Amnesia: The Bunker Reviews
While there's some gameplay issues here and there, Amnesia: The Bunker is a short, tense, claustrophobic experience that's well worth your time.
This new design for Amnesia with Amnesia: The Bunker allows the series to progress forward from its more linear experiences in the past.
The best way I think I can describe The Bunker is that it is an exceptional proof of concept. There's immense potential here, and the first couple of hours or so are genuinely great horror, but the game doesn't have enough tricks up its sleeve to maintain momentum.
Amnesia: The Bunker continues Frictional Games' smart evolution of the series with an intense survival horror/immersive sim cocktail that almost balances its ideas perfectly.
Amnesia: The Bunker introduces a brilliant gameplay with many new features for the series. It is a real survival horror with a great atmosphere and a superb concept. Too bad for the randomic encounters with the creature, often not well balanced.
Review in Italian | Read full review
Nothing in Amnesia: The Bunker feels like a waste of time except a strangely out-of-place final boss encounter. And though it’s a shame Frictional Games couldn’t muster up a spookier atmosphere to elevate the experience to its zenith, this is still an A-plus horror experience that all fans should play.
Frictional Games have finally abandoned their “walking-sim” style horror games with Amnesia: The Bunker. The experience is unrelenting white-knuckle terror where the player’s actions and choices are critical. Fans of Alien: Isolation and classic horror will get a lot of enjoyment from this.
Amnesia: The Bunker is ahead of the class, achieving what many of its peers aspire to but often fall short of. If you’re a horror fan, this is a must play.
A successful game that adds a different flavor to the Amnesia series. It promises a satisfying few hours for horror thriller fans. It is also a good starting point for those who aren't familiar with the genre.
Review in Turkish | Read full review
Can you survive through the madness?
The Bunker is a great addition to the Amnesia series and shows that Frictional Games is on the right path, and even though it doesn't offer as much quality as the very first game, it's still an atmospheric survival horror and is the best in the genre this year.
Review in Persian | Read full review
The Amnesia moves forward and does not stand still. Graphics and technical condition are definitely not among the tip of the iceberg, but the gameplay and atmosphere is excellent.
Review in Slovak | Read full review
Amnesia: The Bunker doesn't necessarily bring anything new to the table of Horror genre. That being said, It's a pleasant 5 hours experience with world War II theme that could be a great choice for horror fans.
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Amnesia: The Bunker feels like returning to the roots for Frictional Games, with its strong emphasis on gameplay and cohesive mechanics.
Review in Russian | Read full review
Even without revolutionary additions, Amnesia: The Bunker does not disappoint in the horror department. The darkness of the underground is really scary and fills you with anxiety, but, despite not being something necessarily negative, the new game in the franchise brings more of the same without being especially striking. For lovers of the genre, however, the experience is quite satisfying, and it will be even more when the technical issues are resolved.
Review in Portuguese | Read full review
Amnesia: The Bunker has a fantastic dynamic involving light and power management, as you explore an atmospheric WW1 bunker and avoid a monster with a keen sense of hearing. Despite a lack of puzzles, a bland story, and a few monster quirks, it packs enough good horror to keep players on edge.
Amnesia: The Bunker is excellent, offering the dread and terror you'd expect along with engaging new mechanics. Some technical issues occasionally break the immersion, but Frictional's approach to frightening and challenging you still offers its best thrills.
Amnesia: The Bunker is an amazing step forward for the franchise that isn’t afraid to experiment on established mechanics without deviating too much from its DNA. For survival horror fans, even those who aren’t fans of the run-and-hide formula of the previous Amnesia games, the Bunker is a must to experience.
Amnesia: The Bunker digs deep into your fears. From the moment you step foot in the bunker, the immersive atmosphere grips you like a vise, ensuring your heart rate never resurfaces until the final moments.
One Element Away From Being a Stone-Cold Classic”