Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Reviews
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen is a great RPG that can really shine on more powerful hardware. Without any restrictions to the graphical fidelity and frame rate, players can appreciate the game's depth and engaging combat system. Although real multiplayer would've been nice, the pawn system more than makes up for it, and the sheer amount of content and a New Game+ mode makes this an experience to savor. Unless you're burned out by open-world RPGs, Dragon's Dogma is worth checking out.
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen for the PC delivers a compelling RPG experience with great combat mechanics and a varied world to explore. It can be quite tough if you're trying to speed through the main quest, but patient players who complete side quests and gear up their character, as well as their Pawns, will find plenty of things to enjoy in Capcom's RPG.
Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen is just as solid of an entry from Capcom as it was back upon the PS3 and the Xbox 360. With lots of landscapes to explore, character classes to try out, and help to summon, there's no shortage of adventuring to be done, and once you're hooked on simply existing in the world, this is one that will last you for many dozens of hours.
In spite of some odd quirks, and a little bit of age starting to show, 'Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen' still feels incredibly fresh, is tons of fun to play, and is a great addition to the wealth of the PC platform. It can take a little while before things really start to get going, but once they do, it's a compelling game that has a lot to love for both action and RPG fans. If there's ever going to be a 'Dragon's Dogma 2', it could turn out to be something of a masterpiece.
Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen undoubtedly stands out as a compelling adventure with a lot of original ideas in terms of its systems. So, for any hardcore RPG fan, it’s pretty darn close to a must play.
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen has its rough spots, but it dreamed big. It has much better action in it than most others of its kind, and it won't push players into becoming a murder-hobo. This is Hideaki Itsuno's big Dungeons & Dragon's campaign, and he is the DM. Gransys is a sizeable world with a lot to see and do, and that can now be on the go.
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen is out now for Nintendo Switch, Playstation 4, Xbox One and PC. Why not pick up a copy? EU/US
All in all, Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen is fun. The combat is enjoyable, the exploration is entertaining, and the story is amusing in a ridiculous sort of way. It's just a great game. It has flaws, including inconsistent difficulty and repetitive content, but on the Switch, these aren't serious enough issues to drag down the excellent gameplay. It's an aging game that you've probably had the chance to play on another system, but it's still incredibly enjoyable, and the Switch's portability arguably makes it the definitive version. Dragon's Dogma on the Switch is a must-have for fans of action-RPGs.
This is a game that very much stands as having its own identity, leaving us with just one question: When is Capcom going to get around to making the next one?
All in all, Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen is one of the best action-RPG titles out there, even though it's an upgraded port from the prior console generation.
Dark Arisen has some of the most unique systems in modern RPGs, and great combat to go along with it. It’s a great adventure, and if they can improve the loads after the inns it’ll be essential.
Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen has nothing new to offer for those of us who have played the game before. The combat is still fun and all but if we are looking for new content, you won’t find it here. While not much has changed between the Dark Arisen that was released on the PS3 and the Dark Arisen on the PS4, the jump in technology is clearly visible. Frame-rate is more stable and the character models and textures, while dated, have improved. For those of you who only played the initial version, this might be a good time to see what Dark Arisen is all about.
I would love to say that this game is perfect, but sadly it’s not. The story for me is a little dry, until towards the end. However, Dragon's Dogma makes up for it with it’s immersive combat and the ability to fly into battle with your hand selected rag-tag band of merry misfits. Thankfully there are no game breaking bugs, it has a 60fps butter smooth framerate and the combat system deserves a standing ovation.
Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen is a really fun action RPG that can now come with you on the go. It does have a few technical issues but Dragon’s Dogma always has never been a perfect game on any platform when it comes to overall performance. For the asking price and amount of value on offer you won’t find a better party based action rpg on the Nintendo Switch. Fans of high fantasy will have a blast with this release.
There is no other game in this genre with the amount of post-game content that Dragon’s Dogma offers. All in all you are looking at an easy 100+ hours of content if you are new to Dragon’s Dogma, as a complete package this is incredible value for money and easy to recommend to new or returning players.
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One is pretty much the same game as it was five years ago. While it improves on the fluidity when it comes to compare with the original versions, it keeps all of its defects and flaws, without even trying to upgrade the texture or framerate. Grab it if you never played it, but for veterans, that's a pretty pointless pick.
DD:DA HD is a great game made even better by the high res texture packs and tweaks. It is a game that everyone who loves Dark Souls and Action-RPGs needs to play at least once, or twice, or forever. No other game quite presents dragons like this one either!
The combat is fun, and scaling onto larger monsters makes it even more so. I wasn't sure what to think of this game when I started, but I've quite enjoyed my time with it and I would definitely recommend it.
Die technischen Verbesserungen waren im Fall von Dragon’s Dogma nicht zwingend notwendig, bringen aber ein angenehmeres Spielerlebnis durch die Integration der 4K Auflösung und der soliden Framerate. Der Titel hat zwar immer noch einige Schwächen in Sachen Story und Gegner KI, überzeugt aber ansonsten durch packende Boss-Kämpfe und einem sehr gelungenen Gameplay. Falls ihr den Titel bisher ausgelassen habt, können Action-RPG Fans hier ohne Bedenken zugreifen.
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Dragon's Dogma is a rare and special title that, even when removed from its initial launch, continues to enthrall, surprise, and delight.