KILL la KILL - IF Reviews

KILL la KILL - IF is ranked in the 30th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Mike Epstein
Top Critic
5.3 / 10.0
Jul 26, 2019

Kill la Kill The Game: IF looks good, but lacks mechanical depth, narrative nuance, or a breadth of content to match.

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7 / 10
Jul 29, 2019

Kill la Kill The Game: IF isn't a balanced fighting game experience, but it delivers plenty of incentive for fans of the anime to play through the single-player content.

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6 / 10
Jul 26, 2019

Unless you're a fan of the anime, Kill La Kill: IF is not the game for you. While the story mode is beautifully presented, it's not as lengthy or engaging as the hours-long experiences offered by other arena fighters. While the potential of an Arc System Works arena fighter sounds promising, this 3D fighting game ends up being a bigger disappointment than many of its contemporaries. The visuals are pristine, the animation is gorgeous, but everything else feels barren. Kill La Kill: IF feels like a budget title – too bad it costs $50.

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8.5 / 10.0
Jul 15, 2019

Kill la Kill The Game: IF managed to exceed my expectations in almost every way delivering a fantastic experience for Kill la Kill fans like myself who have been waiting a long time for a game.

6 / 10.0
Jul 27, 2019

A game that will be appealing just for anime fans due to some gameplay issues and a bad pacing at his storytelling. Having only 10 fighters doesn't helps a lot with that.

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6 / 10.0
Jul 26, 2019

Kill la Kill: IF succeeds in translating its namesake's hyper-kinetic universe, wild action, and extreme characters into a fun experience, but is held back by lackluster side-content and flaws inherent to its own design. It's worth your time if you're already a franchise fan, but those yet to be ensnared by Life-Fibers should wait until this particular couture number moves to the reduced rail.

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7.8 / 10.0
Jul 26, 2019

It's a gift for the fans of the anime – definitively not suited for those who aren't – with a well crafted combat system: simple but deep mechanics that can reward players who can read correctly their opponent, even if their execution level is not top class.

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8 / 10
Jul 26, 2019

This colorful burst of anime goodness may not be flawless, but it's exemplary for the genre, and another of Arc System Works' great efforts.

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79 / 100
Jul 25, 2019

Arc System Works delivers a great combat system and a fun story mode, but 8 fighters and 6 levels are too few, even if you are a big fan of the anime.

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9 / 10
Jul 15, 2019

Kill La Kill -IF- may just be the perfect anime video game. It almost flawlessly manages to embrace the style and energy of the original anime, and translate that into an enthralling arena fighter that is just as much fun solo as it is competitively. The art is incredible, the music is astounding, and the story mode goes above and beyond to deliver a fresh narrative that fans of the anime will eat up. Whether you're a Kill La Kill megafan or just a fighting game enthusiast, this is a must play.

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7.5 / 10.0
Jul 25, 2019

Much like the anime that came before it, Kill la Kill: the Game is weird, wild, and loud, but also a bit shallow. But unlike the anime, the Game doesn’t have the same feeling of scale to it, the same feeling of unrestrained creators working with a healthy budget and top-tier industry names.

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7.3 / 10.0
Aug 6, 2019

Kill la Kill: IF has a lot of potential, unfortunately the contents are lacking, despite a visually stunning combat system.

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Ken McKown
Top Critic
6 / 10.0
Aug 23, 2019

Kill la Kill The Game: IF is a unique title for sure. It lacks depth and breadth but makes up for it in wackiness and style. Fans of the anime will likely enjoy it, but fighting game fans in general will most likely pass this one by. There just isn’t enough here to make it stand out among the crowd. One thing I can say about it though is that nothing is ever likely to be as bonkers as far as fighting games go…oh who am I kidding?

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Top Critic
6 / 10
Aug 3, 2019

A belated attempt to shift the epic fights from the anime to the format of arena fighting game once again failed. Like most similar games, Kill la Kill the Game: IF suffers from the primitiveness of the gameplay and the lack of content. Nice characters and special techniques looks good, and if you do not play normal fighting games, but love the original Kill la Kill, then you can try this game. All the others may pass by or can watch the original anime, which is still relevant. Surprisingly, the project was supervised by the masters of Arc System Works, who have a brilliant adaptation of Dragon Ball...

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6 / 10.0
Jul 31, 2019

Kill la Kill: IF's incredable animations and presentation can't save it from being a repetitive fighter that outstays it's welcome after just a few hours.

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5 / 10
Jul 29, 2019

Kill la Kill - If certainly looks the part, but once you're past the striking art style and eye-popping visuals, it's only a matter of time until the gameplay falls flat. As a bombastic anime fighter it can hold up for at least a few rounds with friends, but beyond that, this is a lacking release, both in terms of mechanical balance and bang for your buck.

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Dave Aubrey
Top Critic
5 / 10.0
Jul 20, 2019

I'm sorry Kill la Kill fans, but IF is not the game you were waiting for.

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7.5 / 10.0
Jul 24, 2019

Due to its pleasant, playful, and technical qualities, it cannot be denied that Kill la Kill-IF has a certain charm

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6 / 10
Aug 21, 2019

Kill La Kill - IF is a pretty descent fighting game, with a good but very simplistic gameplay, a new alternative story well told, but the lack of content is obvious. Fans only.

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7 / 10
Jul 26, 2019

Kill la Kill: IF is a fighting game based on the animation series of the same name and it does a very good job at following its source material, as the game often feels like a playable version of the animation series, down to its plot and charismatic characters. Its simple gameplay mechanics will be quickly assimilated by most players but the experience feels a bit shallow, not to mention short, as the game's main play modes do not go beyond a few hours. That doesn't stand in the way of Kill la Kill: IF being a very recommended option for fans of the series.

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