Monster Sanctuary Reviews

Monster Sanctuary is ranked in the 86th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Nintendo Life
Stuart Gipp
Top Critic
7 / 10
Dec 10, 2020

An expansive and content-packed game, Monster Sanctuary would be easy to criticise as a grind if we didn't find that said grinding was never really necessary to enjoy it. It's a difficult one to review because a lot of what this reviewer personally found a little boring is exactly what's going to appeal to its core audience of number-crunching statisticians. While Monster Sanctuary's is a little plain at the outset, the right people will find it one of their favourite games of the year. It's a total timesink, but that's a term that implies said time is being wasted, when it really isn't. Every fight is pushing your team forward, and the potential for maximising the efficiency and power of your squad is seemingly infinite. It can feel more like organising a spreadsheet than playing a game at times, but it's impossible to deny that it's an accomplished game with a lot to offer - and that's without even taking it online to battle other players. If you like min-maxing, feel free to add a point or two to the score below.

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God is a Geek
Lyle Carr
Top Critic
8.5 / 10.0
Dec 11, 2020

An incredible entry to the monster collecting genre, Monster Sanctuary combines turn based battles and Metroidvania exploration to make a truly unique experience.

8 / 10
Jan 4, 2021

When you then add in the cute pixel art style, and the astoundingly good chiptune soundtrack, Monster Sanctuary not only blurs the lines between genres, but also between modern and old-school games. The story is a little light, but the gameplay is almost perfect, and this is an excellent monster-taming adventure and Metroidvania game all rolled into one.

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Daily Mirror
Eugene Sowah
Top Critic
Dec 15, 2020

Monster Sanctuary is a delight to play, with levels and monsters radiating such depth and creativity. The complexity of each monster's skill tree is a feature fully welcomed and would be a great addition in other monster games. Monster Sanctuary is a late gem to 2020 that gamers should pay attention to.

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8.8 / 10.0
Dec 8, 2020

Monster Sanctuary merges a complex turn-based combat RPG we are used to see in big JRPG productions with metroidvania-style exploration and succeeds in both genres. Pixel perfect jumps alternate with tactical battles down to the last hitpoint, and we'll need the help of our monsters to overcome difficult areas and solve puzzles. Meanwhile, an interesting storyline compels us as we catch enemy eggs, Pokémon style. So many genres mixed in one game, and such a pretty one to boot! Highly recommended.

Review in Italian | Read full review

8 / 10
Dec 7, 2020

Overall, Monster Sanctuary is a delight. Exploring the interconnected world with your team and discovering cool new monsters is always fun, but it's the process of developing your favourite companions that makes the game so hard to put down.

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8 / 10.0
Dec 7, 2020

It may seem simplistic on the surface but even if you're like me, someone who has a passing interest in the genre, Monster Sanctuary does do a few things differently to most. It's a monster collecting game sprinkled with platforming, exploration and small puzzles. Monster Sanctuary was the game I needed to play right now, it's simple and very rewarding. It plays flawlessly and has a quaint presentation that harkens back to the days of old. Whether it's the Metroidvania exploration, the amount of monster skill and gear customization, or the enjoyable battle system, there is a lot to love here.

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Sep 13, 2024

A quality combination of pixel-art, turn-based JRPG, and Metroidvania. A recipe for monster-collection success.

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8 / 10
Dec 10, 2020

The unique mix of party-based RPG gameplay and Metroidvania style levels introduces a strangely enchanting combination. The hundred-strong roster of monsters is distinct with diverse skills and fantastic pixel art that compliment the outstanding environments they roam around. There are still a few changes needed to the combat systems, and some of the level design is sadly disappointing, yet the fascinating world of creatures gets its hooks deep with almost 30 hours of potential gameplay.

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6 / 10.0
Dec 28, 2020

Combining Metroidvania with monster collecting seems like a match made in heaven when you think about it. That’s why, all those years ago, GameFreak and Creatures Inc did just that. Now, Monster Sanctuary comes along and barely improves on the template set by Pokémon Red & Green (& Blue [& Yellow]). While it definitely has its merits, it lacks a certain level of thought and care to set it apart from the average indie game.

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10 / 10.0
Dec 8, 2020

While clearly inspired by other similar titles, Monster Sanctuary takes that inspiration and runs with it, carving out its own spot in the gaming world. I can't wait to see how things flourish in the future!

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Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Dec 7, 2020

There’s a lot to love about Monster Sanctuary. Exploring its world is rewarding and enjoyable, and its turn-based combat packs enough depth to keep you invested. Hitting a brick wall and needing to grind can be frustrating, but the desire to progress is usually strong enough to keep you going. It’s the perfect blend of Pokémon and Metroidvania, and it works exceptionally well. Even if you’re a fan of only one of those, you’ll find plenty to love in Monster Sanctuary.

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Niche Gamer
Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Nov 9, 2022

Monster Sanctuary is a must play for anyone who considers themselves a fan of at least one of the genres it puts itself out to be. Even if you aren’t a fan of either genre, it’s still highly recommended you check the game out.

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90 / 100
Jul 17, 2022

By uniting great systems of side-scrolling, turn-based combat and generous touches of a good RPG in the best pixel art style, Monster Sanctuary is a beautiful example that a mixture of several known things can result in something full of identity, charisma and enchantment. And with an expansion of respect, it shows that it is far from exhausting itself.

Review in Portuguese | Read full review

8 / 10.0
Dec 31, 2020

Metroidvania with Pokemons working great. But fights should be better balanced.

Review in Slovak | Read full review

6 / 10.0
Dec 22, 2020

I like Monster Sanctuary for what it tries to accomplish, I just wish I liked the execution as much as the concept. I could see the threads of its attempt weaving into a better cohesive whole, but instead each different ingredient feels incomplete or misses the mark of what makes each genre it pulls from so compelling. There's still fun to be had if setting expectations right and wanting a unique twist that is no muss, no fuss, but I was hoping for more that Monster Sanctuary wasn't quite there to give.

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9 / 10.0
Dec 17, 2020

A great mix of a platformer, RPG and monster catching game Monster Sanctuary has so much depth and content to keep you busy for a long time. Feels like a great RPG from the 16-bit era, a ton of cool monsters to hatch, to aid you on your quest.

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Renan Fontes
Top Critic
7 / 10
Dec 7, 2020

Monster Sanctuary is a charming take on the monster raising formula, albeit not without its faults. In spite of this, Monster Sanctuary is an addictive RPG that is hard to put down. Monster hatching is an incredibly simple process, every single monster has its own skill tree, and combat has been balanced enough so that just about any team can get through the main game in the hands of savvy players. Monster Sanctuary is a diamond in the rough if there ever was one.

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8 / 10.0
Oct 24, 2021

Monster Sanctuary falls into the category of games that take inspiration from the world of Pokémon. In this case, however, inspiration has succeeded where others have failed. The game offers honestly crafted mechanics and skills of various monsters that you can really win with. You just have to be patient, learn the game mechanics and figure out what to expect from which monster.

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7.5 / 10.0
Dec 8, 2020

When you create a franchise as successful as the Pokemon series it’s inevitable that there will be a long line of imitators...

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