Final Fantasy XVI Reviews

Final Fantasy XVI is ranked in the 98th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8.5 / 10.0
Jul 3, 2023

Final Fantasy XVI is a spectacular, exciting and fun journey that you will not want to leave until the end.

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9 / 10
Jul 10, 2023

Final Fantasy XVI is very unique both within the series and in the field of hack'n'slash titles. If you are looking for an RPG that is more focused on the individual aspects of the fight and the story as such, then you will definitely enjoy the game. The story is on par with the best not only in the series, but in the games as a whole, which, with pompous moments, brings an incredibly fresh and unique experience that can satisfy both old fans and complete newcomers. This is a candidate for game of the year.

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8 / 10.0
Jul 4, 2023

Final Fantasy 16 works on many levels, with a fantastic story and addictive combat system that keeps you coming back for me, along with incredible visuals that bring the world of Valisthea to life like no entry in the series before it, and I’m including Midgar from FF7 Remake in that comparison. On the other hand, you also have some of the MMO traits that hold it back from being a true classic, with a lot of pointless side quests and a few underwhelming game systems that feel as if they’re designed to waste time, in a game that doesn’t need its runtime extended.

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10 / 10
Jul 10, 2023

Final Fantasy XVI is a monumental step forward for the franchise. Its grim and grounded narrative boasting some of the franchise’s best characters, music, and voice acting, is only outclassed by the masterful boss battles and addictive action combat system. The latest entry in the Final Fantasy series is one of the best comprehensive offerings Square Enix has released in the last decade and a must-buy title for RPG fans.

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4 / 5
Aug 9, 2023

Final Fantasy XVI admittedly isn’t what I’m accustomed to when it comes to mainline Final Fantasy games, but it’s still strong. Though it can get in its own way from time to time with overly long and interruptive cutscenes, the gameplay, story, and characters ensure this is an overall enjoyable entry to the Final Fantasy series.

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90 / 100
Jul 3, 2023

One of the best new Final Fantasy’s since Final Fantasy X. With gameplay that will be appealing to both old and new players of Final Fantasy, 16 is a step in the right direction for the long-running franchise. With a great story and likable characters, you are instantly drawn in. With exciting action sequences and music to match, this new iteration will not disappoint

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9 / 10.0
Jun 21, 2023

Final Fantasy XVI manages to wash away the foul aftertaste of Final Fantasy XV without any problems. It has become a much better game on all fronts. The story may start slowly and in the beginning does not feel very much like we are used to from the series, but once the brakes are off it does not stop. Many fans will immediately drop out because of the combat, because it should be turn-based. That does not alter the fact that the end product has become very good. I warmly welcome new fans who have become interested in the setting and combat. Don't let yourself be chased away.

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8.5 / 10.0
Aug 7, 2023

Perfection is not of this world, and even Final Fantasy XVI is not without blemishes. They however vanish in front of the excellent narrative, epic world, and technical marvels.

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Aug 4, 2023

At the end of the day, Final Fantasy XVI is an ambitious attempt to iterate on the series’ combat and story formulas, and for the most part is largely successful. Battles are frenetic and fun, with a combo system that feels simple to use but offers plenty of customization through Eikonic abilities. The world is unique and interesting, with varied character motivations and complex political landscapes. While darker than most of its predecessors, XVI‘s themes of acceptance, self-actualization and friendship resonate just as strongly as anything the series has offered thus far, and this is one of the strongest casts in recent memory. There’s a lot to love here, despite some of the game’s shortcomings and rushed ending. If nothing else, it’s given me a lot to think about, and for me, that’s well worth the price of admission.

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9.5 / 10.0
Jun 22, 2023

Whether you’re a newcomer to the series or a Final Fantasy veteran, there is a ton to love with Final Fantasy 16. Its darker tone really helps portray the grim nature of the story and the series’ return to high fantasy. I fell in love with the characters throughout the lengthy journey and am looking forward to jumping back in to test my skills in the game’s more difficult new game+ mode. Magic may be disappearing from Valisthea but its truly returned to the mainline Final Fantasy series.

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8 / 10.0
Jul 28, 2023

Final Fantasy XVI represents a step forward for the franchise in terms of enhancing gameplay elements, but it falls short of being a truly engaging combat experience, with the otherwise fun Eikon ability system being let down by a lack of difficulty. The game thrives as a story-driven experience, with consistently spectacular scenes made more immersive by the outstanding voice acting and fine attention to detail in graphical design. Some players may find themselves wanting more from the sound design, but when the music is on point it truly shines. If rich storytelling, extensive lore, and enticing worldbuilding are your thing, you’re unlikely to be disappointed here.

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8 / 10.0
Jul 28, 2023

An action packed Final Fantasy with incredible set pieces and over the top fight scenes that would make the God of War games blush.

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Jul 3, 2023

Final Fantasy 16 is sure to split fans down the middle as it pushes toward a more mainstream audience, watering down some franchise staples, while removing others entirely. It is, however, a great entry point if you’ve never played the series before and one of the most spectacular-looking games so far this generation, accompanied by an enjoyable core loop that kept me invested for over 80 hours and some of the most memorable characters the series has produced in years. The localization is the best I’ve seen in FF history, with some incredible performances, and its breakdown of world history and character development is sure to be emulated and studied for years to come. Perhaps not the strongest instalment by its own huge expectations, with story that gets tonally confused, grindy quests, and some characters getting sidelined, but it is a remarkable achievement all the same.

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10 / 10
Jul 9, 2023

Final Fantasy 16 successfully offers an engaging story and awe-inspiring encounters, firmly places it as a standout title in the Final Fantasy series.

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4.5 / 5.0
Jun 21, 2023

Final Fantasy XVI is both a tribute to its predecessors and a brave foray into new territories. The mashup of God of War-like combat mechanics, a story reminiscent of Game of Thrones, and a dash of SNES-era Final Fantasy nostalgia is a peculiar blend that ends up a mesmerizing experience.

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8 / 10.0
Jul 11, 2023

Square Enix deserves kudos for not being afraid to make such big changes. That being said, for all of its grand spectacle and bombastic Eikon battles, Final Fantasy XVI turns its back on many of the themes and mechanics that brought it to the table in the first place. Whether this decision was right or wrong is debatable. Fans who have grown up with the series are entitled to feel more than a little disappointed though. Ultimately, much of what many love about this series has been mercilessly swept aside in Square Enix’s attempt to attract a bigger audience.

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10 / 10.0
Jul 19, 2023

Final Fantasy XVI crafts a deep world with plenty to explore, builds a multi-faceted story with characters that kept me playing for hours on end, and blew me away with awe at the visuals at times. Adding a genuinely fun customizable combat system kept the fun going the entire time too. And if you’ve not had enough at the end of the journey, it even adds in a few extras for New Game+. While I do have a lot of nostalgia for the older Final Fantasy titles, I feel this is the best one in the series yet.

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Jul 19, 2023

Final Fantasy XVI, the latest installment in the beloved Final Fantasy series, has arrived and sufficiently blown the community away. Setting a new standard for storytelling, gameplay, and visuals, Final Fantasy XVI is a truly unforgettable experience.

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9.5 / 10.0
Jun 21, 2023

You may not hear a playful theme song when you ride a Chocobo, but the spirit of the series lives on in how Final Fantasy XVI weaves both combat and story to create an exciting experience that is hard to put down.

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9 / 10.0
Jul 18, 2023

Final Fantasy XVI justifies the choice of the creators to turn away from the traditional roots of the series, since the end result is so even that it will hardly fail to seduce even the die-hard supporters of the old structure.

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