Spelunky 2 Reviews

Spelunky 2 is ranked in the 98th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Sep 29, 2020

Spelunky 2 makes Spelunky new again: a fancier strap, more cogs, a cuckoo popping out from a hidden compartment on the hour. The correct time, as delightful as the first time I learned to tell it.

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Sep 25, 2020

Can you be enamored with a game and downright horrible at it? I’m talking about being so bad that it’s a struggle to get past its opening set of levels? If “Spelunky 2” has convinced me of anything, it's that the answer is a perverse “yes.”

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9 / 10.0
Sep 29, 2020

Many games fall into the roguelike genre, but few define it. Spelunky 2's secrets and danger-infused caverns make it simultaneously one of the most frustrating and rewarding games I've ever played. Yet, having barely scratched the surface of what it offers, I can't wait to start another run-whether in search of secrets or just to see how far I can ultimately get. And in the end, isn't the desire to continue playing the hallmark of any great game?

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75 / 100
Sep 14, 2020

While Spelunky 2 doesn't offer the refined mechanics and enemies of the original, it does add to the chaos and fun of multiplayer. While playing alone is mostly an exercise in frustrating, unfair deaths, with friends it's a barrel of laughs.

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Sep 14, 2020

Derek Yu's influential cave-delving game is updated for PS4 and PC and expands the magic – with turkeys

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10 / 10
Sep 29, 2020

The original Spelunky's only obvious shortcoming was that its level design was somewhat limited. Spelunky 2 takes what made the original so great, fixes that shortcoming, and leaves us with one of the best-made indie games you'll ever play. A truly sensational effort from Mossmouth.

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9.2 / 10.0
Oct 2, 2020

Awesome. A game that basically does not add anything to the platform genre, and still manages to be original and innovative by mixing all the ingredients with mastery. Despite the extreme difficulty it is never frustrating, keeping you in front of the screen for another run, and then another one and one more, while you promise yourself the next run will be the last. Recommended for both hardcore gamers aiming for the best score, and a more casual audience looking to have fun, and who don't mind if they will only see a small part of the game. After all, how many of us have ever finished Bubble Bobble?

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Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Sep 30, 2020

Spelunky 2 is likely to delight those who revere its predecessor. As for newcomers, a whole new world of curiosity, frustration, rage quitting, perseverance and reward awaits. This is a game that may be a challenge to get into for some, but sooner rather than later determination to succeed will likely evolve into devotion. This will be a game that will always encourage players to come back for more.

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8 / 10
Sep 21, 2020

Spelunky 2 betters its predecessor in just about every area. Push through its tough outer shell and you'll discover a fantastic platformer well worth your time. More stuffed with secrets than ever and fleshing out the formula with all kinds of new additions, this is a rich and addictive roguelike with so much to unearth.

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Top Critic
9.5 / 10.0
Sep 15, 2020

In Spelunky 2 you never get the same game twice, not just because the layout changes but because all the systems interact with each other to kill you in new, imaginative, and hilarious ways. It's almost impossible to put down.

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10 / 10.0
Sep 14, 2020

A thunderous sequel that surpasses its already incredible predecessor in every way that counts, Spelunky 2 is the ultimate roguelike and ruthlessly inventive platformer that never stops surprising and delighting those who pick up the controller. There are perhaps far fewer better ways to close out a console generation than this.

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Sep 14, 2020

That’s about as much as should be spoiled for a game which all fans of the first and many curious neophytes will readily purchase on sight. Spelunky 2 is, at the end of the day, more Spelunky, an unspeakably radiant generosity to the medium at large. Whether or not it’s perfect is beside the point, because it’s the very definition of a must-play game. While multiplayer could not be tested for this review, the addition of online co-op will likely set Twitch streams on fire, and the return of daily runs ensures that Spelunky 2 is a game that will happily remain installed for years to come, and may even improve with age.

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9 / 10.0
Sep 19, 2020

Strong of a simple concept but at the same time extremely brilliant, Spelunky 2 therefore proves to be a splendid sequel that manages to improve what its predecessor did practically from every possible point of view. The care that regulates the procedural generation of the game world represents an almost inexhaustible source of stimuli and if we add to this game mechanics close to absolute perfection, the introduction of multiplayer and a technical component that, as evidenced by the new physics of fluids, shows obvious steps forward compared to the past, it is really difficult to find a single reason to advise against the purchase of Spelunky to any gamer.

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90 / 100
Sep 22, 2020

Familiar, fresh and ruthless. Spelunky 2 is one of the best roguelikes of all time.

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6 / 10
Nov 4, 2020

Spelunky 2 is a divisive game. A masterpiece for those who swear by the reward at the end of their suffering, it will be painful and boring for those who want a fulfilling and contemporary experience. Even more difficult than the first game, it is undoubtedly frustrating because of its lack of pedagogy and progressiveness. Even for a game that wants to be difficult, the shock will be rough from the begining.

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90 / 100
Sep 28, 2020

Spelunky 2 is the perfect evolution of the first game. One of the most fun experiencias of this year.

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Top Critic
9 / 10
Sep 28, 2020

A teasing blend of punishment and reward that will delight roguelike fans whether they played the first or not, Mossmouth's great achievement is in adding so much depth and scope without overcomplicating the formula.

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Sep 23, 2020

Spelunky 2 remains staunchly committed to its immaculate core design.

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Sep 23, 2020

Spelunky 2 offers a challenging, but rewarding experience. With so many new levels, items, and enemies, there's no shortage of exploration and mystery. It expands upon the addicting gameplay of the first game and offers an entirely unique experience each time you play.

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Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Sep 18, 2020

Spelunky 2 rests on the laurels of its predecessor, and that's not necessarily a bad thing. It still retains all of the gameplay mechanics and level design that made the original such a satisfying experience. But as a sequel, Spelunky 2 feels a little too scared to expand its horizons. For a game that's all about taking risks, Spelunky 2 is surprisingly risk-averse.

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