The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit Reviews
The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit are simply awesome. Fans of the series know exactly what to expect while newcomers are welcomed into this world of tragedy and whimsy. It's free and fun, what more do you want?
Despite some narrative clichés, the little prequel of Life is Strange 2 proves to be very effective in intensity and emotion.
Review in Italian | Read full review
Captain Spirit is an absolute must experience for those who enjoy a heart-filled narrative.
The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit thoughtfully examines a troubled childhood through the eyes of the 10-year-old living it. This non-linear episode encourages you to explore, refraining from beating you over the head with its difficult subject matter. It's building into something, and it's hard to determine exactly what that is with DONTNOD being so coy about its plans for the sequel. You need to really dig into this to get anything out of it, and while we found the backstories of the small cast to be well thought out, it's hard to know what purpose they will serve yet.
We didn't find any hints about new strong LiS 2 female characters in The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit. Of course, it's unlikely that Chris will be the protagonist of the story, but if Life Is Strange 2 is too fixated on family problems, and the plot moves toward the team of superhero children with minimal interactivity, then LiS 2 definitely is not the game that we were waiting for.
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After Dontnod's ambitious but deeply flawed Vampyr, it's great to see them return to form with Captain Spirit. E3 is a whizbang explosion of PR hype for huge titles sporting adrenaline-pumping action. In the midst of all that, it was easy to miss Captain Spirit's heartfelt trailer about childhood wonder. But this free title is a must play.
The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit isn't a long game, and you'll probably take up to three hours at most if you really want to complete everything. The story, despite being on the short side, was warm and heartbreaking at the same time, and it all comes to a head when an epic ending reveal sets up what could be an impressive and unexpected springboard for the story in Life Is Strange 2.
Whether you continue the story in Life is Strange 2 or not, The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit can, and will, give you an emotional trip down memory lane. It works perfectly as a stand-alone product, but there's no doubt that it's leading into something even better. We don't know exactly where its sequel is headed, but the clues paint a picture I can't wait to see.
Simple and almost trivial at first sight, The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit let the player be amazed by being so much accurate. Life is Strange 2 introduction chapter gives us a glimpse of one little boy's boring Saturday morning being transformed into a space odyssey thanks to the power of imagination. Neither surprising nor challening, the game will still easily deserves another playthrough for those whom want to witness every situation it has to offer. Too bad Captain Spirit lacks delicacy in so many ways...
Review in French | Read full review
An endearing vignette in the Life is Strange universe that shows what the series is like when it's at its best.
The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit is a short and sweet jaunt through a young boy's imagination. With simple gameplay but a wide array of puzzles and pieces to discover, you can easily get lost in this game.
Captain Spirit's use of a child's imagination to contextualize a dark, poignant story sets up a strong foundation to build Life is Strange 2 upon.
The only problem with Dontnod being so good at what they do is that, sometimes, they're a little too good.
The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit doesn't require from you knowing Life is Strange, so it's a good starting point to this universe. Chris' likeability should hype you enough for the sequel.
Review in Polish |
The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit is an impressive accomplishment, which is made even more impressive when you consider the fact that it does everything that it does in the space of just a couple of hours. On top of that, the fact that it's completely free makes it a ridiculously easy game to recommend.
I'm not about to ruin how Captain Spirit feeds into Life is Strange 2, but let's just say this: it's apparent, by the end of this experience, what to expect from Dontnod's next title. I reckon you won't be disappointed.
The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit sees Dontnod return to what they do best with a charming, quirky and, at times, hard on the soul adventure. I wouldn't exactly go so far as to call it 'awesome', it's more of an okay adventure set within an engrossing world that continues to go from strength to strength. As someone who values a game's plot, I was able to forgive some of Captain Spirit's inadequacies while I expect others might not be as magnanimous. I can say that the episode itself and its uplifting cliffhanger have left me wanting more of the indomitable Chris and his Captain Spirit.
Want to feel like you're in an Indie movie, perhaps a short film by Zack Braff? The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit should scratch that itch.
This standalone entry into Dontnod’s excellent Life is Strange series packs a serious emotional punch, looks fantastic and more than justifies its price tag of absolutely nothing