Stranger Things 3: The Game Reviews
Retro charm can't hide dull design in a game that, almost impossibly, has no clear audience.
A true licensed tie-in game, Stranger Things 3: The Game is most fun when you let fandom lead the way but can fall flat on its own. [Warning: This review contains spoilers for Netflix's Stranger Things, Season 3]
The video game adaptation of the popular show emulates the '80s aesthetic well, but the action is boring and the missions rarely push you to do more than move from point A to point B
Stranger Things 3: The Game isn't going to set any gold standards for video game tie-ins, but it does a fine job of capturing all the elements that have made the TV show such a phenomenon. Exploring Hawkins and interacting with the wider cast is really going to appeal to fans of the franchise, but the repetitive quest designs and unremarkable combat can make it a bit of a slog if you've yet to catch the Stranger Things bug. Still, thanks to its appealing visuals, accessible gameplay and atmospheric synthwave soundtrack, there are arguably many worse ways to spend your summer.
I'm conflicted. Cooperative titles like this are hard to find nowadays, especially with drop-in, drop-out co-op. There's no denying it's fun exploring with a friend and the game contains some genuinely clever challenges, especially during the boss fights. There's the seed of a great game here, and I'd genuinely like to see more like it. I really hope BonusXP gets the chance to use this engine to make something else: It's pretty good for a licenced product, but ultimately, that's all it is.
Why a show set in the 80s has a video game tie-in that recalls the worst of 90s licensed games is a mystery, but this has absolutely none of the charm, wit, or excitement of the TV show.
BonusXP has taken the hit Netflix series and crafted a fun, yet at times frustrating, pixelated adventure game. Some of the boss battles can really try your patience, and limits on recovery items (medkits and Coke) certainly don’t help matters as you push toward the final episode. On the flip side, there are all kinds of hidden areas to return to and explore further; even if I haven’t seen a percentage log, there’s just something about knowing you’ve 100% cleared a game.
The fan service on display here might be enough to sell enthusiasts of the show, however, it’s tough to recommend this for anyone who hasn’t seen it.
A game based on Stranger Things seems like a winning combination, but this effort based on the recent season three leaves a lot to be desired. Most of what makes the show so good is missing here, and the gameplay and presentation are terribly flat. Retelling the latest season, sometimes word for word, also alienates the game from both people who've seen the show and people who haven't. Our advice to you is to watch the source material and leave it there; the game isn't going to turn your world upside down.
Stranger Things 3: The Game proved to be a much more mature and complex title than what could have been expected.
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Stranger Things 3: The Game is a decent throw-back to older titles and a strong tie-in to the current third season to the show.
Stranger Things 3: The Game is not a groundbreaking effort by any stretch, however it does great justice to one of the best TV shows of the past decade and throws a surprisingly sizeable and robust retro action puzzler into the bargain, and sometimes, that'll all you need.
Stranger Things 3: The Game can get the job done when it comes to recreating the environment of the very popular Netflix series, which by itself makes the game attractive to fans of Stranger Things, but the story is different when it comes to providing an interesting and involving gameplay, as its RPG elements feel superficial and the combat is far from enjoyable.
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Stranger Things 3: The Game remains a generally negligible product, to be played maybe sometime, when the memory of the third season will be weakened and the price will be less exorbitant.
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Stranger things 3: the game is the proper last season of the show adapted to a videogame. A pixel-art projection of everything that the atmosphere created by Netflix manages to evoque.
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Stranger Things 3: The Game is a great adaption of the series that maintains the mystery of the series but unfortunately misses a lot of potential the unique setting provides
Overall, Stranger Things 3: The Game is a nice addition to the Nintendo Switch library of games, and fills the void of good, inexpensive beat- 'em-up games that were previously missing on the platform. That being said, the game was designed with hardcore fans of the series in-mind, which will differentiate it's value to some. As mentioned previously, it does emphasize a lot of fanfare, but its beat-'em-up combat is some of the best on the Switch, making it a must-own for any beat-'em-up fan.
Stranger Things 3 has taken over the pop culture world like it always does when a new season hits Netflix. If you've binged it already and need more, the console game is a fun adaptation worth any fan's time.
Stranger Things 3: The Game is a throwback to a time when the only audience the game is suited for are non-discerning fans of the series. Even then, there's not much here unless they're completely fine reliving the events of the season in a loose way. The gameplay is serviceable, but there's not much here to draw in people who just want a solid title or something to enhance their experience of the show. It isn't that bad if you can get it for cheap, but it isn't something to actively seek out, either.
Stranger Things 3 is able to revive the memories of old games and create a relatively good experience with well-done level design and clever puzzles. But unfortunately, it have also failed to create a balance in the gameplay and created many highs & lows because of camera angle issues,control issues and a high amount of bugs
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