Death's Door Reviews

Death's Door is ranked in the 98th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Jul 20, 2021

Death's Door is a near-flawless isometric action-adventure full of heart, humor, and honest-to-goodness combat excellence.

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Drew Leachman
Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Jan 27, 2022

Death’s Door is a fun adventure that offers up some really good exploration and a deliberate, yet fast combat scheme that feels both challenging and rewarding. Going through every nook and cranny of a level never disappoints and progression is handled in such a great way that every play session feels substantial. Fans of the old school Zelda style games should not pass on this one, it’s one that I believe many will enjoy.

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9 / 10.0
Nov 23, 2021

Death's Door is everything you hope to get get out of an indie game. An addictive challenge, an intriguing little tale and enough content to keep you going back. Unhindered by budgetary restrictions, Death's Door delivers on all fronts. The gameplay feedback from combat is implemented so well that you forget just how simple it is. Better still, it's made all the more excellent by the DualSense controller. Fans of Action RPG's will not want to miss this indy treasure on PS5.

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8 / 10
Nov 23, 2021

Tight controls, clever level design, and rewarding combat make Death's Door a joy to play. It's a ten-hour adventure that never outstays its welcome, and its overall quality is clear. A polished, quirky, and often challenging title that charms from start to finish.

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Top Critic
19 / 20
Jul 29, 2021

Death's Door is a game of rare excellence. We are caught in it instantly thanks to its singular graphic paw and its first lines of dialogue that set the tone. Acid Nerve signs here a title with gameplay perhaps too simplistic on paper, but perfectly oiled, which also offers nervous and demanding fights, especially boss fights.

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Ken McKown
Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Jul 23, 2021

Death’s Door is a wonderful experience that should not be missed. Don’t be scared off by the comparison to the Souls games. Sure it shares a few mechanics from those, but it feels more like a macabre interpretation of Zelda with some Souls twists. I simply adore this title and cannot wait for others to experience it. It is one of the best games I have played this year and it will likely be top of mind when the awards of 2021 come up. Do not sleep on this title.

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8.8 / 10.0
Jul 23, 2021

One of the most surprising games of the year, Death's Door delivers a frantic and greatly enjoyable action-adventure experience with an ipnotic noir mood.

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Top Critic
8 / 10
Jul 21, 2021

Death's Door have a great look, great sound, and a great story about sweet embrace of death, which all culminates into one cozy adventure. Digital Devolver comes back with another gem on their hands, and we can't wait to see what Acid Nerve can make next.

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88 / 100
Jul 20, 2021

Death’s Door is a masterclass in level design. The interwoven areas encourage and reward exploration, whilst the simple yet challenging combat makes confrontations a thrill. With an alluring art style, sorrowful soundtrack, Acid Nerve has managed to create one of the greatest indie titles of 2021.

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Jul 20, 2021

If Death’s Door is not mentioned in a list of the year’s best indies, it will only be due to its finer focus and lack of complexity or significant depth, which also speaks to the game's utter lack of bloat. Those who are looking for the cavernous biomes of Hollow Knight or the lore-rich epistolatory storytelling in a Souls game may feel shorted by the 10 or so breezy hours on offer here, but Death’s Door is a precisely engineered and immersive adventure which will fully satisfy anyone seeking that exact experience. Isometric action RPGs are a dime a dozen, but rarely are they polished to such a brilliant sheen.

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8 / 10.0
Nov 23, 2021

In the end, Death's Door is a charming, witty indie game. Its combat is solid, exploration is a blast, and it has just the right length. Though the lack of a map and difficulty options, in addition to a somewhat unstable frame rate, hold the title back a bit, its mix of Dark Souls and Zelda elements is a great fit. It is definitely an adventure worth checking out.

Top Critic
90 / 100
Nov 12, 2021

Despite not doing much in terms of innovation, coupled with a pair of odd framerate issues, Death's Door is a fantasic indie game that seems to do almost everything right. A precise combat, gorgeous environments and a mysterious yet beautiful world, make this an experience you simply can't miss.

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88 / 100
Aug 12, 2021

Death's Door is the Xbox surprise hit of 2021 that fans of isometric action-adventure should put on their wish list.

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9 / 10.0
Aug 2, 2021

Death's Door has been developed by only two people. This fact makes me put much more in value the splendid work he has done with the game, which offers us ‎‎an adventure with a graphic and artistic section of honors,‎‎and of course with a gameplay that without inventing anything becomes incredibly fun, so you want like me to finish the game in a sitting.‎

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8 / 10
Jul 23, 2021

Death's Door is a nervous action game that transcends Acid Nerve's old formula. Thanks to a clever difficulty, fights with brandnew situations, a rewarding exploration and a beautiful soundtrack, Death's Door is the perfect well-balanced experience of this summer, despite a very light pathfinding.

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9 / 10.0
Jul 20, 2021

A few years ago Acid Nerve had already shown personality and vision with the brilliant Titan Souls, yet the step forward made with Death's Door is frankly stunning. It is very rare to see such an impressive leap between a debut work and the second game, and the fact that little more than a couple of people have been able to give life to such a memorable adventure is the most crystal clear testimony of the natural talent of the English team.

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4.5 / 5.0
Jul 20, 2021

Even with its grueling final boss fight, I absolutely adored every second of Death’s Door. The world developer Acid Nerve has created still feels rife with secrets I’m still yet to uncover after 10 hours with the game. Outside of a minor technical blip and a significant difficulty spike towards the end, Death’s Door is simply sensational. It may not have that AAA budget or cutting-edge super realistic graphics, but it’s jam-packed with charm, style, and challenging, rewarding action that it’s an absolute must-play this year.

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10 / 10.0
Nov 30, 2021

Death's Door is a fun and unique action-adventure game with appealing scenery and music. You can pick it up and play on the go, and although the controls require skill, it's easy to master.

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Top Critic
Oct 5, 2021

Overall, Death’s Door is an enjoyable homage to 2D Zelda games with some additional quirky flair thrown in. It is a satisfying experience whose main drawback is its overall safeness, plus a lack of replayability. Some may also be turned off by the lack of extreme difficulty, which can be another source of replay value for many similar games. I would recommend Death’s Door to those looking for a nostalgia fix that won’t try your patience or just want to enjoy a memorable and contemplative audiovisual style.

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9 / 10
Aug 6, 2021

Death's Door's blend of excellent pacing, an engaging combat system, and a haunting aesthetic help elevate it among its peers.

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