Knights in Tight Spaces Reviews
Knights in Tight Spaces is a rewarding and flashy follow-up to Fights in Tight Spaces, making it a strong, if familiar, strategy roguelike.
Knights in Tight Spaces expands on every part of the Fights in Tight Spaces' template, but an abundance of new ideas swamps the clarity the original game had.
It takes too long to grow beyond its predecessor, but once it does Knights in Tight Spaces is an engaging and tactical roguelike deckbuilder.
Knights In Tight Spaces is still a worthy successor to Fights In Tight Spaces, and the first deckbuilder to really catch my attention in 2025.
Knights in Tight Spaces is an incredibly follow up to an already amazing game. It fuses a wonderful amount of style with plenty of tactically strategy, and the party mechanics at play and side quests all help to make it almost feel like a solo tabletop role-playing game, which I mean as an incredible compliment. If you like the sound of this game at all, or hanker for more Fights in Tight Spaces, then you'll probably love it.
Like Fights before it, Knights in Tight Spaces is the kind of game where it's easy to lose track of time. The story will have you reaching for the Skip button by the time you go on your 10th or 20th run, but there's nothing repetitive about the formula, especially as battles get more intense with tougher foes.
If card battle games are your go-to genre, you’ll enjoy Knights in Tight Spaces. If you’ve never played this kind of game, it’s an easy one to start with, welcoming to new players and very satisfying to veterans.
Knights in Tight Spaces takes everything that made Fights in Tight Spaces so enjoyable, tosses in a few new mechanics without touching the fundamental nature, and comes out with yet another enjoyable deck-builder game.
Knights in Tight Spaces is Ground Shatter Ltd.'s medieval follow up to Fights in Tight Spaces!
Knights in Tight Spaces has a core combat loop strong enough to carry the entire package and more than compensates for the hit-and-miss progression and the trite story. It constantly creates tactical puzzles that make you feel like a genius for escaping an impossible situation or a mastermind for pulling off a carefully laid trap. With a great sense of style and a banging soundtrack, Knights in Tight Spaces is a tough but fair tactical roguelike that will constantly have you playing just one more turn.
Knights in Tight Spaces is a perfect blend of roguelike and deck builder, providing impactful combat and engaging gameplay. Fans of either genre will feel right at home playing the game.
I had a good time playing Knights in Tight Spaces, especially as deck builders are a genre I don’t play often. While second fiddle to the gameplay/combat, the fantasy setting and story were engaging. The combat making up the crux of the game was immersive, thanks to the various strategies available and the hundreds of cards. With an array of approaches, KITS will easily keep you occupied for hours. This is, of course, helped by the unique visual style and engaging soundtrack, which bring more flair to the game. I genuinely look forward to seeing what Ground Shatter develop next. I’m thrilled to give Knights in Tight Spaces the Thumb Culture Gold Award.
At times, Knights in Tight Spaces feels like two steps forward and one hop back where it counts.
Knights in Tight Spaces is fantastic, with excellent combat, beautiful art style, and meaningful additions to gameplay that will keep you coming back for more.
Knights in Tight Spaces does pretty much everything right for a tactical deck-builder. It has many cards, presents information clearly to the player, and has various difficulty options to make the game balanced for everyone. The RNG of drawing cards can be a little frustrating, but it's all part of the game and is a small issue compared to the fun that can be had here. Performance on Steam Deck isn't the best considering how the game is presented, but it's still perfectly playable, and if you can overlook some small text, you can have a great time playing Knights in Tight Spaces on your Steam Deck.
Knights In Tight Spaces adds plenty of variety and strategy to the already solid turn based, tactical gameplay of Fights in Tight Spaces. Repetition is still an issue for the franchise and a few QOL changes would go a long way in providing a more well rounded experience, but with a massive visual overhaul, great performance on Steam Deck and many major gameplay changes, Knights In Tight Spaces now positions the franchise in the upper echelons of deck-builders
Knights in Tight Spaces feels like a clash of ideas more than a marriage. The more set in stone campaign style runs at odds with the repetition of a roguelite, resulting in the repetition of the core loop becoming trite faster than you would want. The economy of individual runs feels punishing, even on the normal difficulty, and the need to not only deal damage but avoid it too makes having multiple characters on the board slow down the pace of fights, which aren't quick to start. The strategy involved in getting through each fight is deep and rewarding to engage with, but so many aspects of Knights in Tight Spaces feel designed to prevent you from engaging with that strategy on a deeper level.