Decay of Logos Reviews

Decay of Logos is ranked in the 1st percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
By Travis Northup
Top Critic
4.6 / 10.0
Aug 26, 2019

Decay of Logos is an adventure that tests your patience more than your gaming skills.

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4 / 10.0
Sep 5, 2019

Decay of Logos has an interesting story of a quest for revenge with some interesting supporting characters but is massively let down with the various amount of bugs that hampers progress and can cause major amounts of frustration.

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3 / 10
Nov 26, 2019

Decay of Logos is a mess. It looks bad, has some crippling performance issues and is stuffed full of nonsensical and overly-punitive gameplay systems that make every minute you spend with it feel like a slog. The world that Amplify Creations has created here does occasionally feel like it could be an interesting and worthwhile place to explore, but there are just far too many bugs and problems that get in the way of you settling down to enjoy this game in any way whatsoever. Avoid.

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4 / 10.0
Sep 3, 2019

There's still plenty of room for Decay of Logos to mature into a quality experience. However, it's hard to shake the feeling that with these many issues, it had no business being released at this point in time. Through diligent work and keeping a keen ear to the community, these missteps can be overcome. But really, the paying audience shouldn't have to be your QA team. Unless you are fond of the "early access" style of unpolished releases, you should absolutely steer clear of this cataclysmic clusterfuck.

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19 / 100
Jan 18, 2020

Forget this game. Move along, and pretend you never heard of Decay of Logos.

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Top Critic
3 / 10
Oct 27, 2019

If you see Decay of Logos on sales, sprinkle the screen with Holy water and run away quickly. Evil is insidious...

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3 / 10.0
Sep 6, 2019

I can’t recommend that anyone play this game unless they just want to be truly surprised by how bad it is.

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Top Critic
4.5 / 10.0
Sep 13, 2019

This game is the bare minimum of what I considered a playable game. We’re in the “busy season” of game releases. Spend your money elsewhere.

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7 / 10
Aug 22, 2019

Decay of Logos is a game that's an absolute joy to get lost in. It's not going to hold your hand, and it expects you to indulge your curiosity by exploring hidden pathways and seeking out the land's dark secrets. While the combat can be quite tough, it feels much more accessible than games like the Souls series - it won't take too long before you're ducking and dodging like a pro.

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2 / 10.0
Aug 27, 2019

Decay Of Logos is the worst game I have ever played. It is filled with poor design decisions and mechanics that don't challenge the player and instead decide to punish them for no reason at all. The game actively tries to make your experience worse. The list of issues with Decay of Logos is long: a bad and jarring camera, no meaningful connection to the world or characters, framerate issues, pointless mechanics. I could go on. Just save yourself twenty dollars and don't buy this game.

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3 / 10.0
Sep 4, 2019

Decay of Logos has a few good ideas which are completely swamped in the terrible performance, glitches and bad design which make up the rest of the game. Despite trying to distance itself from the label of a Souls-Like it cannot help but draw comparisons to the much better series, a comparison which only throws its flaws into sharp focus.

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Aug 22, 2019

Decay of Logos is a chore to play ninety-nine percent of the time. The exploration comprises the other one percent, but you're constantly shoved into slow, monotonous combat encounters that take you away from the awesome exploration. The dull combat, uninspired bosses, and several questionable design decisions make Decay of Logos a hard game to recommend. It also doesn't help that the game is riddled with bugs and has what could be the dumbest companion I've ever had in a video game.

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4 / 10.0
Aug 28, 2019

In its quest to mimic other successful franchises, Amplify Creations has created the Frankenstein of video games. Decay of Logos is an unbalanced, unresponsive mess with little soul to pick up the slack. There are far too many better alternatives to waste any time with this fundamentally broken adventure.

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Top Critic
3 / 10
Feb 7, 2022

Yes, Decay of Logos is that bad. Underneath a generally good-looking bonnet, lies a pile of half-broken machinery, leaking tubes, and tangled circuitry. This soulslike has a lack of balance, is not very fun to play, and most importantly, is broken. The fact that almost three whole years after its initial release have passed, and the developer still hasn't fixed its many bugs, says a lot about the quality of this bad attempt at a budget Dark Souls.

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Dec 3, 2019

Good intent doesn't cover for a game this poor though. I would love to see the developers learn from this one and come back with something more, because there is a lot to admire about Decay of Logos. Enough so that I don't think I've ever felt quite as deflated having to give a game a score like this.

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3.5 / 10.0
Sep 5, 2019

Decay of Logos embodies the term of 'wasted potential,' as it squanders a genuinely interesting art and sound design with a decent narrative on frustrating game design with filled bugs and stability issues. It's the kind of game you wish would've been worked on a few months more, maybe even a full year, just so it can actually release in a state that's worthy of its asking price. As it stands, Decay of Logos is horribly tedious and downright broken, and only those who can overlook such negatives can find a reason to subject themselves to it.

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Dec 12, 2019

After some additional time in the oven, does this ARPG mash-up provide a fresh enough experience, or will its many challenges cause your patience to decay?

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3 / 10.0
Mar 8, 2021

It’s never enjoyable to read off a list of all of the things wrong with a game. I did my best to keep an open and optimistic mindset during my experience with Decay Of Logos. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find many good things to say and can’t recommend this title. It’s not necessarily a broken game, just very rushed and unfinished. The glitches, slowdown, and mundane collection of motifs that have been done to death don’t add up to anything worth seeking out.

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Sep 13, 2019

When the most critical bugs are eventually squashed (developers have promised a steady stream of patches) and the penalty for dying hopefully toned down a bit (or conversely, more resting points added to the world), Decay of Logos will rise up to its full promise.

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1.5 / 5.0
Sep 4, 2019

Look, with some work Decay of Logos could become a decent action-adventure game, but I don’t foresee any updated fixing its many core design flaws, and that includes the woefully boring and frequently annoying combat. It doesn’t feel good to be so negative towards Decay of Logos considering it’s the work of just four people who have quite clearly put everything into making it. Those are four people who have awesome careers ahead of them. But my allegiance lies with the player, and I can’t recommend Decay of Logos.

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