Hellpoint Reviews

Hellpoint is ranked in the 17th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
3 / 5.0
Jul 29, 2020

Ultimately, Hellpoint is the worst kind of inspiration by game. Outside of visuals elements and design, it feels like someone wanted to offer their own take on something like Dark Souls, without the understanding of what makes those games fun.

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Top Critic
6 / 10.0
Aug 21, 2020

Hellpoint is a souls-like action RPG developed by Cradle Games and published by tinyBuild. It is an ambitious title that has incorporated a few great ideas. While the visuals, music, and sound are top-notch, the game does fall short in pacing and combat.

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Evan Norris
Top Critic
6 / 10
Aug 15, 2020

While it doesn't match up with the best of the sub-genre, due to performance issues and generic designs, it provides enough exploration opportunities, deadly combat scenarios, and mysteries to satisfy hardcore fans.

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7 / 10.0
Jul 29, 2020

Prepare to Die... IN SPAAAAAAAAAACE!

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7 / 10 stars
Jul 29, 2020

If Dark Souls were set in space, it would be Hellpoint, a strong souls-like marred only by its similarities to so many others in its genre.

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4.9 / 10.0
Mar 21, 2021

Hellpoint is a decent game with some issues of its own and if I had to give the game itself a score, it would be a 7.5 or so. Unfortunately, this port is rife with bugs and I can't really say I recommend it. If you're interested in playing this title, I'd say check it out on a different system. If you got to play on the Switch, wait for a bugfix. Or not and prepare for Hell.

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Top Critic
5 / 10
Jun 13, 2021

Dark sci-fi Hellpoint sits smack-dab in the centre of soulslikes quality-wise. It's not terrible, but it's far from a good one too. Should you wait for a price drop, and a couple of fixes for its technical issues? Frankly, no. The strong atmosphere and cryptic plot have the capacity to provide the incentive to endure the many flaws and keep on playing, but aggravation and plain 'ol boredom will soon ruin everything. IF still willing to try it out, stay away from the Switch port, as it is the worse one yet.

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5 / 10.0
Apr 12, 2021

Souls-like game without satisfaction, which can not resist and can not persuade players.

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6 / 10.0
Mar 1, 2021

The bugs, framerate drops, and rare crashes were present, but as of this review the developers have plans to address these issues in future patches. While this is a new addition to the Soulsborne genre, there are far more successful examples out there. Fans of the genre may want to look elsewhere.

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4 / 10.0
Sep 3, 2020

Missed opportunities wrapped up in a vaguely scary hellraiser-esque skin. Avoid it, unless you like frustration.

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7 / 10.0
Aug 15, 2020

If you are a Souls fan, you should definitely try Hellpoint. It is clunky at times, but absolutely fun to explore.

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Amir Ali Ghobadian
Top Critic
5.5 / 10.0
Aug 9, 2020

All in all, Hellpoint is a mediocre action adventure that could have been a lot better if it hadn't tried to copy the Souls series this much.

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7.3 / 10.0
Aug 2, 2020

I finished Hellpoint recently and i must say that it is a genuine Souls-like with enough content and some different elements from souls series. Boss fights a re really amazing and the world is full of mysteries and challenge. There are some big problems like awful system of collecting your souls after dead (that in 90% of times place your souls in locations you can't reach ever and it's really important in a game that souls are everything ), unbalanced difficulty level in many parts of the game (that really can make you leave the game) and long loading scenes after your death (it is really important in a game like this that you die over and over again), but in the end, Hellpoint is a game that every Souls fan should experience.

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60 / 100
Aug 4, 2020

Hellpoint is a good, but not great, action RPG inspired by the soulslike sub-genre with competent but poor sci-fi ambience. If it looks dated and uninspired visually, it has in its combat system – even with some downsides – its appeal. It brings innovative aspects, but it should please only fans of the genre who have their expectations in check.

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Aug 3, 2020

While I admire the ambition of Cradle Games, with Hellpoint they've shot for the stars but well missed the mark.

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55 / 100
Jul 29, 2020

Hellpoint might have been a decent Souls clone if it didn't suffer from so many technical problems. A few more months in the oven would have done it wonders, but it is an easy skip in its current state.

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Top Critic
7 / 10.0
Jul 29, 2020

Hellpoint is a fun game that presents a well-balanced challenge with many secrets and areas to explore, but it lacks in visual appeal and suffers from persistent performance issues.

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6.5 / 10.0
Aug 4, 2020

Overall, I like how the character looks like the Hellraiser and the aesthetic changing when you change armor sets. I love the design locations that screams nightmare in space. I don’t appreciate the sound effects, in the long run, there is not much variety in them. It’s just pure ghoul-vomiting-sounds playing every time. Weapon variety and stat upgrades are okay even though the game doesn’t really tell you much which can be a pain in the ass, not just on the guides but the story as well. It just really fell flat where it should’ve shined brightly – combat mode. I wasn’t confident in its reaction time as it was tedious and frustrating.

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60 / 100
Aug 4, 2020

Hellpoint is a mixed debut for Cradle Games, with solid but derivative foundations and some unique but uneven ideas. Its cryptic design and level progression may challenge patient players.

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9 / 10.0
Feb 15, 2021

Hellpoint is a great Souls game that will keep you entertained for hours. You have a large variety of armor, weapons and enemies. The combat system is not too complex, but not too demanding, so it is a good choice for beginners. This title really deserves a place in your library, and if you like these types of games, it's almost a must. Hellpoint will definitely offer you more mechanics and keep you entertained for longer than, for example, Mortal Shell.

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