CONVERGENCE: A League of Legends Story Reviews

An intricate, playful Metroidvania set in the worst that League of Legends' universe has to offer, Convergence brings its dystopia to life by knitting weighty platforming together with excellent time-winding combat, and is only held back by its slightly cartoonish take on its source material.
But if you go in without the expectations of Arcane, Convergence is a great adventure. Ekko faces off against some great boss fights against champions like Camille, Warwick, and Jinx. These boss fights force you to play differently; Camille uses the high ground and hextech tools to control the battlefield, while Warwick is more of a raw force of nature that is best dodged and controlled. Seeing these champions outside of League is a reminder of the promise of Riot Forge games. As it turns out, many of these characters do best outside the confines of a competitive game. Convergence offers another chance for them to shine in their element.
Convergence: A League of Legends Story successfully blends a cool visual style with fun time-bending action to make for a Metroidvania that's well worth a shot. Though it's on the short side, Convergence uses this to its advantage to craft a thrillingly well-paced adventure which will likely hook you until its end. That said, it's important to underline that this Switch port suffers from some noticeable performance issues, even if the rewind mechanic helps remedy mistakes frame drops might cause. All the same, we still enjoyed our time with Convergence and would recommend it to anyone looking for yet another Metroidvania to add to their collection. The genre may feel overstuffed, but this game is a good example of why there's always room for one more good one.
It may not bring anything truly new to the genre, but Convergence: A League of Legends Story is a great time nonetheless.
I had my doubts about two Riot Forge games coming out in such proximity to one another, but Riot Games is proving to be good at picking great developers to give new and interesting life to its League of Legends universe. Double Stallion didn’t just flesh out another corner of League of Legends lore with Convergence. It also built a metroidvania that I feel would be considered innovative and enjoyable whether it had the League of Legends name on it or not. I wish the enemies had more variety to them, and the time-shifting effects on voiced dialogue are sometimes very silly, but I would dare to say that whether you enjoy LoL or not, you’re in for a treat if you choose to spend time with this game.
I came into Convergence: A League of Legends Story expecting very little; I came out of it wanting to watch Arcane - which I have now watched - and also wanting to play the other games set in the League of Legends universe, including Ruined King: A League of Legends Story, which we reviewed. It doesn't make me want to play League of Legends again, it doesn't have magical powers, but it's done a lot of heavy lifting through some interesting character work and exceptional gameplay.
In the end, Convergence: A League of Legends Story is a game about choosing who you want to be and forging bonds with others. No one can save the world alone. Isolation will only make you lose sight of what you were trying to save. It’s also a game about how awesome time-bending parkour is, and I respect that.
Convergence: A League of Legends Story doesn't just manage to stand on its own two feet as a gripping spin-off to the League of Legends property at large, but so too does it also craft an astoundingly accomplished Metroidvania that stands on its own two feet, tying together innovation and heart in one of the most welcome surprises of the year so far.
Convergence is my favorite League of Legends side story thus far. Double Stallion did a fantastic job of taking a champions kit and realizing it in a totally different genre of game and made each ability shine. Ekko as a character has a sort of an infectious positivity about him and his willingness to aid a hand to help his city and those in need is something that we need more of in the real world. Full of cameos and easter eggs for League fans and having some genuinely fun boss fights against some champions from Runeterra there is a lot to love in Convergence for longtime LoL fans. Its solid gameplay, fantastic graphical style, and excellent metroidvania gameplay makes this game one that even those non-fans of the series will love.
Another League of Legends spin-off, another Action-RPG, but this time dominating the scene in this stylish Metroidvania is a fun mix of platforming and combat involving time manipulation. Well balanced, fun and fast-paced, even if you are not a fan of LOL you will probably love it.
Review in Italian | Read full review
Convergence offers a playful offer supported by a well-made gameplay - net of some roughness - and by a progression system for structured, which over the hours enriches a formula that starts a little with the brake pulled.
Review in Italian | Read full review
Convergence: A League of Legends story is a fun Metroidvania-style game fans of the genre should keep on their radar. Its smart platforming, tough enemies, and unique eye-catching visuals make for a really fun experience that doesn't overstay its welcome. Its lack of backtracking will definitely divide fans of the genre, who either will love the simple "you see everything in your first go" or become upset that there isn't a reason to go back. Convergence does also suffer from performance problems on Nintendo Switch, which, while not game breaking, will make your experience even harder. That said, Convergence: A League of Legends story is quite a fun time and a great way to get into the larger League of Legends universe.
Convergence: A League of Legends Story is an all-around good game that huge League of Legends fans will adore. For those jumping in for the genre, you’ll enjoy yourself, but it ends up settling in the middle of the pack in terms of platforming, exploration, and mechanics, while the art style gets an extra bump up.
With heavy doses of action platforming, a dash of Metroidvania and some striking visuals, Convergence: A League of Legends Story provides a compelling side-story for Ekko.
"Be kind rewind!" is the core experience of CONVERGENCE: A League of Legends Story. Mastering Ekko's time-based combat and platforming skills becomes incredibly rewarding for those wanting a new metroidvania experience. For Ekko mains, CONVERGENCE should be a no-brainer as it faithfully implements Ekko's power in inventive and satisfying fashions. For other League fans as well as those unfamiliar with Riot Games' other titles, CONVERGENCE will offer you memorability, challenge, a thoughtful story, and another blissful audio experience Riot (and Riot Forge) are known for.
A platforming masterclass from developer Double Stallion. Accessible for League fans and newcomers alike that nails it on every level. Put some time on your clock for this adventure.
Younger and older players who grew up on classic platform 2D games will find their way to an atypical game from a well-known universe. The game itself is excellently presented, the action side is definitely entertaining, the sound and music fit perfectly into the animated graphics in the atmospheric city, where you definitely have something to discover.
Review in Slovak | Read full review
Take control of Ekko and roam the streets of Zaun to unravel a mystery about Syntixi in this great metroidvania title! Great combat and platforming make this an easy recommendation.
A good metroidvania with pleasant gameplay. Let there be no fresh ideas in it, but sometimes it is enough to get just a high-quality and exciting game in which you will be happy to spend several evenings.
Review in Russian | Read full review
CONVERGENCE: A League of Legends Story is a title that doesn't try to be too daring either in its platform gameplay or in the story of a character as important in the League of Legends universe as Ekko. It's a game that brings a fun experience for a few hours and may please you a little more if you're a big fan of the franchise. Other than that, it's not memorable either for the genre or for the League of Legends universe.
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