In Sound Mind Reviews

In Sound Mind is ranked in the 56th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
7.5 / 10.0
Oct 1, 2021
In Sound Mind - Easy Allies Review video thumbnail
6 / 10.0
Sep 27, 2021

Despite some disappointing and frustrating moments, there’s enough compelling stuff that I can still recommend In Sound Mind to fans of adventure-leaning indie horror games. Overall, I dug this team’s ambition, and I was excited to see where it was headed. I just wish the game ran better and streamlined some of its level and puzzle design.

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Steve C
Top Critic
8 / 10
Sep 27, 2021

I enjoyed In Sound Mind far more than I expected to, thanks to the great variety to its puzzles and overall atmosphere. While the final revelations didn't blow me away, they did bring a wry smile to my face. In Sound Mind is one of my favourite indie horror games of the past few years and is highly recommended if you're a fan of the genre.

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7 / 10.0
Sep 27, 2021

Several times, while playing In Sound Mind, I wondered what it would have been if the same game had a higher production caliber. We Create Stuff's work has so much personality and so many beautiful ideas, and offers to the player an intelligent and fun experience. Too bad for the technical shortcomings, which cripple him in terms of fluidity and visual impact, making it a little less pleasant to go through the nightmares that unfold from Dr. Wales's recordings.

Review in Italian | Read full review

Nov 14, 2022

In Sound Mind features plenty of unnecessary and frustrating mechanics, but a complex, entertaining story and the deft application of classic and psychological horror tropes help carry the game.

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6.5 / 10.0
Oct 4, 2021

The overall story is fine but lacks that punch to push it over the top. If it were a movie it would sit comfortably with in the B movie section next to Pooka! and The Babadook-which is damn good company, if you ask me. Depending on just how long it takes you to solve the various puzzles, In Sound Mind takes an average of 12-ish hours from start to finish. Not too shabby if you are looking for a game to run over a single weekend. Could be just the thing you want this Halloween.

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80 / 100
Sep 30, 2021

In Sound Mind is a psychological horror game which borders more on tense than scary, and proves to be a unique look into the minds of struggling individuals. Having each tape/patient provide a different world, with the patient's inner torment essentially lashing out as the level's boss, is a unique twist on the genre. The juxtaposition between the monster trying to hurt you, but also expressing its doubt and fears, all while Desmond attempts to calm it and show that he wants to help, felt surprisingly fresh – and gave me much more reason to continue than a simple good versus evil fight would have. A sense of humor, large levels, and a variety of puzzles make In Sound Mind a game worth picking up for those looking for a new twist in an overdone genre.

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Drew Leachman
Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Oct 29, 2021

I think the biggest standout is the atmosphere. For a game that has nearly cartoony visuals and NO gore at all (this game is rated T) it still hit those tension marks I would expect from a good horror game. I was thoroughly surprised with the entire experience and just in time for the Halloween season. This is one game that I recommend whole-heartedly for anyone looking for a good psychological horror game that focuses more on exploration and puzzles than full on combat. Don’t sleep on this one. It’s pretty great.

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Top Critic
6 / 10
Oct 17, 2021

In Sound Mind is an atmospheric adventure with a decent plot and cool puzzles, that suffers from low budget and some minuscule gameplay issues.

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7.4 / 10.0
Sep 28, 2021

In Sound Mind might lack the scare factor but it is an unsettling experience throughout that will undoubtedly appeal to fans of psychological horrors.

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68 / 100
Sep 28, 2021

All told, In Sound Mind wasn’t the game I was expecting. But I still found myself pushing forward, eager to uncover a little bit more. If you’ve got any appetite for cerebral horror and puzzle solving, In Sound Mind might be just what you’re looking for.

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7 / 10.0
Sep 28, 2021

In Sound Mind attempts dark humor to great effect, but quickly falls back into basic first-person shooter gameplay tropes, leaving its original intentions behind. The game still plays well, and makes for an engaging puzzler and exploration game; it just doesn't maintain its horror vibe for very long.

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7.5 / 10.0
Sep 28, 2021

In Sound Mind is a well-done psychological horror, fun and stimulating from start to finish. It's less scary than expected and could be improved from a technical standpoint, but the mix of gameplay elements knows how to stimulate the player by offering them a new element to use in each level.

Review in Italian | Read full review

9 / 10
Sep 27, 2021

A psychological horror game with a focus on narrative consistency and gameplay variety, In Sound Mind is a great time due to excellent pacing, level design, and pure ingenuity, even if it's not particularly scary.

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Chris Wray
Top Critic
7.5 / 10.0
Sep 27, 2021

In Sound Mind is a surprisingly compelling title, offering an interesting story and strong horror experience. However, some aspects start to outlive their welcome - if only due to annoyance. Tackling a sensitive subject like mental health, In Sound Mind could have really fallen flat if We Create Stuff didn't handle it well, and while it can come across as heavy-handed at times, this is generally well done and worth experiencing.

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8 / 10.0
Sep 27, 2021

‎Of the 5 days I have had to do this analysis, the interest in 'In Sound Mind' grew in each of the sessions I dedicated to it in the same way that the title gained interest. In my penultimate game I did not think that I had almost 4 and a half hours without stopping playing, something that had not happened to me for a long time. I was very involved, in the plot, in the gameplay, in opening the next door, in definitively defeating one of the bosses. It is the result of a good work, of well-applied ideas, which even to an individual back from all the Survival Horror, has known how to surprise. It even allows a couple of moments that bring a smile to your face.‎

Review in Spanish | Read full review

Sep 27, 2021

The true success of In Sound Mind comes from the atmosphere that We Create Stuff has crafted. The puzzles are smart and well-thought-out, the jump scares that the game utilizes don't feel forced or cheesy, and the drastically different style of each tape shines through to create a spooky, complete-feeling game. With creepy sound design, and original music by The Living Tombstone, In Sound Mind is a fantastic single-player horror game.

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7.5 / 10.0
Sep 27, 2021

While some obscure paths and crashing issues hold In Sound Mind back from greatness, the game still has a lot going for it. A fantastic story, great exploration, and some genuine scares make this indie horror worth seaking out.

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Top Critic
7 / 10.0
Oct 19, 2021

In Sound Mind is a psychological thriller that tells a twisted story about corrupted and ill minds, but fails to be coherent and often presents bad design choices.

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6.5 / 10.0
Sep 27, 2021

In Sound Mind is a flawed but fun horror-adventure game. Flawed on the horror but fun on the adventure.

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