is always more important than high-tech graphics.

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9 / 10.0
Apr 9, 2020

In Other Waters caresses the senses, stimulates curiosity and hits hard with an extremely deep story. An alien ocean to explore, discovering an incredibly fascinating ecosystem, to be protected at all costs.

Review in Italian | Read full review

Apr 6, 2020

In Other Waters is a poignant message of environmentalism mixed with a calming and distinctive aesthetic, but it's sometimes a chore to play.

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77 / 100
Apr 3, 2020

With full control of the expedition that engages the player from the moment the game starts, In Other Waters is highly interactive and unapologetically detailed, a little slower and a lot more reading than I would have preferred, but an overall impressive experience.

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Top Critic
9.5 / 10.0
Mar 31, 2020

In Other Waters is engrossing, beautiful and perfectly balanced both in terms of immersive gameplay and intriguing narrative. Its relaxing without being boring, and thoughtful without treading the same tired sci-fi tropes.

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7 / 10
Apr 17, 2020

In Other Waters puts the player in an unusual position but even though not everyone will become smitten by this Nintendo Switch text-based adventure, the game is a marvel to look at and features an exquisite ambient soundtrack that will make everyone feel like they're at the bottom of the sea. A work that fits like a charm on a handheld experience, In Other Waters deserves its place in the Nintendo Switch library.

Review in Portuguese |

8 / 10.0
Apr 1, 2020

I had an amazing time with In Other Waters. It's a game I'd happily play over and over just for the overall combination of colors, sounds, and exploration. The story acts as a reminder of why we should treat our oceans, and each other, with more kindness. If you're even remotely interested in marine biology, you'll never put your Switch down.

Apr 1, 2020

The game offers a refreshing focus on its sense of place rather than ease of play.

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7 / 10.0
Apr 15, 2020

The hard science aspects of being a marine biologist aren't sexy or fun, but they make for an interesting and completely unique experience.

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PC Invasion
Top Critic
6 / 10
Apr 2, 2020

In Other Waters is beautiful, but somewhat clunky and boring.

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90 / 100
Apr 5, 2020

In Other Waters' best quality is just that: it makes you feel like you're in other waters. It's a well written exploration game that, while short, provides an interesting story. If this is the form the classic text adventure returns in, In Other Waters leads the charge with its immersive soundscape and imagination sparking descriptions.

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