Bye-Bye Boxboy marks a high point for the series, and has some of my favorite puzzles in the trilogy
Bye-Bye BoxBoy! is being billed as the last of the BoxBoy! trilogy and if this is where things truly end I think that's for the better. Qbby is great and this monochrome world is wonderful, but I feel as though its basic puzzle formula is on the cusp of getting stale. If we do see more of this boxed boy, I hope his next adventure is something more substantial.
A rousing send-off for one of Nintendo’s strangest mascots, and a satisfying conclusion to one of the best puzzle franchises of the last few years.
A great conclusion to this underappreciated puzzle series, Bye-Bye BoxBoy! is a must buy for anyone who enjoyed the previous games. It also serves as a nice jumping on point, giving players tons of new, fun puzzles to work through with some cool new mechanics.
Housing over 180 cubed filled levels to solve at a bargain price ... , it's easy to recommend Bye-Bye Boxboy to anyone who enjoys a good puzzle game.
HAL Laboratory has managed to bring innovative solutions and interesting mechanics into the old concept. Puzzles are still cleverly constructed, but unlike the previous game new mechanics evenly distributed throughout the story, constantly bringing fresh experience.
Review in Russian | Read full review
And that sums it all up. Bye-Bye Boxboy! packs a lot of punch for its size. Its combination of platforming and puzzle-solving is unique, and its simple premise gets complex early in the game. The additional content is anything but slim, and not only adds, but enhances the experience of the game. The developers did a great job of crossing classic platforming with new puzzle-solving to create a new style of game that exercises the mind.
Back to basics with new types of blocks to boot, there couldn't have been a better way to say farewell for BoxBoy!
Review in French | Read full review
If BYE-BYE BOXBOY! is indeed the end of the BOXBOY! series, it's a fitting finale for a trilogy that boasts fun and creative puzzles and plenty of content all over a minimalist presentation. Keeping up with the high standards of its predecessors, this third title has all the reasons to be favoured by the players, adding an excellent value for money on what is being offered.
Review in Portuguese |
Bye-Bye Box Boy! is a fitting farewell to a beloved sleeper hit. Its minimalist charm and some great puzzle mechanics grant a feeling of excitement for which all puzzle games should strive. I would love to see Qbby star on the Switch, but until then, this game marks the end of an amazing series.
Bye-Bye Boxboy! is a succinct, value-packed title. It's the bookend of a great puzzle series and it doesn't try to be more than what it is — an addictive puzzler that's accessible and not overly difficult.
Levels take around two to three minutes to clear, so Bye-Bye is well-suited for portable play.
Don't be fooled by Bye-Bye BoxBoy's unassuming appearance, it consistently provides succinct morsels of puzzle solving goodness that always challenges but never overstays its welcome. If you've overlooked the BoxBoy series until now, saying bye bye to BoxBoy might just be the best way to get acquainted.
We hardly knew ye, BoxBoy. No, seriously, you should have called or something
A beautifully simple puzzle game, punching well above its price point.
If this really is the end of BOXBOY!, then it's an excellent high to go out on. Qbby's puzzling adventures in BYE-BYE BOXBOY! make for just as much of an addictive, brain-tickling masterpiece as they did in 2015. The amount of new material in the game is laudable, and it's all employed successfully: this is a finale worth checking out, be it by newcomers or veterans, alike.
The Boxboy series seemingly came out of nowhere and launched a simple yet challenging puzzle series with an adorable protagonist. Bye-Bye Boxboy gives Qbby a great send-off with some really fun additions to the series despite losing one of the more interesting abilities from the previous installment. With over 20 worlds of puzzles to explore and even more challenge worlds to unlock, Bye-Bye Boxboy will keep even the most seasoned puzzle players busy for quite some time.
Naturally, the game doesn't feel as fresh as the previous two, but the charm is there in spades. Bye-Bye BoxBoy! succeeded in keeping me entertained for over ten hours, which is what I truly want from another BoxBoy! entry. If you want more BoxBoy puzzles, hope this gets localized soon.
It's intended to be the final piece of the BoxBoy! puzzle, and it's going out on the highest note possible.
Overall, this game is a decent swansong to the BOXBOY! series, if it is indeed the end. While its puzzles aren't as revolutionary or unique as the original game, they're still a lot of fun to play through and it's nice to bring the story of Qbby to a close. It's definitely worth a play for puzzle fans, platforming fans and BOXBOY! fans alike.