Fashion Police Squad Reviews
Fashion Police Squad is a fun indie romp that does some clever, colourful things with the often rather samey DOOM clone genre. It's bright and breezy stuff, chock-full of very silly humour and, bonus points, you get to slap people in their faces with a Belt of Justice whilst shooting actual fashion onto their badly-dressed bodies. If you're looking for a few hours of knockabout retro FPS fun with its own unique style and take on the usual shooter mechanics, you could do a lot worse than bagging this stylish bargain. It's simply fabulous, darling!
Fashion Police Squad is a fabulous retro style FPS, with a unique theme and tons of ideas packed in.
Overall, this is a fun affair and an invigorating palate cleanser if you usually dwell in darker and more mature material. Also, this is a game you could play with the small fry that will only take five or six hours to complete.
One of the greatest things about this game is when you finish helping someone’s style you are met with a ‘YAAAS’ or ‘DAYUM’ while the newly fashioned perp is dancing with joy. Truly the only thing that tops it is the fashion show you get when players finish each level. I loved the hell out of Fashion Police Squad, not only did it feel familiar with its shooter roots but its premise of cleaning up the streets of fashion crimes is so unique and charmingly done that the game just exudes a swag all its own.
Fashion Police Squad is by no means perfect, but thanks to its strong personality and great ideas, it's worth a blast for any fan of the retro FPS genre. We're very excited to see what this team makes next.
It gets off to a slow start, but Fashion Police Squad ends up being a refreshing take on the retro shooter with many of the qualities first-person shooters of the 90s brought to the table.
With excellent visuals and lots of creative, unique ideas, Fashion Police Squad could have easily been something special. If only it wasn't so needlessly aggravating, cramped, and tedious.
Fashion Police Squad is an incredibly silly shooter hearkening back to the original DOOM in its design, while also taking into account some more modern sensibilities. While the combat does suffer from a lack of choice, the tight platforming and hilarious premise does make up for it somewhat.
You haven't seen an FPS quite like this. Taking down fashion criminals with a creative range of weapons makes for some stylish fun.
Fashion Police Squad (FPS) is a delightful first-person shooter that's in on the joke of policing obnoxious neons, socks in sandals (who DOES that?!), and the faux pas of ill-fitting suits. Its DOOM-esque shooting and platforming hearkens back to a time where games were less serious, more simple, and in some ways, more fun. If you're a fan of shooting in style, Zoolander, and DOOM, look no further than FPS on the Nintendo Switch. Overly baggy jeans be warned -- Sergeant Des will slap you right into shape!
Fashion Police Squad isn't afraid to go in the opposite direction of most first-person shooters. With a unique setting and paying homage to games of the past, it's a fun game even with a combat system that can get a little frustrating towards the end.
Review in Portuguese | Read full review
Fashion Police Squad is up there with my favourite first-person shooters thanks to its jam-packed gameplay formula that's set in one entertaining world. Best of all, though, is that it's a genuinely good game that far outlasts any of its gimmicks.
Chalk Fashion Police Squad Up As a Very Nice Surprise
Fashion Police Squad has sincerely surprised us. The Mopeful Games production, far from hiding behind its eccentric concept, totally marries madness and extravagance by making an incredibly fun shooter. Both quotable and satirical, Sergeant Des's adventure won us over with gameplay somewhere between action and FPS, an excellent variety of situations, and hilarious dialogue. With these prerequisites, we regret having encountered a level design that was not as bold and some balancing issues. Just like a sartorial suit made in bright colors, Fashion Police Squad is not a product to suit all tastes...however, if it fits your standards, it will fit you like a glove.
Review in Italian | Read full review
To be sure, Fashion Police Squad isn't going to make you forget the games it's borrowing from. But part of why it's so fun is because it's poking fun at a genre that can sometimes feel like it hasn't evolved much since the original DOOM, and showing that there's still room for it to grow and evolve. As Fashion Police Squad shows, there's still some life -- and some room to innovate -- in the old genre yet.
A fresh take on the old-school first-person shooter infused with color, comedy, and generally smart gameplay
Fashion Police Squad is a fantastic and different idea for an FPS. The game feels quite fresh with the idea of fashion and even if the story is formulaic, can feel quite fun. The problem? The part of using specific guns with specific enemies hurt the pacing of the gameplay.
Review in Spanish | Read full review
Fashion Police Squad is a boomer shooter with a fashion-infused twist, and that twist has resulted in one of the most innovative shooters on the market right now. Despite the latter stages of the campaign proving somewhat frustrating due to the sheer amount of split-second decisions that need to be made, Fashion Police Squad rises above any gripes I have by providing something genuinely new and, most importantly, incredibly fun.
Fashion Police Squad shows that a classic genre like shooters can still be explored in a creative way. For those who want to create some intimacy with the genre and still have a good laugh, here is your ideal model.
Review in Portuguese | Read full review