Star Wars: Bounty Hunter Reviews

Star Wars: Bounty Hunter is ranked in the 30th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
7 / 10.0
Aug 22, 2024

Aspyr’s remaster is the best way to play Star Wars: Bounty Hunter, an average but charming game, if just for the simple fact they fixed the horrid camera system. Outside of the great combat, the gameplay is nothing special, but the Star Wars atmosphere helps to carry the experience. You can choose to ignore the iffy bounty system too if you just want to plod on through this 7 to 10-hour romp as the original Mandalorian badass.

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4 / 10.0
Aug 14, 2024

While remasters are a common thing, this version of Star Wars: Bounty Hunter misses the mark with clunky controls and frequent crashes. Wait for a patch or dive into the original for a more authentic experience.

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6.5 / 10.0
Aug 9, 2024

I’m sure that if you loved Star Wars: Bounty Hunter back when it first came out 20+ years ago, you’ll probably still have a soft spot for it. And it’s certainly far from a bad game – as shooters go, it’s definitely competent. But that doesn’t make it some long-lost hidden gem. It was a so-so game back then, and it’s still a so-so game today.

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Aug 4, 2024

When we take everything into account, Aspyr has somewhat managed to redeem themselves after releasing Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection, but they have also dropped the ball with Star Wars: Bounty Hunter. And not just a little. A poorly functioning camera, repetitive gameplay, AI that behaves like cannon fodder, and above all, audio mixing that's a complete mess. There are some aspects of the game that are done well, such as the addition of a flashlight, a new button layout, and the graphical upgrade, but ultimately, this could have been so much better than what it is now. And that's a shame. It feels rushed, like a port with a few small improvements. The original really deserves a full-fledged remake. This game is likely only of interest to those who hold significant nostalgic value for it.

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50 / 100
Aug 10, 2024

STAR WARS: Bounty Hunter is a good attempt at a remaster but it doesn’t quite make the cut, and this is simply due to its age. A better option would have been to explore the remake route instead to spark a revival of a very old fandom, sadly, we can only hope for things like these. Luckily, most of the original gameplay is still somewhat the same but it might end up being frustrating if you’re new to the older releases from this franchise.

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6 / 10.0
Aug 10, 2024

Star Wars: Bounty Hunter comes to modern platforms with modernized controls, and minimal visual improvements. If you are looking to relive what you remembered 22 years ago from its original release on GameCube or PlayStation 2, then it’s perfect for you. Otherwise, this game could use more polish visually.

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7 / 10.0
Aug 7, 2024
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Jul 31, 2024

As much as one can applaud Aspyr for rejuvenating a classic game like Star Wars: Bounty Hunter, one has to question the point if so little has been done to bring it up to today's standards. The visual tweaks are appreciated but when so many other issues have been ignored, it's really only a game for diehard fans looking for a nostalgia hit. Coupled with the fact that there are plenty of better Star Wars games, Jango Fett's prequel is likely better preserved in fans' memories than in this remaster.

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Aug 3, 2024

Star Wars Bounty Hunter successfully revives a beloved classic, delivering an experience that combines nostalgia with a few modern enhancements. The game’s engaging combat, updated visuals, and authentic Star Wars atmosphere make it a must-play for fans of the franchise and action-adventure enthusiasts. Despite some repetitive elements and a lack of significant new features, Star Wars Bounty Hunter remains a solid addition to the Star Wars gaming universe. The re-release manages to capture the essence of the original while offering a fresh and polished experience for those trying for the first time. Whether you’re a longtime fan of Jango Fett or new to the galaxy far, far away, Star Wars Bounty Hunter is still an old but good time.

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4 / 5.0
Aug 1, 2024

Star Wars: Bounty Hunter is a unique and exciting Star Wars game that mostly holds up over 20 years later. The new release retains a few tiny errors, but for the most part, this is a great way to check out one of the seemingly less-remembered Star Wars titles from long, long ago.

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6.5 / 10.0
Aug 1, 2024

Star Wars: Bounty Hunter can feel dated in design, but offers enough fun to make it worth checking out in 2024. The iffy camera and some sketchy enemy AI stand out as the worst offenders, but the solid level design, cool combat, and worthwhile remastered enhancements help ensure that modern audiences will be able to enjoy it. It could be argued that new players might not be able to forgive some of the more obvious issues, but those who have fond memories of playing back in the day will appreciate the blast to the past.

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6 / 10.0
Jul 31, 2024

Star Wars: Bounty Hunter returns as an interesting nostalgic journey for fans of the Star Wars saga, offering an expansion of the narrative of the universe created by George Lucas. The remaster brings graphical improvements and adjustments to controls that live up to modern standards, providing a more fluid and visually attractive experience. However, the design and repetition issues that were criticized upon its original release remain. In the end, an experience that shines more for its nostalgic value and the expansion of the saga's narrative than for the quality of the game itself.

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5.5 / 10.0
Jul 31, 2024

STAR WARS Bounty Hunter is a competent port of a mediocre title. Aspyr has done its best to make the game look and run as well as it can while modernizing the controls. At $20 it will come down to how nostalgic you’re feeling for one of gaming’s biggest franchises’ more mediocre entries.

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71 / 100
Jul 31, 2024

Aspyr Media continues to recover classic Star Wars games and it is the turn of STAR WARS: Bounty Hunter, an action and platform game where we will put ourselves in the shoes of the Mandalorian Jango Fett in some events prior to Episode II that will be an important part of the future of the Galaxy. With the typical changes and improvements that Aspyr usually applies to these remasters, without being the first on our list, any Star Wars fan is in luck because Aspyr Media is still on fire with the Lucas franchise... oh no, Disney.

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Jul 31, 2024

While I know some players are gun-shy after Aspyr's recent Battlefront remasters, Star Wars: Bounty Hunter is a really well-handled remaster. The adjustments made allows fans and newcomers to experience the story in the best way possible

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8 / 10.0
Jul 31, 2024

This remastered release is the best version there’s ever been of Star Wars: Bounty Hunter.

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5.5 / 10.0
Jul 30, 2024

While updated graphics and a new control scheme are all well and good, Aspyr should have done more to bring Star Wars: Bounty Hunter into the present day. The lives system should have stayed in the early 2000s where it belongs, as all it serves to do is make the game's already murderous level of difficulty even more aggravating by dragging out the experience and arbitrarily making players replay huge chunks of the game whenever the game serves up enough cheap deaths. The bounty hunting system also could have done with improvements to make it easier and more enjoyable to interact with. While there is some fun to be found with flying through the sky and gunning down your enemies, Star Wars: Bounty Hunter is overall too frustrating an experience to be an easy recommend for anyone but the most diehard of Star Wars fans.

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