Bound by Flame Reviews

Bound by Flame is ranked in the 10th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
65 / 100
May 9, 2014

Ultimately Spider's follow up to Mars: War Logs is a far better effort than its predecessor. You can't help but appreciate the effort put forth, as well as the fantastic concepts and new approach to storytelling. Bound by Flame provides engaging mechanics and choices that actually matter, if you can stomach the horrible voice work.

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May 8, 2014

Bound By Flame would be an immensely likable game, were it not for just how slipshod it ultimately feels. Its individual components are well crafted, but when brought together, the result is something that just isn't quite right.

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6 / 10
May 9, 2014

A solid RPG experience offering everything you'd expect - but not enough surprises. Many enjoyable features but feels like playing part one of a two parter.

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6 / 10
May 9, 2014

If you've been burning with anticipation for a fantasy RPG on Sony's newest console, Bound by Flame may be worth a look – but be sure to keep your expectations lukewarm. Much like its lead character, the release is a conflicted creation that's eager to prove its worth, but fails to set its ambitions alight. Not quite a product forged in the fires of Hell, Spiders' latest isn't a bad game, but it's never going to be much more than a flicker of light in a dark age of absent RPGs.

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7.5 / 10.0
May 13, 2014

Right off the gate, Bound by Flame features a combat and leveling system that shines among the competition, and the crafting side to the game gives RPG fans more than enough to keep them playing. The narrative sees a drop in overall quality, but it's enough to see exactly what developer Spiders has given gamers with its gameplay elements. The future is bright for Bound by Flame.

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7 / 10.0
Jun 10, 2014

Bound By Flame was almost made to be divisive. If you love gameplay above all else, then this will be an enjoyable experience for you. But if you're more of a story-driven gamer, then it would be wise to steer clear of this particular title.

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Ken McKown
Top Critic
6.5 / 10.0
May 22, 2014

Bound by Flame is a great, terrible game. Something about it kept me wanting to push through its problems to find the enjoyment buried within. I can't explain why a game that does so much wrong entertained me so much. I couldn't stop playing it despite its issues. There is just something endearing about this game.

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May 13, 2014

The game appears to be a product of magical thinking, as if throwing together watered-down tropes from games like The Witcher might somehow yield a finished product.

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6.5 / 10.0
May 14, 2014

Bound By Flame strives to live up to its forefathers, and while it doesn't exactly fail, it does make some serious mistakes that drag the experience down.

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4.5 / 10.0
May 14, 2014

Admire Spiders for their ambition, but as with its prior efforts this is again a case of reaching too far and spreading too thin. The result is a game that feels incomplete despite its comparatively short length for the genre.

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May 9, 2014

Bound by Flame looks like a budget RPG contender, and there are some nice ideas in the combat system and the Bioware-like treatment of the side-characters. Sadly, there's just too much about it that's generic, unpolished, badly animated, poorly implemented or uninspired. If you must have a fantasy RPG to play on PS4 then this might do, but there will be better around the corner, and this really isn't an easy game to love.

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4.5 / 10.0
May 9, 2014

Bound By Flame sounded promising every time we saw it... but so do most games. What we ended up with instead is an RPG trying to be as great as its inspiration but never coming close. Poor combat, poor story, and poor acting, all serve to make this "epic tale" one you'll want to skip. Do not buy.

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5.3 / 10.0
May 9, 2014

If you're desperate for a game in this genre, then find a way to play Dark Souls II.

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Ray Carsillo
Top Critic
5.5 / 10.0
May 14, 2014

For every great thing Bound by Flame does, it messes up critical gameplay components like the combat. There's this sense that the game can't get out of its own way, and only die-hard high-fantasy fans that aren't afraid of getting torched by a budget title should check this one out.

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2 / 5.0
May 12, 2014

Bound by Flame is a generic Western RPG that is steeped in good intentions but plagued by poor execution. It gives the feeling that whatever budget the developer had was spent on the game's abstracts instead of the tangible mechanics that are necessary to make it playable.

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May 12, 2014

Bound by Flame is a rough and dated-feeling role-playing game, but those who can look past its flaws will find a relatively enjoyable experience.

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Top Critic
May 14, 2014

Even with the lack of depth, the game is still fun based on its difficulty and the fighting system.

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4 / 10
May 12, 2014

With its awful characters, inconsistent voice acting and combat hampered by problematic enemies, what little there is to enjoy is whittled away. It's something to be tasted when absolutely starved for RPGs and could provide enough sword and sorcery shenanigans to tide one over until something more appetizing comes along, but it's unlikely to prove fulfilling.

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6 / 10
Jun 4, 2014

In the end, I wish there was more to Bound by Flame. I adored the crafting system and have come around on the combat system once I mastering the act of parrying, but I still wish there was more. Spiders has turned down the swearing in the game (compared to Mars: War Logs), but Vulcan has his/her outbursts for no good reason. The game is dialogue heavy, and provides a ton of backstory on the towns, the people and the quests in the game; just don't look at the characters while they speak.

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RPG Site
Top Critic
5 / 10
May 10, 2014

A cold experience

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