Disgaea 6: Defiance of Destiny Reviews
Although bursting at the seams with content, it is clear that Disgaea 6 is not meant for all audiences, with performance issues that are pleasing to no one.
What’s clear is that this game won’t win over those who were previously on the fence about the series. While the narrative, combat, and management aspects all work as intended, they probably appeal to different audiences rather than create one cohesive experience; those finding satisfaction in one particular area may end up being frustrated in another.
Disgaea 6 is the weakest entry in the series thanks to poor performance, bland combat, and a forgettable story.
While there is some semblance of enjoyment to be had here for those who like to see numbers go up, to see a series I’ve adored and followed for nearly two decades take inspiration from garbage mobile games in the spirit of greed and becoming bastardized as a shell of former self, breaks my heart.
And as the franchise has continued to endure the test of time, each game builds upon the foundation of the first game in many ways. Disgaea 6: Defiance of Destiny attempts to bring something new to the formula to reinvigorate the series. While there are more than enough quality of life improvements to make this entry arguably the most accessible entry, it greatly suffers in other areas.
Whether you work out how to play optimally, or choose to, the game is still fun on a basic level. You may even want something less taxing, as big numbers tell you you’re number 1. Even so it won’t take much to be too smart for your own good; including when you think you can waltz through the post-game like you did the main story.
Disgaea 6: Defiance of Destiny is the latest entry in the long-lived strategy RPG series and there have been quite a few changes and not just the leap from 2D sprites to 3D models. Using the Super Reincarnation spell, Zed reincarnates into different worlds taking the most optimal path to success until he achieves his wish of defeating the God of Destruction.
This may please fans of the series but other than the overhaul in graphics I feel it plays too much like its predecessors. That being said, this is still a great starting point for those wanting to experience the Disgaea franchise or those looking for a solid tactical JRPG.
When one of the main new features of a game is its ability to play itself, it's a hint that a franchise is beginning to run out of steam – especially given Disgaea 6's limp script and 3D graphics.
As Disgaea: Hour of Darkness was the first game I ever reviewed nearly two decades ago, I have had a long and beloved history with Nippon Ichi's franchise, so it breaks my heart to play Disgaea 6: Defiance of Destiny. The story is bland with few jokes that actually hit, and the cast of characters do not help the cause with uninspired backstories and personalities.
Disgaea 6: Defiance of Destiny features the most changes in the series so far as stripped mechanics linger everywhere despite the signature humor and large numbers remaining as solid as ever.
While I feel like I’ve had more negative things to say about Disgaea 6 than positive, I definitely enjoyed my first foray into the Netherworld. The characters are great fun and make up for a rather well-worn plot by quite simply being well presented and entertaining. The combat is a little long-winded for my tastes but once you’re in the thick of battle there’s really a lot to like, and I can see why the series has so many admirers. There’s plenty to enjoy for returning fans and newcomers alike, though I warn first-timers to be aware of the emphasis on grinding to a ridiculous rate, and to be ready to have AI completing more battles than you in the long run. If you’re someone who enjoys fine tuning party management and are happy to leave the hands-on battle management to the robots, I think Disgaea 6 is definitely one for you, dood!
I’ve come away from Disgaea 6 more confused than disappointed, honestly. It’s still absolutely a game of its series in every way. The meat and potatoes are present and accounted for. But some of the seasoning tastes a little weird.
if you’re looking for an entry point into this series, this isn’t it (especially if you hate grinding). But if you’re a fan of the series like me? You’ll still find much to enjoy. Exploding Prinnies never gets old.
I suppose it’s fitting that Zed should be the protagonist of Disgaea 6: Defiance of Destiny because, much like a zombie itself, this game feels lost and incomplete. I know I’ve been harsh, but none of this has been fun for me. I wanted Disgaea 6 to be the best Disgaea yet. But it isn’t. What makes this even more ironic is that Disgaea 6, by normal SRPG standards, is fine. It’s really not bad at all. But Disgaea games have never been “normal SRPGs.” They’re Disgaea games. And, as far as that’s concerned, Disgaea 6 can’t so much as hold a candle to its predecessors. That’s not something that I can overlook so easily, especially after a six-year wait.
Despite the serious performance issues in Disgaea 6, I still strongly enjoyed it. The story and characters were particularly good. I was surprised by this as I didn’t feel the same about most of the recent Disgaea titles. The sheer amount of customization and different aspects of the gameplay was as impressive as ever. As always, there’s a ton to experiment with.
Poor performance mars what is otherwise a stellar Disgaea experience with some fantastic new 3D visuals. The new modes and features of Disgaea 6: Defiance of Justice paired with a nice new story and interesting characters puts this high on the SRPG recommendations for all fans of the genre; a great addition to the series and a decent Nintendo Switch implementation of the game.
Disgaea 6 isn't the total misfire fans were afraid it would be, and in spite of several stumbles, still comes out as a solid, compelling game that will hopefully serve as a foundation to better, more fleshed out games in the future.
As a huge fan of Disgaea, I’m simply disappointed in the direction Disgaea 6: Defiance of Destiny took. It went from a charming RPG that had larger than life bosses with equally impressive stats to numbers so inflated it’s legitimately hard to know what exactly your stats are. Add in auto play that will literally grind while you sleep, various mechanics that make the mechanics irrelevant and it’s literally just a pointless grind until the next pointless grind. For some that might be fun, but that simply isn’t what Disgaea is for me.
Ultimately, Disgaea 6: Defiance of Destiny is a surprisingly accessible entry into a franchise known for its complexity and tactical prowess. It achieves this accessibility without sacrificing its depth, too, which is a major boon for veterans of the series. In spite of this, an overall lack of innovation in the user-controlled battles and some dated graphics and dialogue make for an uneven, though at times great, experience. Even with its more inviting approach to newcomers, Disgaea 6: Defiance of Destiny will likely be most enjoyed by those who already love the franchise, and anyone who has a low tolerance for anime tropes or standard tactical fare will likely want to give this one a pass.