Ghostbusters Reviews

Ghostbusters is ranked in the 1st percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Jul 20, 2016

Ghostbusters offers a top-down co-op shooter with light RPG elements that fails to capitalize on the magic and humor of the supernatural franchise.

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T.J. Hafer
Top Critic
4.4 / 10.0
Jul 15, 2016

This is the sort of game that great uncles and grandmas are going to buy for the young people in their lives because they heard Ghostbusters was popular, or that littler kids will point out in the mall just after seeing the movie. But no informed gamer should fall for the siren song of that catchy main theme. It’s not actively painful to play if you happen to be at your eight-year-old cousin’s house and need a co-op game for six to eight hours that’s not going to require much skill. But you could do so much better. I can’t imagine ever wanting to drop a full 50 dollars on it, especially considering there are plenty of games out there that are equally fun to play for kids and adults.

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No Recommendation / Blank
Jul 15, 2016

Have no fear of this ruining your childhood; it barely tries hard enough to ruin your afternoon.

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4 / 10.0
Jul 15, 2016

A repetitive experience that somehow makes hunting down ghoulish spirits dull

3 / 10
Jul 14, 2016

Ghostbusters fulfills your worst expectations of licensed games.

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2 / 10.0
Jul 12, 2016

Ghostbusters (2016) is a cynical bit of licensed drivel

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1.5 / 5.0
Jul 17, 2016

Much of this review has been spent pointing out Ghostbusters’ flaws and issues.

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4.5 / 10.0
Jul 18, 2016

Nothing redeems Ghostbusters from coming across as an overly priced tie-in to the movie’s release in theaters. If you thought bad licensed games were a thing of the past, you thought wrong. Though the game is only bad in the sense of how boring it is to play, if commits the worst gaming sin of being mediocre. It’s not good enough that you enjoy playing it, and it’s not bad enough that you can enjoy its awfulness. Instead its smack in the middle and totally passable because of it.

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Metro GameCentral
Top Critic
2 / 10
Jul 19, 2016

Whatever controversy there might be about the movie, there can be little argument that this spiritless cash-in is one of the worst video games of 2016.

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2 / 10.0
Jul 25, 2016

Those two ideas that come with gigantic BUTs attached to them are the kindest things I can muster about Ghostbusters. The rest is a vapid, hackneyed slog that feels incredibly long despite being rather short. Ghostbusters does the bare minimum required, and it's apparent that this is a project that nobody cared about. It's ironic that a game so entrenched in specters and spooks is so completely lacking in spirit.

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Top Critic
4 / 10
Jul 18, 2016

The one saving grace is that Ghostbusters is dull rather than boring. Played in short bursts, a level or two at a time, it’s still rather fun, even more so when you have some friends in tow. Parents with young children who fancy a break from endless LEGO titles may also consider a look at Ghostsbusters, but for everyone else, I recommended you hunt down the far superior Ghostbusters: The Video Game from 2009.

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3 / 10.0
Jul 15, 2016

Even as someone who doesn’t have a deep affinity for Ghostbusters, I can’t help but feel that the license deserves a better game than this. It captures none of the camaraderie or the imagination that’s seen in the films. There’s no personality here, and gamers are left with a $50 twin stick shooter that doesn’t have a single interesting idea in it. Play Furi, Nuclear Throne, or Enter the Gungeon instead. There’s absolutely nothing here worth your time, especially if you “ain’t afraid of no ghosts.”

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1 / 10
Jul 22, 2016
Ghostbusters (2016) Game Angry Review video thumbnail
Justin Celani
Top Critic
2 / 10.0
Jul 18, 2016

Simply put, this is a cash in the likes of which I’ve hardly seen. I usually find some redeeming qualities in a movie tie in, even if it’s lacking. Here I’m not seeing much of any redeeming qualities, at all. There was one check mark that Activision most likely needed to ensure when creating this game and that was keeping the franchise license from expiring.

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28 / 100
Jul 18, 2016

Ghostbusters incorporates a local co-op mode where you can play with a friend which would be a nice addition if the game was any fun.

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2 / 10
Jul 17, 2016

Roger Ebert once famously opined that video games are not art, and Ghostbusters is Exhibit A for his case. This is not art. It barely qualifies as a game. Sure, it's not broken like some games are. It's functional. It works. But there's no risk, no ambition, and not a trace of anything resembling the personality of the Ghostbusters movies or cartoons. This is a game that seems like it was made with the specific purpose of tricking parents who don't know any better into buying it for their kids.Who ya gonna call? The Samaritans, probably.

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Jul 15, 2016

There's precious little sign of excitement, imagination or progression, the weapons are weedy and the storytelling poor. Given that there are plenty of other twin-stick shooters with better gameplay and graphics out there, you'd be mad to buy it were it a fiver. At [its launch price], however? That's the biggest joke of all.

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4 / 10.0
Jul 21, 2016

Ghosbusters is the perfect recipe for boredom. There is nothing wrong in its basic mechanics, but the pace is soporific, the level design is too linear, and the situations are the same over the entire course of the story. It is, in the end, a gaming monster to flee from, no matter what.

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Top Critic
3 / 10.0
Jul 18, 2016

Ghostbusters is the product of a greedy publisher and a lazy developer trying to cash in on the hype of both a recent film and an established franchise. If you care at all about maintaining the integrity of the Ghostbusters IP, stay well clear of this game at all costs.

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1 / 5.0
Jul 18, 2016

Did we mention that the game feels the need to constantly throw out winks and nods to the films? You can almost hear the game try to reverse engineer the script so it can get out another “there’s something strange in the neighborhood” line . It’s pandering in the lowest form and clearly fails to understand anything that made the original film a classic.

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