Brigandine: The Legend of Runersia Reviews
Brigandine: The Legend of Runersia offers deep tactics gameplay but the overall execution falls short of greatness.
The high-level gameplay will appeal to a specific crowd. This is not something for the average console JRPG gamer at all, and is something that would interest older PC users who prefer western strategy games
Brigandine: The Legend of Runersia is a good strategy game that has a lot of content to keep the player engaged for dozens of hours. Thanks to its great campaigns and good SRPG elements, this is a game that should be on the radar for the most passionate fans of the genre and its story.
Review in Portuguese | Read full review
Acceptable grand strategy simulation game, just too slow and it is eventless soon.
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Coming as a complete surprise, the quality of the art and characters deserves tremendous praise. A single story is interesting, avoiding typical RPG tropes, and engaging from start to finish, which makes it more insane is that there are six stories in this game. Frequently Brigandine will surprise you with moments of extra quality, like the frequency of the artwork screens depicting what's happening. The only thing holding back this title from being a truly phenomenal experience is the repetitive music, some small graphical issues battle-wise, and how much time the actual warfare can take.
The battles can take a little long, though it never really bothered me. That being said, the models and story could definitely be a bit better. Nothing reaches below par, but some polish would've made this adventure even more memorable.
Brigandine: The Legend of Runersia is an extremely engaging and challenging SRPG, a rarity in this day and age. For such a polished production and top notch style, Runersia is a delight to all the senses, despite slight hiccups such as certain translation errors.
Brigandine: The Legend of Runersia is a game that combines turned-based tactical combat with troop management over a campaign map. While it has great art in its VN-style cutscenes and has a deep Lore for its world, many of its mechanics feel shallow and outdated. As such, this game can only be recommended to die-hard fans of the genre who can enjoy its repetitive and sometimes tedious gameplay in short bursts to scratch that Turned-based tactics itch
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Having not played the original Brigandine, I don't know if this new one does justice to the legacy of the original. I do know that original is well-respected (and quite rare, therefore expensive), but I'm comfortable saying this: developer Matrix Software has done something special with Brigandine: The Legend of Runersia, and this effort deserves to have a legacy all of its own. The Switch is by no means short on great tactics experiences, but Brigandine might just be the best of all of them.
Brigandine: The Legend of Runersia is a firmly average game. The strong plot and interesting artwork are tied to a gameplay system that loses its welcome by the end of one playthrough, never mind six. It's still enjoyable for that one playthrough, but it's difficult to imagine going through the same gameplay over and over again. If it hits for you, then there will be a lot of content to enjoy, but otherwise, Brigandine is not varied enough to keep you going for more than a single playthrough.
It's hard to believe that a sequel to a game from 1998 released so much later but it was worth the wait. Brigandine The Legend of Runersia is an excellent strategic experience that will blow SRPG fans' minds with its immersive level of depth.
This long-awaited sequel stumbles when it comes to engaging lore, but offers strategic replayability galore!
Brigandine: The Legend of Runersia offers an intriguing point of entry with a story told from many different perspectives, a ton of gameplay over its many campaigns, and a ton of options to strategize and plan out your upcoming attacks. I may wish the attacks themselves were more exciting or that the story had more payoff but those who are fans of both traditional strategy RPGs and more PC style strategy titles will still find this interesting hybrid worth a look.
Originally for Nintendo Switch, Brigandine: The Legend of Runersia comes through PlayStation 4 before now arriving on PC via Steam. The gameplay mechanics are enjoyable, but this port has ignored the mouse and the PC’s range of keyboard inputs. The lack of a streamlined user experience leaves this game feeling slow and clumsy compared to PC-native titles. A good title, but not a great fit for the PC in its current state.
Even with a conservative concept regarding the classic Brigandine, and also considering that it is a lower-budget project, Brigandine: The Legend of Runersia deserved more polish, especially in the in-game visuals and in several aspects of its gameplay that lead to be problematic and/or limited in much of what it does as both a macro-scale strategy game and a tactical RPG. However, the game has new features in its PC version that increase its replay factor, it has a good musical environment, a good connection between the types of gameplay in GSG and TRPG, and it is above all well written and illustrated. For these reasons, it's a title recommended for fans of the PlayStation classic, fans of high fantasy stories and anyone who wants to experiment with macro-strategic elements in TRPG, as there aren't many titles with this concept.
Review in Portuguese | Read full review
Brigandine: The Legend of Runersia is a fine release and definitely should help fans of a good tactical journey to get a bit more representation – as let’s face it, there isn’t a lot to choose from in terms of variety for the genre.
Brigandine: The Legend of Runersia is a good Strategy/Tactical RPG. But that’s all it is, it’s good but it doesn’t innovate over its contemporaries or bring anything new to the table. The main motivation for continuing is to see your nation succeed but the game does make that difficult with the repetitive but solid gameplay and frequent losses of high-level units sapping your motivation after extended periods of time. I would recommend Brigandine: The Legend of Runersia to those looking for a more typical tactical RPG experience if you’re coming off the back of a more introductory title such as Fire Emblem. If you’re a seasoned tactical RPG player, I would not go into Runersia expecting anything new compared to previous titles you may have played.
The PlayStation 4 release of "Brigandine: The Legend of Runersia" is accompanied by a special update providing players with a customizable and unique tactical RPG experience.
Intrigas políticas, combates desafiantes y largos, y muchas horas os esperan en Brigandine. Un juego de estrategia táctica que haciendo honor a su condición de juego de nicho, va a gustar muchísimo a los fans del género pero que es un bocado bastante duro para los no iniciados.
Review in Spanish | Read full review
Bringandine: The Legend of Runersia is a game for fans of medieval fantasy or those who are fans of tactical RPGs like Fire Emblem. Overall, it's recommendable for its gameplay, aesthetics, and the possibility to play the story with six different factions.
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