Prodeus Reviews

Prodeus is ranked in the 86th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Top Critic
Oct 6, 2022

Bounding Box delivers an anachronistic high-wire act, and the perhaps the best shooter outright since Doom Eternal.

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8.3 / 10.0
Sep 30, 2022

Almost two years in early access were apparently enough to rough out the edges and Prodeus 1.0 is an intense, fun and satisfying first person shooter.

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8.5 / 10.0
Nov 7, 2022

Prodeus is an unashamedly loud and brash FPS that manages to put a true modern twist on the retro shooter.

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9 / 10
Nov 3, 2022

Prodeus is the kind of game that knows exactly what it wants to do and executes that vision flawlessly. It's not complicated and it's nothing you haven't seen before, but every inch of this experience was clearly crafted with passion and talent. The intense firefights, expansive arsenal, metal music, and sprawling level designs all come together to make Prodeus feel like a game that's just the right mix of retro and modern. If you have ever been a fan of Doom, Quake, Wolfenstein, or any of the indie boomer shooters of the last few years, you owe it to yourself to give Prodeus a shot. Even if you haven't much been into the genre before, we'd say this is an excellent place to jump in and see what it's about. Wherever you stand, we'd give Prodeus a strong recommendation; this is absolutely worth both your time and money.

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8 / 10
Oct 5, 2022

There's no denying that Prodeus is derivative, but that's not necessarily a problem when the end result is this well realised. An absolute blast from start to finish.

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83 / 100
Oct 4, 2022

Prodeus’ ultraviolent combat is fantastic if that’s what you’re in the mood for. But even the most delicious meal can sour in the stomach if there’s simply too much. In short bursts, Prodeus not just stands on the shoulders of giants, it dwarfs them. Over hours, though, the incessant action and jackhammer sound design start to feel a little restrictive and repetitive. Prodeus is a near-perfect homage to late 90s shooters, but you don’t need to be a demon spawn of Doom to enjoy it.

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8.5 / 10.0
Sep 30, 2022

In recent years, the old-school FPS genre has been undergoing a kind of rebirth; and if the results are games like Prodeus, we should be glad it has. Solid gunplay, excellent soundtrack, and graphics that might be old-school, but never feel dated: this is an excellent debut for Bounding Box Games. Granted, it's not flawless and the checkpoint system especially raises some eyebrows, but Produes is definitely a game worth checking out if you're into old-school FPSs. And even if you're not, honestly.

Review in Italian | Read full review

80 / 100
Oct 10, 2022

An amazing tribute to the old FPS, with modern graphics techniques and an awesome-bloody-action

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9.5 / 10.0
Sep 26, 2022

Early Access was kind to Prodeus, as the end result gives us a masterful game with incredible maps, punchy and satisfying gunplay, as well as some kick-ass visuals and sound design.

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9.6 / 10.0
Aug 10, 2018

Prodeus invokes a feeling of classic FPS games that any fan of the genre will enjoy. In a familiar setting, you get to fight back a horde of demonic entities. Simply put, Prodeus is devilishly delightful.

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8 / 10.0
Apr 3, 2023

Prodeus is a classic Doom clone through and through, but that isn't a knock at all. It nails the core mechanics well from the level design to pacing. While the enemies feel like reskinned versions of what you're familiar with, the gameplay loop works thanks to some solid shooting mechanics. Even though it lacks real innovation in the space and the multiplayer is practically dead, the inclusion of a map maker along with a plethora of custom maps almost negates those issues. Overall, shooting fans will like this one, and curious players can use as an entry point into the re-merging boomer shooter genre.

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7.5 / 10.0
Dec 7, 2022

Support for fan-made levels can potentially expand your experience somewhat but the option to create your own is missing from this version. Performance on Switch isn't flawless but it is still very playable and looks great the whole time. While it struggles to find its own identity along the way, and comes off more as an elaborate mod or a fan game than a title of its own, Prodeus does still stand as an solid though unoriginal shooter.

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8.5 / 10.0
Oct 19, 2022

Prodeus is the reincarnation of classic FPS games from the '90s. There isn't much of a story here, but let's be honest, if you are playing this game, it's for the blood and mayhem!

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8 / 10.0
Oct 10, 2022

Prodeus is a great retro shooter that impresses with complex levels, brutality and variable weapons. But it still feels a bit like Early Access, because it is very short and with insufficient variability of enemies.

Review in Slovak | Read full review

84 / 100
Oct 3, 2022

Despite some flaws regarding progress and also enemy variation and AI, Prodeus is an excellent shooter inspired by the first FPS we had. Intense action, outstanding fun and delightful to play are the great qualities seen here.

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70 / 100
Oct 1, 2022

Prodeus is a noble tribute to the original Doom with plenty of action, excellent stylized visuals, and great level design. However, the brief campaign grows repetitive as the mechanics don't evolve beyond the basics, and multiplayer is unfortunately empty.

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9 / 10 stars
Sep 27, 2022

The 2020s resurgence of "boomer shooters" continues with Prodeus, one of the best examples of the subgenre, and one of the best games in it, period.

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Oct 28, 2022

Prodeus is a top-notch old-school first-person shooter that takes what made the classics great and amplifies it with fitting modernizations.

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8.3 / 10.0
Nov 7, 2022

Delivers the old-school looks and thrills of the Doom generation with some smart tweaks but inconsistent level design

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8.5 / 10.0
Jan 17, 2023

That all being said, Prodeus is everything classic shooter fans could ask for. It's gory, it's heavy (and I mean HEAVY) rock and roll, it's pure fun, and all wrapped up in a package with the best old-school aesthetics amplified by the power of modern technology. I don't regret a single minute spent strafing through Bounding Box's alien halls, and if you're looking for a vacation back to the '90s, Prodeus is calling. (It's on Game Pass too!)

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