LocoRoco Remastered Reviews
There are few rhythm games that are as joyful or as fun as this. If you need a happy place, this should most definitely be it.
LocoRoco It's the kind of game that will automatically make you happy while you play it.
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With heavy hitters like Horizon, Nioh, Yakuza 0, and Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, there's no shortage of fantastic exclusives on PlayStation 4 this year. That said, Sony continues to galvanise this lineup with a stalwart range of remasters. As with PaRappa, LocoRoco hasn't been idly slapped together – there's a thoughtfulness and diligence there, preserving the original look and feel of the game in a way modern audiences can now appreciate.
This game still is a very funny and entertaining installment where music and graphics are a true beauty, even thoguh its remastered version is not as good as it could be.
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Despite being more than 10 years old, LocoRoco is still a beautiful and entartaining game, thanks to a deep gameplay, a brilliant level design and a relaxed atmosphere. The remastered is not that perfect (low-res cutscenes, a new – luckily, optional – motion-control system that is not so accurate), but fortunately LocoRoco aged very well.
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Despite certain control limitations and its short duration, this game retains all its charm and joyful spirit. It looks great in 4K, by the way.
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I'm glad LocoRoco is back, even if it isn't as perfect as I remember it being when it first released 11 years ago. This remaster adds tilt controls, 4K/HD graphics, rumble, and surround sound, all for a reasonable price. If you've never played LocoRoco and you love cute games, now is the time. Those looking for a challenging game that will last them till the next big AAA release will want to look elsewhere.
An imaginative and perfectly presented platform puzzler that works just as well on a home console as it did on PSP.
Ten years after its original release, LocoRoco is still an undeniably fun experience which has aged incredibly well, owing to its simple yet beautiful aesthetic as well as its unique and straightforward gameplay. While the remaster doesn't add much in terms of content, fans of the original might enjoy replaying one of the PSP's most delightful exclusives at a higher resolution and with the new motion controls. And those who weren't able to play it on the PSP will definitely enjoy the endearing yet brief experience of LocoRoco in its best form yet.
Though it perhaps worked best on the PSP, with alternative control methods and 4K graphics, it's a welcome addition to the PS4 library and I can only hope that more PSP classics receive similar treatment.
Eleven years have passed, but LocoRoco is still wonderful to look and enjoyable to play. The level design is top-notch, and the art direction is truly beautiful. It could've been a perfect game, were it for some minor flaws in the control system.
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Other than the poor quality of the cutscenes, LocoRoco is filled with oodles of charm, a soundtrack that delights, and the most adorable characters in any game ever. There's no escaping the happiness you feel when playing LocoRoco.
What we're left with is a decent port of PlayStation's happiest game. If you can forgive the occasional audio bug and a teensy bit of slowdown, you'll have a wonderful time with LocoRoco Remastered. Fans will no doubt pick this up regardless, but newcomers should expect a kaleidoscopic, sing-songy platformer with simple, tactile controls, a catchy soundtrack, and a decent variety of stages to roll through. It's well worth the price of entry, and a pleasant reminder that not all games need to make you feel empowered or make you think. Sometimes, it's enough simply to make you smile.
LocoRoco is an important piece of identity for PlayStation consoles, and this well executed remastered is an excellent opportunity to all who never played the original game on the PSP. More than ten years later, LocoRoco feels fresh with this remastered.
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LocoRoco Remastered reminds us how unique and fun the game was back in 2006. Its trigger-based gameplay gives a new taste to the plateformer genre, and the level design never ceases to renew itself. Unfortunately, this reissue do not offers any new content when there was so many things to think of.
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Over a decade later, and LocoRoco remains one of the bubbliest, most charming games I've encountered. Uniquely beautiful, LocoRoco's aged well too, and is still a delight to play.
With its smooth and bright visuals, catchy soundtrack and easy gameplay, LocoRoco Remastered is a great way to unwind and play something a little less serious. Not much has changed in eleven years since its initial release, but that goes to show how simple and solid a game it was at the time of release. Prepare to get stuck with earworms over the soundtrack though!
In contrast to PaRappa, LocoRoco is a good remaster. The game has aged very well in the past decade. LocoRoco is still adorable, overjoyed and it looks exceptionally good on the PS4. Only not so good thing are poor quality cutscenes.
Review in Polish |
LocoRoco Remastered was a masterpiece in the platform genre, and it is again today. The gameplay and the level design didn't aged at all, and now LocoRoco is even more good looking on TV in the glory of 4K resolution (for PS4 Pro users).
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LocoRoco can be confusing, wearisome and infuriating at times, but it's still impossible to stay mad at it for long. It's a happy game without gratuitous conflict or drama, and its sheer optimism alone prevents its shortcomings from ruining the grand vision. It's a game which just works, and without a doubt, the PS4 remaster is the best way to experience it.