Red Wings: Aces of the Sky Reviews

Red Wings: Aces of the Sky is ranked in the 30th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
6 / 10.0
May 28, 2020

Red Wings: Aces of the Sky is filled with over 50 missions, and although there's plenty to do and the controls are easy to get used to, it does become repetitive after a while.

78 / 100
Jul 2, 2021

Red Wings biggest sin resides in its little varied offering, but it does right a lot of things: campaing can be played in coop, the action is intense and joyful, it has some interesting mechanics... It's a shame that it doesn't offer more types of missions and modes.

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6 / 10
Jun 5, 2020

Despite its flaws, Red Wings: Aces of the Sky is a decent dogfighting game. The night flight missions show just how tricky it must have been, trying to pick out the enemy against the inky black sky, and the dogfighting is genuinely engaging, if a bit too repetitive and not quite historically accurate. If you're a fan of combat sims and you want to try something different to the modern fighter jets we're all used to, it's worth a shot.

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5 / 10.0
Nov 20, 2020

Attractive visuals and decent handling isn't enough to pull Red Wings: Aces of the Sky out of the doldrums of mediocrity, thanks in no small part to a distinct lack of variety in the mission objectives and uninspiring game design.

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75 / 100
Jun 17, 2020

Red Wings: Aces of the Sky is a solid first effort by All In! Games. I hope this isn’t the end of the road for the franchise, because there’s tremendous groundwork that’s been laid here for something that could be truly special. If the developers were to flesh out the modes, further the variety in the missions, and hire actors more capable of conveying the power of the writing, we could have one of the all-time great dogfighting games ever made. Until then, Red Wings remains good, but not great.

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Jun 12, 2020

Tedious, frustrating dogfights combined with repetitive mission design grounds Red Wings: Aces of the Sky before it can get off the runway.

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65 / 100
Oct 16, 2020

In summary, when it comes to Red Wings: Aces of the Sky, there just isn't that much to talk about. It's a fun little game for a while, but it gets repetitive quickly, and it's very easy. I think most experienced gamers will enjoy it for a couple of days and then forget about it because it doesn't inspire any strong feelings or make you want to go all completionist on it for the achievements.

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8 / 10.0
May 26, 2020

Aces of the Sky immediately hits you with frenzied, stylized, WWI-era aerial combat, then does little to change the formula throughout its two stories. Whether you can deal with the repetitiveness depends upon how much of an arcade gamer you (and hopefully a nearby squad mate) really are.

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7.8 / 10.0
Oct 21, 2017

At the end of the day, Red Wings is actually a good game. Is it great? Probably not, mainly for longevity reasons, but it's fun to play. It feels like a well-designed and executed WWI dogfight game and it certainly is a comfortable bit of fun on the Nintendo Switch. Will it be replacing your Flight Simulator on your PC anytime soon? No, but that's okay. It's honestly not trying to do that at all.

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Stefania Tahva Sperandio
Top Critic
6.8 / 10.0
Jul 9, 2020

Red Wings is an interesting game if you are looking for an immediate arcade gameplay, but the lack of deepness feels like a missed chance.

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May 24, 2020

Well intended but average in execution, Red Wings: Aces of the Sky is a noble also flawed attempt at an arcade WW1 flight shooter. Despite occasionally beautiful visuals and audio, execution is sorely lacking.

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Evan Norris
Top Critic
6 / 10
May 21, 2020

Red Wings has a lot of good ideas and a strong foundation... yet poor storytelling, monotonous mission design, and unsatisfactory specialty stages ultimately drag this airborne adventure back down to Earth.

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7.3 / 10.0
Oct 19, 2020

‎Red Wings: Aces of the Sky is an interesting game, with a basic approach and a very addictive action. Its aesthetic should not deceive us, because it is a resulton game that performs perfectly and allows you to enjoy its action while still looking at the screen. So much so that I almost wish you had more options to continue enjoying the aerial combats that this game poses. But you get lost in the impossible challenges to extend the hours of play in the case of completists.‎

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6.5 / 10.0
Jul 7, 2020

Red Wings: Aces in the Sky surprised me. I went in with low expectations and found a fun arcade shooter that does a lot of things well. It works as advertised and can provide some fun but short-lived action moments that detail the story of the Red Baron during WWI. Fans of the subject matter will certainly get a few decent hours out of the game, but the experience is severely held back by a lack of variety in almost all areas. If you're not into WWI or arcade shooters, Red Wings probably won't keep you entertained for too long, but it is a solid experience that does most things well enough for a quick rush of adrenaline on your Switch.

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8 / 10.0
May 21, 2020

Arguably where it stumbles most is in trying to force in diversity via the bombing missions. When Red Wings accepts its own simplicity it is brilliant. The local co-op makes for a wonderful and unexpected addition, and strong art design helps to maintain its charm for many hours. Red Wings: Aces of the Sky is no doubt destined to become a hidden gem of the Switch eShop.

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May 25, 2020

If you're a fan of flying games then participating in Red Wings: Aces of the Sky's dogfights will surely keep you happy for a while.

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7.4 / 10.0
May 21, 2020

If you're looking for airborne thrills on the Switch the list is a pretty short one, so for fans of aerial domination should be excited for the arrival of Red Wings on the system...

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5.5 / 10.0
Aug 6, 2021

Red Wings is torn between its arcade ethos and its aim for historical accuracy. Perhaps it should have leaned further in one direction.

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7 / 10
Nov 5, 2020

It’s not a massively deep game, with a skills-and-stars upgrade system cribbed from many a game. That being said, Red Wings: Aces of the Sky is a fun little adventure in a First World War mold. Taking to the skies has never been so colourful.

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7.5 / 10.0
Oct 17, 2020

Red Wings: Aces of the Sky is a fairly solid dogfighting game presenting a good selection of maps, and some alright supplementary modes.

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