Crimsonland Reviews

Crimsonland is ranked in the 19th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Top Critic
7.5 / 10.0
Jul 17, 2014

Crimsonland's shooting is repetitive, yet addictive, especially when you're keeping an eye on the online leaderboards.

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Nov 2, 2015

Simple and proud, 10tons' retro shooter offers large-scale murderisation for you and some friends - just don't expect much of a looker when the bloodlust wears off.

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7 / 10.0
Jul 31, 2014

With fun gameplay, interesting combat tactics, and cool weapons, Crimsonland almost elevates itself above its exceptionally boring presentation

6 / 10
Nov 29, 2017

Progressing the twin stick shooter genre is no easy task, and Crimsonland makes a mechanically valiant if visually lethargic attempt. There are the foundations of a great game here - the moment to moment gameplay is a basic yet guilty pleasure of relentless, gratuitous violence, and the perk system and weapons within a level are consistently and immensely rewarding to use. While the action is ludicrous, fun, dumb and obnoxiously brash, the game is let down by its bland presentation, repetitive and uninspired quest mode and non-existent level design. It hides what is, at its core, an addictive and sadistically entertaining experience. It will make you realise how awesome it would be to have something like Dead Nation or even DOOM on the system. Oh, wait...

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5.5 / 10.0
Jul 15, 2014

Crimsonland isn't a game that's out to change the world — it's a simple shooter that gets the job done and does it well. With the exception of there being no online co-op, I don't have any major complaints about this game. If you're into super violent twin stick shooters then this is a game you should try out.

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Top Critic
3 / 10
Aug 19, 2014

In its current state the game should have been a £1.99 PlayStation Mobile title, not a £7.99 PlayStation 4 game. The title is coming to PS Vita this week and will be cross-buy but not cross save, and is certainly more suited to short bursts of gaming on a bus.

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7.5 / 10.0
Mar 5, 2015

If you like retro shooters and relax by blowing stuff up, Crimsonland is an easy way to spend a few afternoons as long as you don't expect anything groundbreaking. Some of you may want to stay away unless you have constant access to couch co-op, as it can overstay its welcome after every mission is said and done.

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6.5 / 10.0
Jul 20, 2014

Crimsonland is a fun game to sit down with two or more players while trying to compete for a spot on the leaderboards, but it ultimately feels more like a distraction itself, than a twin-stick murderfest without distractions. Even destroying hoards of spiders, zombies, lizard people, and aliens can get a little bit old when there's not much more to the fight than cookie-cutter enemies,  random weapon spawns, and a blood spattered field. Perhaps this will all be better suited when it releases on the Vita.

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Jun 14, 2014
► WTF Is... - Crimsonland ? video thumbnail
Oct 14, 2015

Crimsonland is what people who don't play video games think video games are. It's full of combat that is bloody, violent, and lacking any motive or reason. You can't really call it mindless, though, because it does take a lot of strategy to get through the more difficult levels. Before games tried taking on Hollywood like they do now, there were many more titles like Crimsonland, games that exist simply as games, and there's nothing wrong with that if that's what appeals to you. The mechanics and gameplay hold up over time, it's very challenging, and the couch co-op and survival modes give it longevity. Just understand that Crimsonland often feels more at home on the first Xbox rather than the Xbox One.

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65 / 100
Dec 5, 2017

As you progress, more weapons and gameplay perks are unlocked which add a level of variety and unpredictability to Crimsonland that I appreciated

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6.5 / 10.0
Jul 23, 2014

Crimsonland's antiquated, cookie-cutter gameplay doesn't break new ground at all, but beneath the copious amounts of blood saturating the screen, you'll find that there's still some fun to be had in this mindless mutant massacre fest.

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6 / 10
Jul 14, 2014

Crimsonland is exactly one video game: a perfectly competent twin-stick shooter, and nothing else. Unfortunately, the title's quests feel a bit half-baked, and the whole thing could do with a facelift. However, with an addictive survival mode, a proliferation of interesting perks, and a host of guns to collect, those in the market for some mindless action are likely to find a lot to like here.

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Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Oct 23, 2015

Crimsonland is now up there with Super Stardust HD as one of my favourite twin-stick shooters. It may not blow you away with the visuals, but looks certainly don't matter when it's packing this much content. Added to the fact that the Xbox One version includes new content, this is a must buy for fans of the genre and for those looking for a fun co-op experience.

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4.9 / 10.0
Aug 4, 2014

Based on the 2003 game of the same name, Crimsonland is a fun four-player dual-stick shooter with 60 levels and a nice variety of baddies. Unfortunately, it's also insanely dull. The levels rarely change and the weapon drops can lead to a lot of frustrating deaths. The few good ideas are overshadowed by too many questionable design decisions to count.

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6 / 10
Dec 6, 2017

Crimsonland is plentiful in action, weapons and all sorts of bonuses and additional elements that will keep its players amused, especially if there are four of them. What it does less well is its level design, which feels repetitive and it lacks something innovative that would let it stand out.

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7 / 10.0
Jan 9, 2018

Crimsonland has always been a book that you can judge by its cover: A loud and silly twin-stick shooter that throws buckets of enemies at you as you fend them off. Not the most complex game ever devised, it's still a firm slice of action that's perfect for killing aliens and time.

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Oct 14, 2015

Contrary to its looks, Crimsonland still delivers frenetic fights that are impossible to reproduce in web browsers. But bigger and more beautiful twin-stick shooters rose to fame during the game's decade-long slumber, leaving 10tons playing catch-up.

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6.3 / 10.0
Jul 23, 2014

Crimsonland delivers an adequate shoot-em-up performance for the PS4, with plenty of modes to choose from and a fun blastathon for you and your friends. However, it lacks in presentation and diversity, two areas that needed more depth in order for the game to stand out on the console. It's decent, but forgettable.

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7 / 10.0
Jul 16, 2014

Plenty of fun for a while with lots of variety and gore. Excellent for couch co-op, but ultimately a rather forgettable experience.

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